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About Irishjohn74

  • Birthday 10/01/1974

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  • From
    San Jose CA
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2003 911 C4S Coupe 6 Speed

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Member (1/1)



  1. OK so I bench tested the fuel pump relay and its working fine. Also checked the fuses 1,2 and 4 on row C of the fuse panel (DME relay, Ignition relay, Fuel pump relay) all are working. On the 2nd relay panel I tested relays 1,2,7,10 and all are working. Put everything back in and tried to start again, no luck. Car turns over but never fires. Any other things I can check before I have it towed. Think its worthwhile trying to hook up a code scanner?
  2. I found this link on Sharkwerks. http://sharkwerks.com/porsche/technical-articles/187-ecu-removal-and-installation-guide-for-996-997-turbo-carrera-s-gt2-and-gt3.html 1 torx bolt in the center under each speaker cover.
  3. Thanks for the pictures Loren. I have the Bose sub box on top of the panel shown in your pictures. how is that removed from the car?
  4. I am having the same problem with my 2003 C4S. Battery checked out fine and load tested OK. Engine cranks but does not fire. Can someone tell me the location of the 2nd relay panel in a 03 coupe. Another post mentioned its near the DME but I don't know where that is either. I am suspecting fuel pump relay. Any other suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
  5. Not sure if you'll be able to help me. My battery needs to be replaced barely working for now but wont turn over the car. Car is MY2003 C4S with Bose and Nav, CD changer in the trunk. when I push main and trip i get the following PCM 3.0 System Software 3.0 Device type 6634 Serial number 35006278 when I disconnect will I require a code to get things going again? if so can you help or is it a dealer only thing. thanks again
  6. Thanks guys. I have a factory sports exhaust so that makes sense.
  7. I think I have a dodgy oil pressure sending unit. Looked up the replacement instructions here and on Rennlist and then went to look in the back of the car. Can't quite see where the unit is as there is something in the way that I can't identify. Black plastic can about 3 inches in diam, domed on one end and flat on the other. Its a bit loose, held on with a small metal angle bracket. I cant see or feel any connection around it. If anyone could let me know what it is before I look at moving to get to the oil pressure switch. Car is a MY03 C4S thanks
  8. Here's an update on the tire situation. After talking to Michelin directly they are going to assist me with the purchase of a matched set of tires through tire rack. The have some sort of good will program in the event that matched sets can't be located. I am looking at a set of Bridgestones or Pirelli's. I will find out on Monday how much they will contribute to my replacement set. I have to say I was very impressed with Michelin customer care. I will post the outcome once I know.
  9. I have an extra upper tray that replaces the cd holder if you need one, Brand new still in plastic. Send me a PM.
  10. Driving on the weekend (MY03 C4S Coupe) I picked up a huge metal spike in my rear passenger tire. Used a can of fix a flat and my compressor to get home. Once I took the tire off I could see that there was no way it could be repaired (large metal spike approx 8-10mm in diam). The tires have about 2000 miles on them Michelin Pilot Sport 2 N2's I had replaced all 4 tires at the same time. The problem I am having is finding a replacement tire for the one that is trashed. Pilot Sports are impossible to find right now. No online dealer has them I even called Michelin and they have none. I have tried Porsche dealers locally and they say that the Michelin's are on back order for the last few weeks and there is no set delivery date. So now I am facing replacing all 4 tires again so I can have a matched set. I have tried the usual online places for used tires but none available in my size 295/30/18. If anyone has any tires or knows where I can get some I would appreciate the heads up. If I am going to switch out the rest of the tires anyone got a recommendation for another brand?
  11. Sorry to add to an old post but I would love a copy of those seat instructions. I have an annoying squeak coming from my passenger seat. On certain road surfaces and speeds its really loud. I have a 2003 C4S with sports seats from factory. I have been able to get it to squeak in the driveway by jiggling the seat back from side to side but can't see anything loose while looking around underneath. thanks
  12. I don't know if its the same car but there is one on EBAY in pompano FL with the same mileage (being sold from a M-benz dealer). The car looks clean in the ebay listing Item number: 370314121378. Current bid is up to $36087 I bought an 03 C4S a couple of months ago. 40K miles with 1 previous owner for $36000. Car came with PCCB installed, GT techno wheels, navigation, Bose, CD changer, heated seats, Xenons, sports seats, factory sports exhaust. i have put about 3K miles on it and love it.
  13. I have the same problem with my 03 C4S. I found the switch from autohausaz and read the diy steps, my question is do you have to disconnect the battery and if so what are the precautions that you need to take when disconnecting your battery. Radio codes etc? thanks
  14. No image available Review Name: HW accessories Author Name: Irishjohn74 Submitted: Yesterday, 09:02 PM Last Updated: Nov 16, 2009 - 09:02 PM Category: Accessories, Parts, Maintenance Items Don't order from HW accessories View Review
  15. I am the proud new owner of a 2003 C4S coupe 6 speed. So I'm new to the forum and new to the car. I'm looking for some advice on maintenance that I should be looking at for this car. It has 41K miles on it. I had a full PPI done and it passed with flying colors. This is what I know from the previous owner and the receipts that he gave me with the car. Tires are 2K miles old Clutch was replaced at 37K Brakes and rotors are in perfect shape (PCCBS installed) Brakes were recently flushed 1K miles ago I want to do a minor service just to get my feet wet and start the clock runnning for my own maintenance schedule. I have purchased the following Oil filter Drain plug and washer charcoal cabin air filter air filter I need some advice on the oil to use. I'm not trying to start the oil wars here as it looks like this is a hot topic. I live in California and this car will never see temps below 32 deg. I also plan to drive it to work a couple of days a week so there will be some stop and go. Summer temps hit triple digits here. So what is a widely available approved oil that I should be looking at for my engine. I got the attached list from one of the other forums. Is this list legit? Looks like 90% of the approved oils are 5W40. I found some Mobil 1 5W40 ESP formula the 0W40 is on the list but not the 5 any thought? Also what do most people do for oil change interval. Any other maintenance tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance IrishJohn
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