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casharp1 last won the day on April 10 2018

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About casharp1

  • Birthday September 22

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  • From
    Sarasota, Fl 34240
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2013 Panamera GTS
    1997 Boxster Base
    2006 Cayenne Base
    2006 Cayenne S
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    RX-7 conv, RX-7

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  1. Forum Help please - 2006 base cayenne 170K miles 1 of 4 Porsche's I own The back story - the fuel pumps died not a big deal and this would have been the 2nd time I had to replace. installed them started and the car ran for 15 mins and the fuse popped. Not sure what happened, order news ones since these were cheap. The current problem - left the water box top off during the hurricane(much more important stuff to deal with then the Christmas tree truck) and it filled up with water to the top. Did not see this until I installed my replacement fuel pumps. Battery is dead, dead. jumped it and nothing, then noticed the box willed with water. I dried the box pulled all the relays and fuses. Bought all new relays, waiting for them. did pull the codes with durametric, a lot with short codes. Question - what else could have been shorted PCM etc? could this have shorted out other items? did anyone experience this mistake or similar?
  2. I have a very low serial number and Princeton Porsche also confirmed this. with regard to the DME programming, I guess i have been misunderstanding the conversations regarding the programmability of the DME. This why I came here to ask these questions before I pull the motor. I would love to change the DME to a new model and do an engine swap. The Pelican site says avoid doing an engine swap with the early 1997's In other words you say to stay stock? things like the plenum upgrades, Fabspeed mufflers and high flow exhuast manifolds are a waste of money? I'm not trying to turn the car into something it's not, I get it it's a 2.5L base Boxster. I was just curious if anything of these upgrades are worth it, in some cases they are less expensive the OEM parts. What About De-snorke does this work. I still feel if you Change any of these items you would have to put it on a Dyno. I'll stick with OEM stock parts. I have taken good car of this car and seeing less and less of them.
  3. I own one of the first 1997 Boxsters 2.5L sold in America. For sure one of the first sold from Princeton Porsche. I'm the second Owner and I also bought it from Princeton used. I have had the car for 12 years with 90K miles. Its time for the IMS repair and before I spend any money I wanted to give the car a once over. Here are some findings so far- most are the usual suspects Power steering fluid return line leaking at the reservoir. RMS leaking - but no big deal already knew this was to be replaced. Air Oil Separator leaking bad not a big deal. Did a bore-scope and i have oil in the cylinders - looks like valve stem seals, I was having a hard time seeing the cylinder walls with my bore-scope - this is a big deal to drop the engine. Questions - Since this is a super early Boxster and does not have a programmable DME( checked the part number), what engine modifications can I do to increase the HP that can be handled by the current ecu? Performance muffler? Exhaust manifolds( have to replace the current ones)? or should it just remain stock? Have a few other question but I want to see were this goes!
  4. Thanks i'll give a go and let you know
  5. it seems to only run on low and never gets in to Max, but it is cold. Durametric also says low in actual data. my thought was that it was mixing hot outside air. it seems like a little bit of work to pull that servo and see if this helps to get it to max. what about the sun sensor? there is no sounds, not like my cayenne S that has plenty. nothing happens when pushing the recirculate button. i changed the compressor from Suncoast and had it charged by a Porsche shop and it does blow cold. Are there other sensors that would stop it from going into max mode? only durametic error is 1596 error which is Servo motor Fresh-air / air circulation flap. beside the fuel pump issue that i'm in the process of fixing.
  6. Hello all!! i have a 2006 base cayenne(P!G and everything that goes wrong went wrong) and my Durametric pro system states i have a 1596 error which is Servo motor Fresh-air / air circulation flap. problem, which servo motor is it? Parts list on auto Atlanta has no motor called this. My service manual discusses it in trouble shooting but does not clearly explains what motor position. This is a manual system with no zones. AC is cold by just not enough I'm sure this is the temperature mixing from outside. Thank you for any help ahead of time
  7. does anyone want to know how it turned out or should I keep it to my self
  8. has anyone installed the lights from ebay http://www.ebay.com/...=STRK:MEBIDX:IT if so did they work?
  9. Hello - I would like to ask for help determining what my headlight issues is, please see image headlight4. Just bought a used 2006 Cayenne S and went to replace the bulb in the drivers side which was burned out and broken, but was unable to remove the bulb since it was melted into place. I than pull the passenger side and it too was melted into place(the W5W bulb). Questions 1. What caused this, wrong bulb? 2. what headlights do I have? there are many part numbers and issues 3. Since the bulbs are burned into the socket and the socket is melted can I just get this part? or do I have to buy the whole unit? 4. can I use the valeo bi-xenon units that are for sale on ebay? if so do I have to have a different wire harness and ballast. not looking forward to spending $1300.00 each if i have to replace both Any help would be great , thanks Chris
  10. could some help with a problem? the passenger side wiper nut, how does it come off? all it is doing when I am trying to loosen it is spinning the nut and bold/stud
  11. Hey crew need a little help, I have a 06 base model Cayenne. Bought it several years ago and at the time I did not notice that the vanity mirrors light and the rear passenger lights did not work. This was not a problem until the wife made it an issue. Now I have to fix it! About a year ago I did take it to Suncoast to have it looked at but some how they broke the my passenger seat back off and then blamed us for it becuse I was have $500.00 oil change done while driving a broken ghetto machine. Well needless to say it was the first and last time I am going there($750.00 for one seat back installed). at the time all they could tell me about the lights was that it is a bigger problem, but I was so red in the face I told them not to touch the car any longer. Things I have done 1. Checked the fuses - all good 2. popped out a light and put a meter on it and no voltage. any ideas would be very helpful
  12. Also Check the Ground Wire to the battery. it is a twisted wire that corrodes. I had this happen to me and it went on for over 6 months before I got lucky and found it with a meter. Watch when you take the measurements with the meter I kept touching the wire and it would fix the problem.
  13. Why not just go back to the OEM unit; they work pretty well and would address all your issues? It never was an OEM unit, but can I get an OEM unit installed?
  14. I have the base 97 boxster nothing fancy, but a lot of fun. I was having electrical problems so the dealer told me to remove the alaram that it was the problem. Well removed the alaram and at the end I found the electrical probelm which was not alaram related. Now I have noe alaram or keyless entry. Please make a suggestion on what is a good to buy. I would also like to have it roll the windows down and pop the trunks if possible? Thanks
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