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About azeg

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    996, 3.4 X51

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  1. Thanks, Loren. Do you know if there has to be made any resets or adoptions to the DME when changing the sensors or does it not "realize" the new sensors ?
  2. Hi, i was recommended to change the right lambda sensor on my 2000 996. It was reacting to slow. Do i have to take care for sth. special when changing it ? Does it has to be prepared with anti-corrosion spray or will i be able to loosen it anyway ? Should i change the left sensor for "spare" also ? Thanks for any advice Regards
  3. Voltage regulator is new (this is the reason why i took of the polyrib and exchanged it)...
  4. Update: Took the time in the morning to change to the old belt (Porsche OEM part). It was quite cold outside and the issue seemed to be washed away. But the hoter the engine got and the higher the outside-temperatures raised, the more often the Voltage lowered and i hat my personal light-show of flashing lights at certain RPM´s. I am personally at the end of my ideas, tried to turn the alternator without belt, runs very smooth and easy without noise. Don´t know what else to check. Any ideas before i´m going to give it to the PZ ? Regards André
  5. Hi Paul, i don´t think it´s the alternator. It gives constantly 14.4 Volts at any RPM. Voltage loss is depending on how hard you accelerate. Belt is new from continental with correct part cross reference number. Perhaps i got an exemplar that is a few milimeters too long. I still have the old belt, going to change it, will cross check this first. But nevertheless, is there a possibility to adjust the tensioner or does it has to be replaced when malfunction ? Cheers André
  6. Hi Maurice, thanks for the advice. This is a solution which could work and i looked it up; we have those types of spray here, too. But this is work on the symptoms and not on the root cause i guess. Any other hints ? Regards André
  7. Hia, perhaps somebody can help me in this case. With doing my maintenance i also changed the polyrib-belt. Everything went perfect and if you learn how to use the tensioner the change is done in minutes. But now i have the following issue. When accelerating very hard, between 4-5.000 rpm´s the voltage instrument shows a decrease to <11 Volts, and a lot of lights on the dashboard switch on. Below or above those RPM´s everything is fine. So i guess that the polyrib-belt get´s slippy and has not enough tension to deal with that torque. Is there a method of adjusting the tensioner or has it got to be replaced ? And if so, how is this done ? Thanks in advance and regards from Cologne...
  8. No, it´s not integrated, but mounted outside with exaxt 3 Philips-screws. Dismounting takes 2 minutes. You can of course change the complete alternator, it´s just a question of costs :-) Regards
  9. Hi Joost, it seems to be the voltage regulator. If the battery can be loaded via external loader, it should be OK. Voltage regulator is a small budget part (aprox. 30$) i would give this a try first (alternator= 500$). My first post here is a DIY for this issue, i had the same probs a few weeks ago. CU André
  10. DIY Change of the generator´s circuit control Hi all, my first thread in here and directly a DIY :-) I may introduce myself shortly: -Aged 37, owning my 4th Porsche (now a red 996 3.4 X51), living in germany near Cologne I recently had to change the circuit-control of the car´s generator and made a little photo-session out of it. Perhaps this DIY helps some of you guys with the same problem . CU Andre (AZEG) Author azeg Category TT/GT2 (996) - Common Fixes and Repairs Submitted 03/16/2009 02:47 PM
  11. Hi all, my first thread in here and directly a DIY :-) I may introduce myself shortly: -Aged 37, owning my 4th Porsche (now a red 996 3.4 X51), living in germany near Cologne I recently had to change the circuit-control of the car´s generator and made a little photo-session out of it. Perhaps this DIY helps some of you guys with the same problem . CU Andre (AZEG)
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