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About TopGun2000

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    SF/ Bay Area, CA
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    Cayenne Turbo

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  1. the slower you go the less air flow will cool down your hot radiator however if you turn on your A/C, both the electrical cooling fans will be forced on and the temp won't go up that much even if you are driving at a lower speed
  2. What costs are involved in having a new key? I only have one key and would like a spare, but does it mean a costly remofe and programming and recut metal key section by the main dealer?Sounds expensive..... I had a remote go bad and got new remote and key cut along with programming from P dealership in NJ for $175+tax that's really cheap. my bloody stealer wanted $550 for that. of course i said no
  3. have you replaced the old water pump? maybe it's getting weaker...
  4. yes for freeway driving but he's doing low speed "offroad" driving i guess it's normal
  5. How did you find out the tire was bad? I think I am having a similar problem.
  6. FYI, possible transmission oil choices: http://www.mobil1.lt/en/produktai/automobiliu-alyvos-ir-tepalai/automatiniu-transmisiju-alyvos/ Mobil ATF 3309 It is the highest performance synthetic fluid - specially developed for "Aisin-Warner" automatic transmissions. Toyota Type T-IV/T4/T-III/T3 Lexus JWS 3309 GM 9986195 VW G-052-025-A2 Ford WSS-M2C924-A Mitsubishi Fuso (FE) – since 2005 Porsche (Cayenne S/Turbo) – JWS 3309/Type T-IV Saab (9.3,9.5) – 5 speed AT boxes Volvo (S 40/60/70/80, V 40/70, C 70, XC 90) - 5 speed AT boxes.
  7. did you replace those drain plug sealing rings? if so, where did you get those?
  8. hey guys, going to do the diff/t-case fluid changes next week. where do you get those new plug sealing rings that are mentioned in the service manual. thanks a lot!
  9. thanks man. i appreciated your input.
  10. Currently running Hankook Ventus ST RH06275/40R-20 on my CTT. The tires wear really well. However they make a lot of noise on fwy especially at higher speed. Any one knows some good tires that won't make so much noise?
  11. really? that's new to me. i thought that you can't store a spare if you have a sub in the same space.
  12. Here is the deal. The fans did kick in when the engine temperature reached around 200F(93C). So the coolant temperature sensor is not the problem. (The fans were switched off as soon as the temperature dropped below 200F) But I did notice that the coolant temperature kept going up when the car was idling which doesn't sound normal considering the ambient temperature was only 70F.
  13. WOW, didn't know Durametric software has gotten so much better. It can even read transmission temperature now so I should be able to do a tranny service myself. Okay, in engine actual values section (idle), Engine Temperature -------------- 84C Engine Oil Temperature ------------ 81C Engine Temperature (sensor) ----- 0V Engine Oil Tmeperature (sensor)-- 0V I am confused. If sensors are not working, how come the computer can get correct data regarding temperature? (Everyone should get himself a copy of Durametric!!! :thumbup: )
  14. According to the tech doc, the fans should kick in around 200. But mine don't do that unless the A/C is on. So it must be the coolant temp sensor, right?
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