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the head

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About the head

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    Houston, TX
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    04 Cayenne Turbo
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    05 SL65

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  1. Great question, Don. Maybe they expect the customer base to just upgrade to the newest model... Gotta change the front diff oil now - mainly just for grins, but due to the fact it's likely original as well.
  2. Cool. I was able to cross this over to Ravenol MDL. The Porsche part number floating around was 000 043 300 37. It took about the 1.3L to fill it. The chattering at low speeds it was experiencing is all but completely gone. This is very similar to the transfer case oil changeout I did a little while ago. I'm at a bit over 55k miles. The old fluid was like black water coming out of there. So this will also be something I probably change out every 30k miles moving forward.
  3. I'm having a hard time trig to figure out what rear differential fluid my 2013 CTT takes. It has the PTV electronic rear end on it and from what I understand it has carbon fiber discs in it and requires a specific fluid. Anyone have any sources that provide a brand/part number?
  4. Changed the fluid again today after 2 weeks and glad I did. I'll post pics later on. Only a slightly burned smell but the oil was dark brown. So if you change the fluid I recommend a follow-up flush a week or two later. Still running perfect!
  5. Yes, just making sure I get as much of the old fluid that was stuck in the clutch pack and pump out of it.
  6. Curious as well. Mine was most grabby in slow, sharp turns like parking lots. And 3rd and 4th gear were the worst going straight as well. Still no issues after my oil change = I'm driving it daily until the next change this weekend just to be sure.
  7. I will be changing with the same oil - Motul DCTF. I'm not sure if Pelican sells it or not.
  8. OK so a quick update - still no issues driving under various conditions so for now I'm in the clear. Smooth as it should be driving with small throttle all the way to wide open.
  9. About a week ago, I changed the oil in the transfer case. I went with Motul DCTF as it is a replacement oil for the Shell equivalent that Porsche recommends. BTW, that doesn't mean it's "Porsche approved" but it does cross over from a parts perspective. Anyway, all of the symptoms have gone away. It now shifts and drives smoothly. I'll change it again soon just to ensure that the old oil has been removed as it had a very burnt smell to it - very similar to when an automatic transmission has burned up clutches. So this might be a fix if caught quickly before the clutches take a lot of damage (and there's nothing saying they aren't in my case). There was also no sign of water in the oil.
  10. I just replaced the fluid in mine with Motul DCTF fluid. Yes, I realize the transfer case isn't the PDK... The fluid is a replacement for Shell TF0870. The fluid was definitely burned. If you've ever smelled burned transmission fluid that's what it smelled like. I took some pics as shown. Looking at the oil I didn't see any metal flakes in it, indicating any kind of obvious metal wear. There was also no indication of water in the oil. It took a little over 0.8 liters to fill it back up. Took it for a drive and so far, so good. I didn't go very far but did drive long enough for the jerkiness to manifest itself as usual. I'll post an update later this week. Hoping for the best!
  11. Took it to an independent shop and they diagnosed it as the transfer case. Nothing wrong with the engine at all, so I feel a little less dumb. Here in Houston there are 3 Porsche dealers and one quoted $5500, another $4300, and the third I'll never do business with again for service (Momentum). So looks like $4300 it is for the turnkey expense of getting the transfer case replaced. Gotta pay taxes first and then get that done. I'm hoping they let me keep the old one so I can take it apart and see if the clutches are just burned up in it or something simple like that.
  12. I'm not 100% sure as I've read that as well. I pulled the fuses to the PTV to keep it from engaging the clutches. Others did this and the low speed grab on sharp turns went away. Mostly these people then had a software update per a TSB. In my case removing the fuses didn't help, so it seems to not be the issue looking at it that way. That said, I do have the grab at low speeds but I don't find it that irritating. I can feel the miss at higher rpm but it isn't as prevalent as lower rpm and light throttle input. Getting close to just taking it to the dealer rather than throwing parts at it
  13. Replaced the diverter valves - stock ones seemed fine, and as a result no change. The Durametric doesn't live data the 958 so i'm stuck with a 1-sample per second gauge and it isn't fast enough to catch anything. What is the stock boost level for this engine? Thinking I'll have to take it to the dealer soon rather than just throw parts at it. No codes as of yet.
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