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    Hayward, CA
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2003 Boxster S
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    993 Carrera 4S
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    1993 Mazda Miata

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  1. I may need to replace my 2003 3.2 S engine. Will any year 3.2 engine work? Or were there any electrical or mechanical changes that have been made from year to year i need to be concerned about? oh and any recommendations for trusted source for Porsche engines?
  2. I'm in Hayward, CA. Any Porsche indie recommendations? There is a German Auto Kraft and German Motor Care in Belmont, CA. I pass by them all the time. Thanks Elucidus. My porsche is in santa clara so that'll help with towing.
  3. porsche dealer or porsche independant? which one is the cheaper option and which one is the most knowledgeable option?
  4. Mechanic is a friend of mine for 4+ years. And is the most knowledgeable+trustworthy mechanic i know. What part of the description of the problem is questionable?
  5. got back from the mechanic. air filter is clean. MAS sensor is fine. Clanking noise coming from transmission with stethescope. At first he wasn't able to pull any codes. but eventually found a misfire in 1,5,6. Pulling plugs for 1,5,6 found them to be wet. He suspects a crankshaft bearing failure, causing wobble and slack in the timing chain. Can't just replace the bearings becuase that would need a rebuild of the entire engine. It's possible an IMS caused metal shaving in the oil to foul the crankshaft bearings. Replacement engine is recommended. :( I think this will be my last Porsche for a while. I've lost faith.
  6. ok Thanks. I have tried to minimize runing the engine at all. So i'll 1. purchase a durametric (i can't afford a $15000 PST2) 2. Find a shop to pull the codes.
  7. I have a major issue with my 2003 Boxster S which i'm hoping someone here can give a clearer picture of whats happening. I've researched the IMS failure and can't really seem to find any description of symptoms other than "you'll hear a crunch and your engine will stop". Car Info: 2003 Boxster S 6-speed 74,000 miles Oil changed 1000 miles ago with M1 5w30 Drive it conservatively (i'll push it to 6k in 2nd once a month :D ) all fluids fine, full tank of gas Symptoms: 75mph and suddenly i get a flashing Check Engine. Engine cuts power by half. Idles very rough and will slowly idle lower and lower till it dies (~5 seconds) Take alot of throttle input to bring it above 3000rpm Smooths out above 3000 rpm clutch works fine (but since there is a lack of power under 3000, i need to launch at 3000+) "ting" sound occurs 2 per second at idle Any Ideas? I really hope it's not an IMS, and if it is, hopefully i caught it in time before destroying the engine.
  8. anyone have instructions to fix this as well as the part number? I'm going to borrow a friend's Bentley manual, but i'm not sure that will even describe what i need.
  9. ok got a picture for you guys.
  10. It is at the top of the Metal shaft that retracts into the body. The shaft is about 1" thick and i assumed it would be the same at the top when attaching to the spoiler. But it seems to reduce down to a skinny 4-6mm thick metal post. That is where it snapped. I looked closely at it and it doesnt seem like it just unscrewed, the metal is jagged and broken. I'll take more detailed pictures when i get home.
  11. So this weekend while driving down the expressway a kind BMW 740 owner honked at me to tell me something's wrong with the back of my boxster. I pull over to discover the spoiler has broken one arm and is now swung 90 degrees down. In addition to a deeply scratched trunk and bumper. I have the OE spoiler, not aftermarket. It seems the metal post is about 4mm in thickness and has completely snapped off. Does anyone have an exploded view of the spoiler section? parts needed to repair? instructions to remove the spoiler? Has this happened to anyone before? p.s. in order to limp it home I had to keep it under 75mph which was difficult for the right foot to accept :)
  12. I'm located in Hayward, CA. As I suspected, the durametric was just a fancy code reader. I own an Audi too, and i'm used to the power of the Vag-Com. I have browsed around the list of local PST2 and PIWIS owners and you and Tool Pants came up. I'm hoping one of you will be able to help me turn these features ON for when I decide to dive into this project. I'm willing to pay in form of beer or anything under the outrageous dealership pricetag. I have another question, although offtopic, how difficult is it to add Porsche traction control (PSM?)? is this also as simple as toggling a computer setting? Thank you!
  13. I will be doing this soon. Does anyone know if the Durametric tool can change the OBC and Cruise Control to ON, like the PST2 does?
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