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Izzy last won the day on May 19 2021

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About Izzy

  • Birthday 04/10/1965

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  • From
    North Carolina
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2003 996 Coupe 6 speed
    199 996 Cabrio Tiptronic
    2002 BMW M3
  • Future cars
    997 Cabrio
  • Former cars
    525 BMW
    740 BMW
    Honday Odyssey

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  1. You can always find the small syringes in drug stores, these are used to measure kids liquid medicines, usually found in the same aisle as children's liquid meds. onicaloc, sounds like you have the low fluid problem. The switch being bad will not move any part of the componetry at all.
  2. Seriously, try this, I was able to fill up this weekend with very little wait, no more than 5-8 minutes (yes, I did use my stopwatch as I am a certified nerd) Go to WWW.WRIGHTEXPRESS.COM Click on the Hurricane Advisory and enter your zip code, it will pull up all the gas stations with the last transaction of when they get their gas. Hope this help you out and saves you gas and time driving around.
  3. Heck Bill, just add 1/2 jar of good ol' Carolina white lightning to the tank, you don't need no stinkin gas.
  4. I tell you what, last week at VIR, it was COLD in the morning and I was freezing. Warmed up later, but I did miss the heater. I am going back late November, will need some heat.... Rixter, it was the heater valve, it came off the plastic bayonet bracket it sits on. Put it back on and problem solved this morning. Thanks!
  5. This is a new one, the AC works great in the car, nice cold air. But no matter what temp setting I set the system at, it is always cold, no hot air. Any suggestions? I did check the fuse, it is good. Next thing I was going to check is the temp sensors, if I can find them. Suggestions appreciated
  6. Sorry to hear that Will, my sympathies to you and your family Izzy
  7. John, those side flaps do operate on a linear (ball) screw and have to be regreased to work properly. I had the same problem, and if you remove the rear carpet cover from behind the back seats (2 phillip screws), use a flashlight and you will see the rotating parts screw like lifter. What I had to do is use a small foam brush and high temp grease applied to the screw, and situation fixed.
  8. Chuck, what year 951? The O2 sensor could be upstream from the cat and is not a problem
  9. C2 or C4? Year and Miles? Maybe front bearings need help. Also see if your rotors have developed a "lip" on the outer diameter. And the siimplest, but happens, check the lug nuts. It may sound silly, but I have seen it happen in a friend of mine's 986, loose wheel bolts.
  10. James, it should apply to your car as well, I have had both 1999 and 2003 996's, same treatment for both. And I had codes without CEL as well, so just a precaution.
  11. A couple of things you can do. 1. disconnect the battery for about 10 mins. Make sure you have the radio code to re-enter it. The computer should re-set after 10 mins and reconnect the battery. 2. Go to your nearest Autozone type store and ask to borrow a code reader. The codes stored on the DME should come up as to what is wrong. I would do it in that order, as resetting the car costs nothing and you can do it at home. If you do get the codes, there is a code "decoder" on this site that can tell you what the issue is.
  12. james, the MAF is on the airbox itself. When you replaced the airbox, did you remember to connect the cable back into it? it is the connector right above the K&N sticker in this picture
  13. James, did you do the clockwise rotation and pulled out slowly? There should be a connection in the back you got to disconnect
  14. I only see one genarator in the PET for 1999, part number 996 603 012 01. This is in page 508 of: https://techinfo.porsche.com/techinfo/pdf/e...996_KATALOG.pdf. Would vertexauto.com have it? I think they are out by the airport in Miami. I just checked, they do for $275 http://www.vertexauto.com/ListItems.aspx?R...rical&&
  15. James, sent you a pm with the info. Don't forget to board up the windows! My parents are in Kendall and getting ready for Fay.
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