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  1. GUYS - NEUTRAL - NEUTRAL !!!!! Best not to pull it off in park. I have remove mine 3 times and have been told by 2 shops + suncoast to always remove the shifter while in neutral. Also, the force needed to remove it is quite a bit.
  2. I just finished this job last weekend. PCM Video Install I just ordered a wireless send/receiver and one of the ebay factory styled cameras (the one that fits where one of the license plat bulbs are. I already tested a wired camera and it works great. Enjoy!
  3. Update: I exchanged emails between the 2 firms (technically there are 3 firms - 2 on the east coast acting as one and doug sutters firm Columbus Ohio) for further possible coordination as co-councils. It looks like both sides are possibly interested in working together which potentially broadens the case as well as information sharing. Also, both firms expressed interested in taking the case to Florida next partly due to the high concentration of Cayenne owners. Feedback on the database has been GREAT and I know east coast councils have been utilizing it. PLEASE ALL - KEEP THE REGISTRATIONS COMING - IT"S A HELP. More info in the original post links (see above). We are now over 50 Registrants!
  4. Renntechers ! There is a concerted effort underway now to compile a database of cayenne owners who have replaced their coolant lines and / or are coming up on mileage that is in the "danger zone" for CP failure. The original post was started by a lawyer and is found here: Original Post After that post I created this post (I am not a lawyer but run an advertising company and no how to organize an effort): Follow up Post and this form: Registration Form so far their are 22 individuals who submitted a form in the last 7 days. There are a few lawyers taking interest now (some who are porsche drivers - go figure). NO GUARANTEES that this will go anywhere, but its a unified effort now and perhaps a little grass-root effort and some bad press can move PCNA to come up with some resolution. Best, Rox
  5. PORSCHE PCM 2.1 SCREEN REPLACEMENT TUTORIAL ------------------------------------------------------------ My PCM screen started failing a year ago and it finally failed 2 weeks ago. The symptoms were a screen that would go white and then display video artifacts. When I pushed on the lower half of the screen, it would occasionally return to normal or at least to a state of legibility. Outside of the screen issue, all other functions of the radio, CD, CD changer, NAV all worked. Thanks to another member her pointing me towards an ebay seller, I was able to purchase just a new screen for $400 shipped instead of the $2400 the dealer wanted (not including install). The job is not that difficult. Having the guts to pull apart your $2400 stereo is a different story INFO: LINK TO THE EBAY DEALER (Excellent seller): http://stores.ebay.com/Worldwide-Sounds_Po...634Q2ec0Q2em322 LINK TO MY FULL DISMANTLE PICTURES:Photos LINK TO MY POST ON 6SPEED WITH EMBEDDED YOUTUBE (EASIER THAN THE LINKS) : Visit My Website VIDEO TUTORIAL OF THE RE-ASSEMBLY: PART 1 REASSEMBLY PART 2 REASSEMBLY PART 3 REASSEMBLY PART 4 REASSEMBLY PART 5 REASSEMBLY PART 6 REASSEMBLY Feel free to ping me if you have any ??? ( I am on 6speed more than I am here so better to ping me there).
  6. You did at least carfax or autocheck it right??? Not that that tells you what was done, but it at least tells you if some one flipped the dam thing. I have a 30 day on autocheck if you post teh vin I will at least give you the autocheck.
  7. Here is what I know from my dealer buddy - At VW, it costs them $750 to enable a pre-owned dealer warranty (not a 3rd party buy and pray warranty). They of course will tell you it costs $2500 + and you have to buy the car from them (some will just do it) . At Porsche, the warranty cost more and they are a little more particular about it. However, I had 2 dealers tell me " Bring it down and we will certify it". I have an 05 S with 16K miles. The first dealer said " Hell, give me $3500 and no problem". SO - i suspect they pay $1500 MAX to Porsche to do it. I am also hearing that Porsche is giving away CPOs to some dealers who are moving lots of off-lease cars. SO - armed with that info, I would suggest that you: 1. Go for a CPO, not a 3rd party. 2. negotiate the price with the dealer and if he won't - give him the " let me call you tomorrow". Then hit the phones and ask another dealer if they will do it for $2500. 3. if you find some one - great, if not, go back to your original and try again. Keep in mind - blow one coolant seal above the trany and its a full R&R that you would have to pay for = e.g., $2.00 seal, $7 - 8 K R&R. I say get the warranty. I am looking to trade my 05 s now for a TT and if I cant get the deal I want, I will be CPOing mine as my warranty runs out at the end of this month. Hope this helps.
