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    West Chester, PA
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    2000 Porsche 911 C4 Cab Manual
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    2013 991
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    Nissan Murano, Jeep, Volvo 850 Turbo, Audi 100, Infiniti G35, Acura TL-S Type

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  1. I am looking at a Baby seat for my 996 and 997 and have heard mixed results but the Porsche dealer reccomended the Recaro Vivo as it is built to fit 996 and 997 models. My dealer and the next closest one is sold out as there is some back flow problem with Recaro baby and child seats. Does anyone have any experience with this model on EBay. Looks to be the best deal on Ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121112435417
  2. I am planning to buy this 996 with 86,00 miles. Does anyone have any suggestions of questions I should ask the buyer? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Carrera-4-/121091420558?_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&forcev4exp=true Thank you!
  3. Thank you. Yes, I tried the PlastiDip however it really looked a bit shoddy ( i assume because it was my first attempt). I am going to retry once the car goes into February and March Hibernation.
  4. A friend sent me the below History Channel video of the Porsche Manufacturing facility in Stuttgart. Great video but wondering if there are any other little gems out there? Happy new year.
  5. That looks great. Perfect combination and really enhances the look.
  6. Thank you. West Texas is 80MPH, soon to be 85MPH Posted Speed limit, but at 11PM and a clear horizon so's not to endanger another motorist I gave it some gas.. Thank you for the advice. Someone emailed me that they tought the Cabriolet top (which was up, not down during my drive) contributed to the shaking and it is a known issue with carreras from 99-05. Never heard of that before and will just keep it below 100 for safety going forward. Cheers.
  7. My original post was slightly incorrect in the MPH. I had the car at 115 not 155. Had the 911 up to 115MPH on a deserted Highway (completely deserted) and got to 115 at which point i let up on the the throttle. Immediatley the the steering wheel shook rapidly and very strongly. I tapped the gas and the shaking stopped until I let up on the gas again and the MPH went below 85. I took it to a dealer in the town I was working in and he said the tires are perfect at 80% tread and wheel balance is right in target. Anyone have this issue?
  8. Had the 911 up to 115MPH on a deserted Highway (completely deserted) and got to 155 at which point i let up on the the throttle. Immediatlt the the steerong wheel shook rapidly and very strongly. I tapped the gas and the shaking stopped until I let up on the gas again and the MPH went below 85. I took it to a dealer in the town I was working in and he said the tires are perfect at 80% tread and wheel balance is right in target. Anyone have this issue?
  9. That sounds like a great combination with those colors. Would you mind posting a picture once you complete it? Thanks.
  10. I really like the look of the current trend of darkening the Rims to make the Silver Aluminum Black. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about doing this or photos? Thank you! 996 C4 Cab with 88,000 Miles
  11. 82,000 and no RMS Failure! Apparently it is out of the woods! Wait what is that black slippery stuff underneath my car? :) Never had a problem with that car...
  12. A neighbor came over last weekend to look at my Porschesince he is an x owner and a supposed aficionado.. He told me the easiest fixin 996s is to replace the air filter. Iwent to the Porsche Dealer this week bought one. My neighbor came over lastnight, popped the hood and put it in the car. Only problem was that he said “giveit a start” and did not put the cover on the Air filter. The car made a loud Warbling noise and I shutit down after 5 seconds. Now my checkEngine light is on and according to my Neighbors ODB Device I show warninglights for codes # PO410 AND P1411 Does anyone know what the problem could be?
  13. The German Technical Inspection Association (TUV), together with the German car magazine Auto Bild, have released the result of the 2011 used car reliability report. The study is based on 7,253,709 general vehicle inspections performed by TUV's independent engineers, covering all the strong and the weak points of a large number of vehicles. We'll start with the cars that would make excellent second-hand purchases, a category dominated by Toyota and Porsche. The German car maker managed to win five age categories. One of its champions is the 911 (we are talking about the 996 generation, which was produced between 1997 and 2005), which managed to claim the top position in the following age classes: 6-7 years, 8-9 years and 10-11 years. The current incarnation of the Boxster (987), which has been around since 2004 shares the number one position of the 4 to 5 years of age with the Toyota Corolla Verso. We'll move on to the Japanese automotive producer now. The second generation of the Prius, which was produced between 2004 and 2009 manage to become the first hybrid vehicle included on the list of winners of the TUV report. The company's Auris, RAV4, as well as the aforementioned Corolla Verso are other Toyota models that managed to secure a top ten place in the 2 to 3 years of age category. At the other end of the reliability scale we find the Kia Carnival, which went down to the last place, just like it did last year. The flaws registered by the car include faulty brakes with corroded pipelines, oil loss and rusty exhaust. The same can be said about the Ford Ka (1996-2008), with the vehicle performing extremely bad especially in the 10 to 11 years of age category. The study's overall conclusion was a negative one, as the rate of cars with serious problems has increased from last year (19.5 in comparison with 17.6). However, this is also due to the fact that the TUV stations have made more complex checks.
  14. Hello Loren. I am looking for the car to sit all winter and not move it. (it will just be waxed and stared at by me):D
  15. Does anyone have a reccomendation for a Fuel Stabilizer to use? I was told by a colleague that Fuel Stabilizers with Methanol can be very harmfull to the 911 Engine. I went to PepBoys auto supply and none of the fuel stabilizers notate Metanole and the service people could not tell me. My local Porsche dealer has none of their brand left so I am out of luck there. Second question: I will be filling up the gas tank to the top, how much of the fuel stabilizer should be used? I have never winterized the car and will be doing so this weekend for the next 3 months. Any assistance would be appreciated!:help:
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