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About lawlord

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  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    Cayenne Turbo 9PA
    996 Carrera C2 Cabrio

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  1. I paid and got a download link within moments yesterday June 13, 2009. Huge amount of content. Exactly what I wanted and had been looking for. I am waiting to see the outcome of this thread, i.e., are things ordered delivered, before I purchasing anything. Hi, I can confirm rizzo's quote. I bought the 996 and the Cayenne factory manuals form Porschelibrarian this week. He send me everything I expected within minutes by providing me with a download link right after payment. No delay and excellent stuff, good and quick communication. So nothing to complain about. lawlord
  2. Hi guys, I’m new here and first of all let me say thanks for providing such a great site. The SIM-tray of my PCM2 was broken. The tray couldn’t be fixed any more and came out automatically. So I searched the web to find a solution for that problem. And I found your site. The description of t1m (http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9559&hl=sim+pcm) [thanks to t1m] helped me very much to disassemble the PCM2. As having the SIM-tray taken out of the PCM2 I thought it would be a good idea to try to repair it by myself. And it worked :D . So if anyone of you has the same problem I like to share my new knowledge with you. 1. Take out the SIM-tray. Here you find 4 screws (see picture 1). You need a torx 3 screwdriver to unlock them. 2. After taking away the board you have to take away the front cover. Be careful not to break anything, it is only clipped. Than you can take out the drawer. In picture 2 you can see the broken bolt (red circle) lying in the guide track (arrows). 3. In picture 3 you see the drawer turned upside down. The red circle shows, were the plastic bolt was placed originally. Now the most difficult part begins: You take a very thin drill and drill a small hole right in the place where the bolt was placed before. CAUTION: You must not use a drill that is to thick or come out of center with the drill so that the whole isn’t completely surrounded by the plastic part anymore. Otherwise you loose the guidance of the plastic part. 4. After that you take a metal paperclip and cut off a small piece of the end. This will be your new bolt. The length depends on how deep the hole was drilled. It should look out of the plastic drawer round about 1.5 cm. Take some glue to fix the new bolt. Picture 4 shows the new bolt and the guide track (arrows). 5. Now you can reassemble the tray. It is a little bit tricky to readjust the 2 springs moving the drawer. I suggest to use scotch tape to fix the springs in the main body first (you can remove it later after having fixed everything), than put in the drawer and at last fix the springs at both sides of the drawer. 6. After that you close the main body with the board. Than you can remove the scotch tape. Finished. And you have the good feeling that you are now owner of a metal bolted SIM-tray. If you had bought a new tray you would have had the same problem again soon, as it is again plastics. This was the reason I improved the system. And it works really fine Good luck for your diy-projects!
  3. PCM2 -SIMcard tray - drawer repair Hi guys, I’m new here and first of all let me say thanks for providing such a great site. The SIM-tray of my PCM2 was broken. The tray couldn’t be fixed any more and came out automatically. So I searched the web to find a solution for that problem. And I found your site. The description of t1m (http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=9559&hl=sim+pcm) [thanks to t1m] helped me very much to disassemble the PCM2. As having the SIM-tray taken out of the PCM2 I thought it wou Author lawlord Category Cayenne (9PA, 9PA1) - Common Fixes and Repairs Submitted 03/06/2009 01:55 PM Updated 03/14/2017 07:06 AM
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