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About ESK

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  1. Yeah, it's me Scott! Thanks!
  2. I'd like to remove the front bumper so I can get the grills painted body color. I think I've seen instructions for a 996 (installing the center radiator), but not for a TT. Is it relatively simple? Any instructions out there? TIA. I'd also like to do the lower side skirts too. Any chance of getting instructions for these too? Thanks!
  3. Loren, Could you please PM me the PDF file for this? I remember it being quite easy to do, but at least the instructions will tell me exactly where each screw is located. Thanks, Eric
  4. Thanks for the help!
  5. Hi Loren, I purchased a Techart Type 1 rear wing blade to replace the OEM piece (the part that raises on the two stainless arms). I noticed there are 2 small holes on the inside of the arms when the wing is in the up position. I assume there are set screws inside that hold the wing in place. Do you instructions explaining how this part is removed? Also, what tools do I need? I would like to do it myself. Thanks, Eric
  6. The top was rubbing against the metal boot near the center of the boot. You could see chafing on the metal. I put a 1" strip of black electrical tape on the area and the sound is gone!
  7. Just did a test on the top. I pushed on the soft top and was able to duplicate the sound on both sides of the car. It appears as if the squeaking is being caused by the roof rubbing against the metal boot. I put the top down and then back up and the sound is now gone. It will probably reappear once I go over some bumps/heaves in the road the next time I drive.
  8. Two issues with my TT Cab: The top started squeaking horribly today - at all speeds/road conditions. The car has about 700 miles and it's the first I've noticed it. I had this problem on a '99, but not on the '01 and '03 and thought it had been fixed by Porsche. The problem only occurs while the top is up. It sounds as if it is metal on metal and I'm wondering if it has something to do with the metal boot cover rubbing against the top components. Are there any TSBs or other solutions for this problem. The second issue I have is with a squeaking clutch. It only occurs during the last 1/3 or so of engagement. I've read about this problem before. Is there a simple fix or is this a dealer fix? TIA, Eric
  9. RJ, The Cab looks sweet! What is that color? It's fabulous! Looks too dark to be Polar Silver. Looks more like Ferrari's California Blue. PLEASE TELL! ;) Eric
  10. Don, Looks like you've been stomping pretty hard on the brake pedal. The rubber knobs are nearly worn off! Or is it just the angle of the picture? ;) Eric
  11. Clear Side Markers I just installed the clear side marker's on my father's Cayenne that I ordered from Gert. It's a lot simpler than I'd heard. First off, his truck has the 20" wheels and I did not need to remove the wheels. Here's a simple "how to:" 1. Turn the steering wheel completely so that one wheel is facing in. 2. Remove the 4 torx screws below the light and 1 torx screw above the light (size 20). 3. Pull back the wheel well lining and hold out with one hand. 4. Remove 1 torx screw holding in Author ESK Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Accessories Submitted 08/01/2003 11:33 AM
  12. I just installed the clear side marker's on my father's Cayenne that I ordered from Gert. It's a lot simpler than I'd heard. First off, his truck has the 20" wheels and I did not need to remove the wheels. Here's a simple "how to:" 1. Turn the steering wheel completely so that one wheel is facing in. 2. Remove the 4 torx screws below the light and 1 torx screw above the light (size 20). 3. Pull back the wheel well lining and hold out with one hand. 4. Remove 1 torx screw holding in the light (size 25). 5. Push in the light from the outside and jiggle it loose. You may break the two clips on the light when removing. 6. Disconnect the lightbulb by twisting and pulling. It will pop out. It is not like a 996 that locks in by turning. 7. Note that the lightbulb will plug into a different spot on the European clear light. It installs in the lens that faces the wheel well whereas it plugs into the side lens in the U.S. I left the clear bulbs in as opposed to putting in the yellow bulbs. 8. Carefully put the light back in making sure the two clips lock into place and the light is centered in the opening on the bumper. 9. Install the number 25 torx screw on the light. 10. Pop in the liner and install the number 20 torx screw. You're done. The first one took maybe 15 minutes. The second one is a 5 minute job. Good luck!
  13. Guys, I have the A/C surround off, but I can't figure out how to remove the lighter. Thanks, Eric
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