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Eddy last won the day on October 13 2021

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About Eddy

  • Birthday 11/28/1960

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    C4S my04

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  1. Hi, You did not mention how many miles you have on the counter. My C4S needed around 1 liter from 0 - 5000 km, later from 5000 to 20000 km, i had to add another half a liter. From 20000 to 40000 ( which is on the counter now ) i added about half a liter. Seems that oil burning decreases after the engine starts to get some miles ... Best regards, Eddy
  2. Yes it can, the diode is the speedo signal only. So, after cutting this diode, you can switch the dashboard switch, on off . ( In fact, i switch my PSE OFF most of the times ... ) PSE is default ON , so switch off whenever you want. Yes, the relay is inside the car. just have a look under the dashboard, you see a little "box" abgassklappen " Pull it out, en open it, you will see the little orange colored diode, going to a pin market " 1 " Best, Eddy
  3. Look here: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2470&hl= Just cut the diode in the "abgassklappen relays". This will prevent the speedo signal reaching the electronics of the PSE only. All other circuits needing the speedo signal ( including PCM ) remain intact, no side effects. Greets, Eddy
  4. TD, Since we only use an "input" signal, you don't have to worry, there is no output on the relay. (towards the speedo signal) The relay on your car will be differenct, the circuit also. ( ending 01 , 02 and today 03) . As long as you cut out the diode going to pin 1 of the relay, your fine. If you want to "undo" the mod, just walk in a radio shack shop, ask for 1N4148 diodes ( probably 10 ct/pcs or less) and solder the diode in place. Best, Eddy
  5. TD, This "hack" has no side effects at all. I have PCMII, no problem, tested, the door also locks when you drive away. Since you only take away the speedometer information to the PSE and nothing else, all the other circuits that need the speedometer info are being kept intact...
  6. And also took a picture of the location of the relay, it is at the top left, you can see "abgasklappen" printed on the relay
  7. Hi Steve, My car has a factory installed PSE option, and also the dual stainless steel exhaust tips. These are two different options. If your car has PSE factory installed, you will see a switch on the dash board, with the figure of an exhaust tip. On a factory installed PSE, the exhaust is standard open, but closes at 40 km/h and opens again at 70 km/h. The above modification deletes this cutout. Standard open, if you switch the exhaust goes quiet. This is a picture of the part that i cut out of the relay. ( pictures is not very good ) Good luck with your new C4S !
  8. Remove PSE cutout in 2 minutes, no tools required This is not the first PSE cutout removal modification, but i am sure this is the easiest one, without any side effects. This is a VERY easy to do modification, no tools required. It took me 2 minutes. Look under the dashboard for the PSE relay. Above the fuse box, you will find the different relays. The PSE relay has a sticker "abgasklappen". It is located on the most top left. Pull out this relay. Open this relay by pushing two small screwdrivers in between the relay connector and the Author Eddy Category Carrera (996) - Mods Submitted 07/24/2004 02:23 AM Updated 03/15/2017 05:24 AM
  9. This is not the first PSE cutout removal modification, but i am sure this is the easiest one, without any side effects. This is a VERY easy to do modification, no tools required. It took me 2 minutes. Look under the dashboard for the PSE relay. Above the fuse box, you will find the different relays. The PSE relay has a sticker "abgasklappen". It is located on the most top left. Pull out this relay. Open this relay by pushing two small screwdrivers in between the relay connector and the cover. The connector will come out together with a small pc board. Now we want to prevent the speedometer signal reaching the µcontroller chip. The information comes trough pin 1 on the connector. ( connector pin's are numbered ). At the PC board side you will see that pin 1 goes to a small (blue) capactor, and a small (orange colored) diode. Cut this small diode. ( i first tried to de-solder the diode, but the board received an epoxy coating, meaning all components are sticked to the board ) If ever you want to "undo" this mod, just solder a diode 1N4148 back in place (cathode or black stripe towards pin 1). Now close the relay, and put it back in the original position. Start your car and give it a try! :lol: Tadaa, cutout is gone !
  10. I got my windshield replaced @ 2000 km. First quotes where 750 Euro, after some phone calls, i got somebody doing the job for 420 Euro installed. The windshield is exact the same ( same manufacturer, same part numbers , PCM antennas inside ) as the orriginal.
  11. My right window does not come up with a "one tough", down is OK . I asked the dealer, he told me this is normal, it is a safety regulation ... ??? . ;) I tried to hold the window up for 10 sec, no result. Has anybody have the same experience ? C4S MY04 Best, Eddy
  12. Ollie, Interesting, did you go back to installing the jumper ? The Nav is very accurate, i just returned from Zurich, when i hit the road at 6PM the nav told me ETA 00:55 . I arrived at 00:00 , ( 750 km ) but could do + 200 km/h on german highways... the nav recalculates each time, and estimated at the end 00:10 . Quite accurate on a 6 hour drive ... . I sure do not want to loose this "feature" .
  13. Loren, I have a problem in locating the Check Valve. In my 04 4S the vacuum reservoir is mounted much more to the front of the car. The vacuum lines to the mufflers run to the back, where they are split to the left and right muffler. One vacuum line which i guess have to go to the check valve, runs behind the engine ( towards the front of the car ) Question, where does each side of the check valve go ? Best, Eddy
  14. My C4S has got standard memory seats. I activated the window tilt down by memorizing the seat position in the car with the (tiptronic) gear in reverse. It works, right mirror tilts down while i have the car in reverse. The dealer where i bought my car, told me to come in when i have 3000 km for a free check-up. I went there this afternoon to make an appointment. If you have a question for them, just let me know and i will ask ... I will be at the dealer on monday.
  15. Will, I had the same problem on one of my previous cars. The problem was a microswitch that senses "window down". The complete process was aborted because the system was thinking the windows where not down ... Eddy
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