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About Poursha

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  • From
    SF Bay Area
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2004 Carrera
  • Former cars
    2003 Mercedes E55 AMG, 2002 Carrera, 2000 BMW 740i Sport, 1999 Carrera, 1989 944

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  1. On your light bulb question, I changed most of the bulbs on my car: Philips Silver Vision PY21W turn signal bulbs (front & rear)--they blink yellow, but are silver coated so you don't see a yellow shadow when unlit. Philips BlueVision W5W side marker bulbs (I assume you have clear side markers). Philips BlueVision H6W parking light bulbs (match the xenon headlights much better than the yellowish stock bulbs). Powerbulbs sells the above, and offers the W5W bulbs free when you order other bulbs: http://www.powerbulbs.co.uk/ For fog lights, I use PIAA H3 Xtreme White (55w=110w, part number 15255), got mine at Autobarn (they match the xenon headlights much better than the yellowish stock bulbs): http://www.autobarn.net/h3xtremewhite.html The only bulbs I haven't found acceptable replacements for are the H11 (additional high beam with xenon headlights). The stock bulb is yellowish, and Philips and Hoen make replacement bulbs but they are blue coated and cause a blue shadow on the headlight reflector when unlit (too ricey for me). Anybody found a good replacement H11 bulb?
  2. I had a RMS leak on my '04 Carrera after 7K miles. Not a big deal (if under warranty!)--they remove the trans and replace the RMS and intermediate shaft seal. Takes around half a day. This thread has info & pix: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2166
  3. Could be cosmoline melting off. Have you looked at the bottom of the engine/trans to see if it's oily where they meet?
  4. I've had PSE on my last 2 Carreras, and absolutely love it. Haven't heard the others you listed, so can't comment.
  5. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  6. Since you have a Boxster, which had different shaped A/C vents at the top of the center console, I don't think you have any option. The Boxster A/C vents won't fit in the Carrera surround trim. I suppose you could also replace the A/C vents, but that seems like a bit much.
  7. When I was in grad school, a friend of mine was getting his masters in computer science and took a few chip design classes. He had these giant printouts (probably 4' x 6') of his designs on the walls of his room--pretty cool stuff. Another friend was getting his PhD in nuclear engineering and his thesis was designing a fusion reactor...the mathematical equations went on for 10s of pages...but that's not why you called...
  8. Check the new inventory section of www.niello.com They usually have the vin for in stock cars.
  9. When my RMS was replaced, they measured with the special tool and also did a second measurement with a feeler gauge. The service adviser told me he didn't "trust" the tool so they always do both. Mine passed both measurements, so I'll keep my fingers crossed... Rob, there's a RMS repair TSB (check TSB section) that calls for replacing the RMS, intermediate shaft seal, and a bunch of bolts with new, coated bolts, whenever they replace the RMS. I'd print it out and bring it when you go to the dealer.
  10. Apparently it has nothing to do with the number of times the RMS is replaced, but rather with whether the crankshaft is out of tolerance from a concentricity perspective. They have a special measuring tool (search for pix posted by toolpants), and if the crankshaft is out of tolerance--even on the first leak--they replace the engine. And then there are the cases where there have been several RMS replacements on the same engines because the crankshaft is within tolerance.
  11. Does anybody know if the Homelink system from the 997 can be retrofitted to a 996?
  12. The V1 owners manual says to mount it high in the windshield, toward the center between the pillars. "Detector performance is enhanced by a high mounting position. For radar, a longer sight line to the horizon always helps. For laser, moving away from the hood and its sun reflection helps a lot."
  13. Valentine 1 is the way to go. This thread has pix and description of my hardwire install: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2282&hl=
  14. My car has done this since new. When you refer to it being "dirty", what exactly do you mean? My circles are clean, and haven't changed since new. It is now a year old, and still does it. Will it ever quit by itself? Finally, do they have to take the door panels off to repair this? I hate to have them digging into my car taking it apart and causing rattles, etc. Dwayne I use dirty as a generic term--the marks look like clear oil. Don't know if they will go away by themselves over time. Yes, they need to remove the door panels. As I said, I've had this done many times on several 996s and haven't have any rattle problems. Of course, I let the service adviser know I'm anal (I used that exact term for emphasis), and ask that they road test the car for noises after the repair.
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