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Tool Pants

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Everything posted by Tool Pants

  1. It is said that if you are going to reuse the belt you should mark the direction of rotation. Maybe this is something from the olden days.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php/topic/32635-smogging-a-boxster/ Read the link. I was actually due for a 7th smog test last month but have not found the time to do it.. You did not fail the test - your car was not ready for the test. You cannot have a check engine light on. On my year there are 5 readiness codes. If you click on the link then click on the next link. On 3 of the 5 need to be set to start the test. Before I had a PST2 the smog guy would plug his machine into the obd port to make sure at least 3 were set. If they were then he would do the dyno test. Now that I have a PST2 I check the car while I am outside the shop to make sure at least 3 are set. If the are set then I give the keys to the smog guy. I have not kept up on the Calif smog biz. There was a test only, test and repair, and then a gold something. Test only could only test the car. If it failed then you had to go a test and repair to see why. I don't even know if they will do a pretest anymore. Once I had the PST2 I was able to determine for myself if the car was ready for the test, so I have not kept up on things.
  3. Your profile says you have a 1998, and the steering wheel did not tilt back then. Just slides up and down.
  4. The alarm horn is like a normal 12 volt horn. Remove the horn and test it with a 12 volt battery. If it does not make noise then there is an adjustment screw. The screw is covered with a plastic plug. Remove the plug and you can then turn the screw in or out. If you turn the screw while it is hooked up to 12 volts you might get it to work. I was able to get a "dead" horn working this way. But it sounded funny so it was replaced.
  5. Have you pushed the button yet to see if the car blows up.....
  6. I am very rusty on this. But when we put in that mirror or a Traffic Pro we had to find the reverse signal wire. Is that what you are looking for. Pic is from a 2000 2.7.
  7. I have never replaced the pump, but I have seen them after they were replaced. No sealant on the metal gasket.
  8. No clue what is inside the unit, as we do not have this alarm feature in the US. But on the UK boards they say there are problems with water getting inside due to its location next to the battery. I thought the solution was to relocate it to a dryer place such as under the seat.
  9. I also wash it out with water.
  10. The side marker lights do no not blink with the turn signal/haz if that is what you think is the problem.
  11. With a 1997 that I have owned for 11 years I am sort of a smog expert. CARB has taken over this state. I do get fault codes because the rear wheels spin on the rollers, and the fronts do not. ABS does not like that. But this has nothing to do with emission fault codes. I have a 5 speed manual transmission so I do not see tip fault codes.
  12. Check PET or your local dealer. I think you can order what is called a "stipulated" ignition switch or for the other locks.
  13. Remove the belt and start the car. That is what I did when I thought I had a noisy belt or bad bearings on something back there, This will rule out the belt. Yes, you can run the engine without a belt oln. Then play around with all the pulleys. Too much bad noise for it to be a belt I think.
  14. The fan can run after the key has been removed, even if the fan was not on while your were driving around . It is called heat soak or something like that. But do as Loren said and check to see if the temp sensor is where it should be.
  15. I have not kept up on what a Durametric can or cannot do Never used one so I so not know what you can see with it.. Unless you have a very, very early 2003 you do need to put in the order type in the DME before you can modity the instrument cluster coding to with OBC. Keep in mind the order type is in the DME Once the order type has been entered then you cannot go straight to the instrument cluster to change the coding to with OBC. You have to start the automatic search all over again to scan all the control units. Then you can go straight to the instrument cluster and change the coding. When the coding has been changed the instrument cluster will go dark and then turn on. You will hear a gong sound. The trip odometer will go to zero. But this is with a PST2.
  16. Do you know how your car end up with 2 different keys?
  17. A UK car has an siren with it's own internal battery that sounds off if you disconnect the battery for the car. It is the black thing with the round red grill. Below that is the tilt sensor. We do not have this in the US. On a UK car you are supposed to turn the ignition on before you disconnect the cables from the car battery, or the siren will go off. Don't know why that procedure is not working for you. I have heard that the siren is very loud....
  18. Spark plug tube o-rings and/or cam covers are a common leak source. You are going to have to get under there to see where it is from.
  19. The connector has been cut off and 2 new (blue) terminals crimped on for an aftermarket horn. Plug in the other one and see if it works.
  20. I replaced the switch on my Boxster years ago because the oval button would not stay down. It came in a box with a new button. Later I realized for less money I could have bought just the switch as a 996 part number. For some reason on a Boxster the switch comes with the button, but with a 996 you get just the switch as the button has it's own part number. You might price the 996 switch since I assume you do not need another button. I have an old PET that has the 996 switch as 996.613.120.01. No "A" finish code in the part number because it is just the switch.
  21. It is sometimes an issue with the car not being driven enough to keep the battery charged. Then as the battery ages it does not hold a charge like when it was new. There is a Porsche bulletin floating around that Porsche will not warranty a battery if the car is driven less than X miles a year. I think 6,000.
  22. If you can find another local owner then swap the sensor.
  23. Just get a can of silver paint and paint them. Remove the rust first. The early nuts were prone to rusting. Porsche then came out with a new part number. Something to do with cars int the snow belts. But I have seen rusty nuts here in sunny California. This was a warranty replacement in the olden days.
  24. For the interior lights, you car may still after all these years be in the transit mode. I would have to think about the other issue.
  25. The latch on the door has a micro switch. But I have no idea how to wire something to it.
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