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    1999 Black C2
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  1. I just went through the expiration as well. I took mine to my dealer, and had them do a low milage service and a PPI for anything out of ordinary. I advised my advisor as well that i was about to expire and to look it over. They went over the whole car for me and found nothing of concern. Might be a good idea for you if you have a good relationship with your service advisor.
  2. i would be very interested in a day like this. I would like to do my oil and observe a brake pad change.
  3. Thank you Loren! Time to make a trip to the stealer!
  4. ok, my codes are 1123 and 1125? which are those, sensor wise, and where do i get them?
  5. To remove the sensor, disconnect the connector in the engine compartment and pull it down to the bottom of the car. Then simply unscrew the sensor using whatever wrench fits. Why do you think your O2 sensor if bad? Have you looked at it's readings. What CEL code are you getting? Yes, i had them read, and they were the O2 sensors. Im not sure which codes, but im going to find out. Thanks for the info. Where to get them is the next question? Suncoast?
  6. At approximately 5200 rpm, the resonnance valve on the intake crossover tube pops open. This will cause a noticable abrupt change (drop) in engine power as it opens for a split second then the power continues on it's upward move. Normal. Thanks!
  7. I have the same issue, o2 out and CEL on. Thinking of replacing them myself, no special tools needed or tear down to get them out? What about where they plug into?
  8. I just noticed something happening on acceleration between 4500 and 5500 rpms in third or fourth gear. Upon fairly lead footed accel, as if entering a freeway, i am noticing a pause or gap in accel that lasts for about 1 second or so, but is very noticable. ANy thoughts?
  9. i have it on my C2. Great wing, looks and build wise. I have a aero kit on though and a front lip, since i do track the car and often are over 100+ while driving (lots of hwy 5). I had the taco on before and just didnt like it. I like the way the gt2 wing flattens out the rear of the car, making it more squat to the ground. Mine fits up great, finish was very good, and it was about 1600 or so with paint.
  10. Completed with no problems! Thanks for the DIY. That was EXTREMELY helpfull!
  11. THanks! Thas what i was looking for.... have a good weekend!
  12. Going to install my kit this weekend, anyone done it? Tips? Thoughts? DIY? Thanks all!
  13. Just wondering, i called my local dealera and got a quote for new brakes. Quoted over the phone at $1050? Pretty sure i just need new pads, which i would like to switch out to a street/track pad. 1st question: $1050? For just pads? 2nd question: Type of pad? Its about a 50/50 split for the car, street and track. Shoudl i just pay to have them done? Is this something someone could do themselves? Ive never changed brakes on a P-Car, just my old dodge truck. Better left to the pros?
  14. There was quite the discussion on the 6speed forum on this. HP increase was from 19 to 30 or something all over the place. I am going with EVO's personally..
  15. Luis, You going to Santana this weeknd? If so, see you there!
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