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About mjreinsma

  • Birthday 10/30/1962

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  • From
    Peoria, Illinois -- USA
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2003 996 TT X-50
    2008 Cayenne
  • Future cars
    Carrera GT
  • Former cars
    1998 C2s -- sold w/1000 miles -- what a mistake

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  1. How long do they need it for and how much use/track time will they put it through to double check their programming? Thanks, Mike
  2. The most difficult part of changing the oil and Oil filter is actually removing all of the underbody panels that allow you to gain access to the Oil Pan Drain Plug and the Engine Oil Filter. I won't go through the details here as if you're tackling the oil change I'm sure you're mechanically competent enough to handle that on your own. The only real trick in changing the oil is handling the filter assembly correctly and making sure you drain the oil pan and not the front transaxle oil. I chose to drain the filter first by removing silver hex-head plug and letting the filter assembly drain. When completely drained, replace that and then remove the entire filter assembly (this saves you the hassles of cleaning up one filter's worth of oil) as you must turn the filter housing sideways to remove it from the compartment. Be sure and replace the O-Ring that comes at the base of the filter housing threads - your new filter should include one. Next, just drain the oil using the proper 18 mm wrench or socket on the Oil Pan Drain Plug....See pictures below.... Let drain completely, add some NEW Mobil 1 oil and then button everything back up as before....If you want to reset your service reminder, you'll need to go to your dealer and ask them to do it or get the Durametric software to do it yourself.
  3. 2008 Cayenne V-6 Oil Change The most difficult part of changing the oil and Oil filter is actually removing all of the underbody panels that allow you to gain access to the Oil Pan Drain Plug and the Engine Oil Filter. I won't go through the details here as if you're tackling the oil change I'm sure you're mechanically competent enough to handle that on your own. The only real trick in changing the oil is handling the filter assembly correctly and making sure you drain the oil pan and not the front transaxle oil. I Author mjreinsma Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Maintenance Submitted 10/03/2008 10:31 PM
  4. Loren: Do you know the Part Number for the 2008 Cayenne Front Wiper Blades? Also, are these the same blades as the 2003-2006? Thanks, Mike
  5. So that Means there are NO Clear Side Markers for Gen 2 Cayennes....Bumperplugs.com has something, but no picture.. Thanks,
  6. Loren: Do you have the 2008 + Clear Side Marker Part Numbers available?
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