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About 98Boxster98

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    1998 Boxster Ocean Jade

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  1. Wow. The same thing happen to me more or less. I bought a cheap switch on ebay and all was well for a little while. Maybe a month or two. Then I got an airbag light, got it cleared by the dealer but it soon returned. I bought the Durametric OBDII tool to clear the alarm but soon after I cleared the airbag light alarm, it would return. I noticed error code that I didn't know what it meant and I posted a message here. Loren helped me trace it back to the ignition switch. I bought a new switch (actually two, one for backup) from the Audi dealer and like magic, no electrical problems for about six months now. The switch I have is as described by Tool Pants. There's a logo that has LK with a circle around it and it says Made in West Germany.
  2. Cabrio World used to get there glass window tops from GAHH but perhaps they have switched suppliers. Another interesting item on ebay is that there is a defroster harness from sales4pnparts (Harvey, the same guy who sells inexpensive but nice doors sills): http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/PORSCHE-BOX...sspagenameZWDVW I believe the OEM version is $150.00
  3. It looks like Robbins Auto Top is offering a pre-2003 top with a glass window. For some adventurous soul close to Oxnard, CA, there may still be an opportunity to get a free top: http://www.robbinsautotopco.com/homepage.html Prices for this top on ebay seem good. Anybody have one of these?
  4. I bought an ignition switch on ebay last year and almost exactly one year later I was getting an alarm code for a Terminal 86S problem (no warning lights on the dashboard, just a code seen through the Durametric tool.) I replaced the switch with one bought from an Audi dealer (has Made in Germany decal!) and it got rid of the alarm. We'll see how long it'll last. The guy working the part counter remarked with a bemused look, "Porsche uses these?"
  5. Hi Loren: In step 2, I only measure 1.2V from Pin 1 to ground. Ground is taken at the door hinge or at the door lock catch. Fault 25 is intermittent. What does step 5 say? Oops - never mind. I see step 5 is a separate attachment. What is meant by the "ignition lock?" I'm not sure what plug is being referenced. Perhaps this is the plug being reference? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ded&show=&st= Which is terminal 86S. I change the ignition switch about a year ago. Maybe it's going bad? P.S. Just bought another ignition switch from the Audi dealer (doesn't seem like you can enough of them around.) On the new switch Pin 86S is labeled so I should be able to trace the problem to the harness or the switch. Hopefully, it's the switch. Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi Loren - Thanks for the answer. I guess the Durametric software has a typo. The E1 fuse checked out okay and it looks dry, although dusty underneath the driver's seat. You are correct - the fault code is 25. What problems might a 25 fault cause? I think everything is working okay with the possible exception of occasional airbag lights. Is there a wiring schematic on the board I can examine?
  7. Can someone tell me where fuse F 5/1 is? I was looking at my alarm faults and there is one that says "No terminal 86 S Recognized. Check fuse F5/1." Does anyone know what that fault indicates?
  8. A person with the screename "ppbon" on the ppbb.com board recently posted a thread showing how he built his own exhaust similar to one that Tool Pants posted. http://www.ppbb.com/boards/ppbbphp/showfla...b=5&o=7&fpart=1 http://www.ppbb.com/boards/ppbbphp/showfla...b=5&o=7&fpart=1 A project for the skilled DIYer or the local muffler shop?
  9. I didn't see a link in the previous post so try this - http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...l=engine++swap# P.S. These pictures found here might be helpful: http://www.instant-g.com/Projects/Boxster34/ More great info: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3159&hl=# Another mod to consider with the 3.4L mod - Limited Slip Differential http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...6567&hl=Benson#
  10. I believe this to be the photo mentioned by ar38070: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...findpost&p=5142
  11. It's pretty easy to get. Try googling it. You can get through some online Porsche dealers like Suncoast, or Amazon.com or car care suppliers like sportscarcare.com. Locally, motorcycle shops usually carry it.
  12. For routine maintenance, I like Plexus. For cloudiness and light scratches, Renovo.
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...id=26270&st=0
  14. I hope it works for you. Some of your problems are similar to mine but things like the clock resetting may be because there's a loose connection to your battery or maybe your battery is being fully charged. Does your car start strong? What model battery did you use?
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