  8. Whoops - My bad on the post. Yeah it drove my buddies TT and I am hooked. I decided to pass on the 04 and started digging into a possible 05 or 6. Will post my experience when its done. I was in the biz years ago and still have buds that let me know the auction pricing. Armed with this - I will prob find the right deal. What I won't do is get in one at all costs - because that will be a let down for sure. Right now in my area there are about five 45K 04 TT's selling flat retail for $31K - i'm not jumping at those so I know I am still in control of my faculties :)
  9. Question for the masses - I have an 05 with 16K miles on it - 85% loaded (wood, nav etc,). Really want a turbo but where to pricey when I bought my 5. I have an op to do a lateral swap for an 04T loaded with 42K miles. Both are out of warranty so no issues there. So - consensus? Worth it for the extra juice??? Anything with the 04T that can hurt me in the pocket region? Any flaws in 04 that I should know about (besides the CD vs DVD issue)? Thanks!
  10. Searched the forums but did not see a direct comparison (is there???). Does anyone have experience with Stock Air Filters -> V-Flow intake Compared to Stock Air Filters -> BMC or K&N I already read that stock to BMC reduces the low end lag, so that is clear. I am more interested in someones experience with going from stock to BMC and then saying "hell - lets just go to the V-flow" or someone who went right from stock to Vflow. I am looking for Increased performance + sound from the engine. I already pulled off the secondary cats (which was well worth it), but I swear I cannot hear so much as a peep from the engine. In addition to the EVO, does anyone have any experience with the non-branded airkits they sell on ebay for around $280 (like the evo but no hot air sheilds). And lastly - I am considering trading my mint 16K mile 05 s for a higher mileage Turbo. With the right deal I can probably lateral with a few thousand bucks tossed in. Goal is more performance + air ride (which I like - jersey roads can suck). Anyone do that recently? Feeling/feedback? Thanks guys!
  11. Tonga - the cat bypass wakes ups the dead and most of your neighbors when you get on it. Nice and quite when you drive like a human, but the second you punch it its like a small explosion. Only thing, its all out the backend, so if you really want to hear what others are hearing, open the window a tad. I am def happy with this mod.
  12. I bought an 05 with 14K on it and never looked back (found on ebay and bought it local). 05 and 06 are basically the same and there was no 07. In comparison to the new style, i would take the old - but that's up to taste. Fits my family of 5 very comfortably. Options I wish I had: - Air suspension (ride nicer around town) - Phone option on the PCM. Without this no add-on Bluetooth will work right. - Newer PCM firmware that supports MP3 (mine is V1 and it does not). - Turbo dash (but you need the turbo! or its a real journey to make it work). - Longer warranty (mine runs out in 2 weeks - only after market warranties after that - $2 - 3K) - Black with Tan interior (I am titanium and silver - nice but not killer). I have had the car 3 weeks and in order to make it stand out I added: - Turbo tips - secondary cat elimination - Wood steering wheel - Wood shifter - Rear cargo mat - Roof rails Mileage with a HEAVY foot has been 11MPG around town and 15 - 16 on the highway. Can probably get another MPG with a $500 EVO intake kit. Also, do not cheap out on a non-S or a 6cy - You will regret it (I test drove both and NG!). Attached pic for reference - Hope this helps!
  13. I bought them from a German dealer on Ebay - http://stores.ebay.com/teileguru-Shop. Apparently he has 13 sets left. Cost: $580 + $59 shipping (excellent price!). Shipping time - 15 days to east coast. If you buy from him, he ships DHL (deutche post) which than gets handed off to USPS - So don't expect accurate tracking. The tips are very well made and tip + pipe are polished not chromed. They do look bigger and more oval when compared to what Porsche dealers sell (see here: http://e-partssales.com/Merchant2/merchant..._Code=955ttExt). For all I know this is what the German cayenne has as OEM. No issues with the fitment except the clamps provided were too big. I just reused the stock clamps which worked fine. Here are some closer pics. I have higher res versions, but the forum limits the upload. Dimensions- Width: 9" (228.6 mm) Height: 4" (101.6mm)
  14. qooldude, I know this is an older post, but i followed the instructions and had no issues. Start to finish, 2 hours (and I was cleaning old parts along the way). No comparison between old and new. The Turbo tips are huge and aggressive. Old tips now look like they belong on a soccer mom cross-over. ONE addition - the 2 top screws that you show in pic #3, I had to back these out from underneath with a pair of needle nose vice-grips. I had to do this as its near impossible to fit a philips head driver in that space. I do now know that if I had this tool - http://www.keeptheheaton.com/acatalog/PREGQ601.jpg - It would have been easier. Anyway - excellent upgrade and relatively cheap if you go to ebay ($1250 all-in).
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