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About jragan

  • Birthday 11/04/1977

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    HPDEs, Track Days, Mods

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  • From
    Fort Worth, Texas
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2007 BMW E86 M Coupe (Mine)
    2008 997 C4S (Girlfriend's)
  • Future cars
    996 GT2
  • Former cars
    My first car was a 1979 Volvo 262C Bertone. Woohoo :)

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  1. Just realized this was for a 997-2. They switched to touch screen, etc, that year, right? So with that said, I can't speak with much intelligence around what is/isn't possible.
  2. So I retrofitted Nav and cd changer into my wife's 2008 997.1 C4S . This was in 2009 when the car was bought new and even still had the temporary paper plates on it. You should not need to replace the PCM. You just need a lot of parts, a lot of time, and the dealer to set coding in the car to say you now have Nav. Suncoast and @Loren were great resources to me at the time but I also had the electronic parts manual which told me pretty much everything I needed to know.
  3. I'm looking at possibly moving into a 987CS2 and was curious about the LSD option. Being as it's almost impossible to find one on the lot with the factory LSD, I was curious for opinions as to whether it's worth it to hunt down a 987CS2 with the factory option or is it better to go with aftermarket (quaife, etc)?
  4. Did you go to the dealer and have your system coded to accept the new Sat unit?
  5. That's what I was looking for. Thanks, Loren!
  6. To be more specific, the Pentosin I have on hand is "Pentosin Racing Brake Fluid". I know from research that it appears most Porsches take Pentosin 11S (which can be replaced or mixed with the higher 202), but I can't figure out how the "Racing Brake Fluid" fits into that equation...
  7. I'd like to top off my girlfriend's 997-1 C4S but I only have Pentosin, ATE Super Blue, and ATE Gold laying around (listed in order of heat rating). Are any of these ok to mix in with whatever is stock? Thanks!
  8. I recently finished retrofitting Nav, Sirius, and Cd Changer into a 997 C4S....although only the Sirius was sourced from a Cayenne. Most parts are interchangeable between models as long as the level of the system is maintained or upgraded (A->B->C, etc), the thing you'll need to keep in mind is that the Nav drive will need to be either horizontal or vertical depending on the target vehicle and that the Sat-Navigation DVD Drive unit will need to go last in the MOST chain. I actually have a new horizontal Sat-Navigation DVD Drive unit listed in the for sale section for cheap (I needed the vertical unit instead of the horizontal my "kit" came with).
  9. At the bottom of the PCM display, there is a row of buttons...I think it's like the 6th button and says "Info". When in SatRadio mode, if you depress this "Info" button you'll be given two options (I forget what the first is), the second of which is "RadioText", which, when selected, will display the song info. See this attached image in the original post: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...ost&id=4175
  10. I had the same question you did about the Cayenne Sirius system I retrofitted. It appears your XM works the same way...in that the song info only appears on the Info/RadioText screen. I verified on the Cayenne boards that this is how it works (i.e. they never see the song info scroll...the cluster and the PCM always just display the station name when on the "normal"/Main screen)
  11. Hmm so maybe the part numbers I listed... one is for US, and the other for Canada, then...
  12. So I just finished retro-fitting Sirius, Cd-Changer and Sat-Nav into my girlfriend's 2008 997-1 with no issues and after dealer coding, everything appears to be working great. Before the retrofit, the basic PCM setup was at Level C . It so happens that I had special ordered a new vertical Navigation-DVD unit for the retrofit. I performed no PCM updates , system, navigation or otherwise, and the Map disc I'm using is a 2006 disc. The reason I bring all this up is that my experience seems a bit counter to some of the notions expressed in this thread. I haven't checked the software-versions post retro-fit, but according to what I've learned from this thread and others, all components have to be at a matching "level" to talk to eachother, so knowing that pre-retro-fit that the car was at Level C, this would mean the Navigation drive would also have to be at Level C in order to properly talk to the existing system. Where things get contrary is that, also according to this thread, a Level-C system can't use a 2006 disc, but I, in fact, am. I may be over-simplifying so maybe I'm missing something?
  13. I know the part number for the US unit is 997 618 227 01 "control unit garage door opener" with an additional info item of I607: "Garage door opener 'Homelink', 315 Mhz" I see another part number listed 997 618 225 02 "control unit garage door opener" with an additional info item of I608: "Garage door opener 'Homelink', 433 Mhz" Since I know the first part is for US, then my assumption would be that the second part (997 618 225 02) is RoW You should verify this, though, before ordering :)
  14. Just got back from getting everything coded at the local dealer and it looks like I was correct in my assumption that the MOST path should be PCM -> Amp -> Changer ->Sirius -> Sat-Navigation. My only question is why isn't the artist/song information displayed on the "Main" screen? (I have to go to Info->Radio Text to see the information). Anyone have any idea here?
  15. Berty, Where in this order would the SIRIUS fit? My un-educated guess would put it between CD and NAVIGATION so PCM -> AMP -> CD Changer -> Navigation but I'd like some confirmation before I button the boot up. Just got back from getting everything coded at the local dealer and it looks like I was correct in my assumption
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