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About CarreraLicious

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  • From
    New Jersey
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    07 997S Cabriolet
  • Former cars
    86 944, 01 Boxster

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  1. It’s a 2008, so it should have the larger bearing...is it possible to inspect the IMS without splitting the case?
  2. Anyone know how to remove/replace the third brake light on a cab? Raised the clamshell and looked in there, and can’t see any clips to undo in order to get the light strip out. Someone scratched a part of the light when polishing the car with a buffer wheel and I’ve been wanting to swap it out. Thanks in advance for any insight.
  3. On my 07S Cab, I had only one of the problems you listed- driver window drops about an inch but doesn’t come back up when door is closed. I had my dealer fix it. They replaced the control unit at considerable cost. They had to take the door panel off to replace it.
  4. Thank you. That is not the strap I'm referring to (mine's a bit higher up in the roof rail), but thank you for the video. Good info for if/when my lower elastic strap starts failing.
  5. Ha, no problem. At least I got a response from someone after 160+ views. Lol
  6. Sounds like the power connection to the center console isn't there (eg. window and parking brake switches). When you pull up the parking brake, does the red light indicate that parking brake is up (in the instrument cluster)? If that parking brake isn't seen as activated, your top will not operate. I know you said you checked the fuses, but I would assume the fuse for the parking brake and window switches would be the same, and start there.
  7. Almost 150 views...wow. Don't all answer at once fellas! LOL! Ok, here's a better pic below. Left with the strap still intact. Right with strap missing. Just curious what that strap is for, as I don't see any problems with the top opening and closing without that strap in place. What is that strap for? Anyone?
  8. So I noticed one of the velcro straps in my top broke from the top and is hanging from the metal bar, so I just took it off. Is this strap supposed to help guide the top under the plastic channel when closed or something else, because as you can see in the 2nd pic on the right, the top still closes correctly and tucks nicely under the channel even with the strap off. Just curious what that strap is for and if I really need to sew it back in place. Thanks.
  9. Good luck either way you go. The colored calipers do nicely smarten up the look of the car IMO.
  10. Oh, and btw, we didn't need to remove my calipers to do the job either. Just jack the car up on 4 jackstands, remove wheels and clean the calipers really well first (with the supplied brake cleaner and toothbrush). Then, make a small hole thru a garbage bag and stretch it over the caliper so that only the caliper shows and the rotor and everything else is covered by the garbage bag. This way, you won't get paint on the rotors. Use painters tape to cover any other areas on the caliper that you don't want to paint like the bleeder bolts, and voila...you are ready to paint. The rest is easy. Paint all 4 calipers with the brush on paint and then wait a couple hours. Apply the Porsche decals and then spray 2 thin coats of duplicolor clear coat. Put your wheels back on and you're done!
  11. Hey, that's my car you posted there! Lol. My friend Maurice and I painted my calipers one afternoon using the G2 caliper paint kit (it's a brush on kit). It brushes on, and then in a couple hours, it dries perfectly smooth like nail polish. Before it totally dried, I applied the PORSCHE decal lettering and then clear coated over it to protect the decal. It's been years now, and they still look awesome.... Honestly, it looks as good or better than the OEM reds...Not bad for $50. Lol.
  12. I've found no appreciable difference with them in. The center plexiglass windscreen, however, does make a big difference.
  13. The 987 bumperettes are attached differently than the 986. Here's how to remove the 987 bumperettes... http://www.planet-9.com/reviews/cayman-cosmetic-mods/p4-removing-bumperettes.html
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