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navin in KC

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About navin in KC

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    united states of america
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    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2014 BMW X5

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  1. I described this previously in this same thread, The deck lid from a Turbo fits directly onto the C4s but the underside does require some slight modification: read the rest of this thread where I even attached pictures. if you have questions, I can try to help but I don't have my C4S any more. Scott
  2. so is the one that I mentioned from Amazon what you are suggesting? or is there something better? (sorry to beat you up about this)
  3. no, I don't but would be interested in purchasing one. I like stuff like that. Is there a "best place" to get one? I usually look for things on Amazon.com first, but is this something that is more specialized and would need to be purchased elsewhwere? edit: I found this: http://www.amazon.com/Porsche-PIWIS-Engine-Diagnostics-Lights/dp/B006UJ0BMM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1328279728&sr=8-1 $40 from amazon.com. is this reasonable or is there something better?
  4. I tried clicking my key remote button (the lock / unlock) button twice and then turning the key on in the ignition. It didn't fix the problem. Am I doing it wrong? Any other suggestions?
  5. Okay, I'll give it a try. by "double clicking the alarm" I'm going to guess that means pressing the key lock / unlock button twice. thanks Loren and JFP.
  6. the one that normally flashes when the alarm is set. right in the middle of the dashboard, on the top where the dash meets the glass, right in the middle of the car (side to side).
  7. I had a dead battery and after I charged the battery back up, This light that normally just blinks is on constantly. I have no blown fuses. Any advice? I found no mention of what this might mean in the owner's manual. thanks, navin
  8. I have a 2004 C4S Cabriolet and have some specific questions about the RTS: If I install it, can I remove the side bars and will the car look normal or is fully removing it so that there is no evidence of it a much bigger job? While it is in place, can the convertible top be raised and lowered? Has anyone had any luck getting one for cheap on ebay or somewhere else online? $600 seems awfully pricey. thanks, navin
  9. I currently have an Audi A8L and it is a great car. I will replace at some point soon and I'd like to consider a Porsche. I'm 6'4" tall and desire a car that when I am seated comfortably, someone of average size can sit behind me. I realize that there is not a Porsche that can give as much room as the A8L, but I'd like to optimize it. I also have one 3 year old and possibly one or two more on the way. Here is my dilemma: The Cayenne: Pro: sits three across in the back and could likely put 3 child seats in there if I need to do that. Con: The leg room in the rear seat seems lacking. The Panamera: Pro: more leg room Con: only two rear seats. My questions: For the Cayenne: Is the rear leg room really as bad as it seems? For the Panamera, can a child seat be placed to straddle the rear center console? ( I doubt it ) Is there an option to get rid of the rear console? I appreciate any help / comments. (I'm dual posting this in the Cayenne forum as well)
  10. I currently have an Audi A8L and it is a great car. I will replace at some point soon and I'd like to consider a Porsche. I'm 6'4" tall and desire a car that when I am seated comfortably, someone of average size can sit behind me. I realize that there is not a Porsche that can give as much room as the A8L, but I'd like to optimize it. I also have one 3 year old and possibly one or two more on the way. Here is my dilemma: The Cayenne: Pro: sits three across in the back and could likely put 3 child seats in there if I need to do that. Con: The leg room in the rear seat seems lacking. The Panamera: Pro: more leg room Con: only two rear seats. My questions: For the Cayenne: Is the rear leg room really as bad as it seems? For the Panamera, can a child seat be placed to straddle the rear center console? ( I doubt it ) Is there an option to get rid of the rear console? I appreciate any help / comments. (I'm dual posting this in the Panamera forum as well)
  11. too new of a car? So expensive that no one works on it themselves? I'm considering purchasing one and would like to hear people discussing them and their concerns / problems. Maybe there arent any problems (just kidding).
  12. Convertible top Compartment Lid is Stuck Closed Here is the situation: When I went to close my convertible top, it wouldn't do so. I get out of the car and find that one side of the metal convertible deck lid wouldn't open. I find that there is a very small little latch that the hydraulic system unlocks before the deck lid slides back out of the way so the top can close: (This is the picture of the properly connected latch.) It is a little hard to see the latch with the top folded down in the way. To get to it, you have to Author navin in KC Category Carrera (996) - Common Fixes and Repairs Submitted 06/07/2010 07:24 PM Updated 03/17/2017 05:08 AM
  13. Does anyone have a picture of the red "S" on a Carrera 4S? I'd like to see what it looks like. navin
  14. Here is the situation: When I went to close my convertible top, it wouldn't do so. I get out of the car and find that one side of the metal convertible deck lid wouldn't open. I find that there is a very small little latch that the hydraulic system unlocks before the deck lid slides back out of the way so the top can close: (This is the picture of the properly connected latch.) It is a little hard to see the latch with the top folded down in the way. To get to it, you have to lift UP the little rubber/plastic flap, and use a flashlight to look in there and you'll see the gold metal rod disconnected from the latch: To unlock the latch, simply rotate the metal latch one direction or the other and the latch will "unlock". Then press the Close Top button and the top will now close. I suspect that the lid could also lock with the top in the up position, but I suspect that it might be easier to get to the latch in this sitation. Here is a picture of the latch with the rod disconnected (the way I found mine): The missing little metal clip that is the culprit here, was nowhere to be found. The helpful people at Sunset Imports were able to figure out the part number (999-166-05401) and it cost $.39. This could be the least expensive porsche part ever! Happy touring, navin
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