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  1. JFP thank you for the response. I searched a bit but couldn’t find what I was looking for. The PIWIS I was looking at was online for around $600 for the hardware and software which looks to be the real deal but I don’t know. It states Porsche PIWIS Tester II V18. Didn’t know they had imitations. I’m not looking for subscription or yearly updates so I guess the Durametric might be the way to go for me. Do you happen to know if the Innova higher end handhelds are just as good as the Durametric or do you think Durametric is still the way to go? Just trying to see if it’s worth it for me to have another type of scanner specific to the Porsche?
  2. No one has any experience with these?
  3. Hi I’m debating on the Durmetric enthusiast cable but debating if it’s even worth it? I currently have a decent Innova scanner that reads abs and srs as well as live data but isn’t specific like the Durametric unit. The enthusiast I’ll be limited to 3 vins which shouldn’t be a problem as I just have a 996 and 986. The Pro is around $600 or so not wanting to go that route as the only difference I can turn on cruise control with pro over the other. I’m unable to read or write so is it even worth me buying it over what I have now? I see that they also have PIWIS units around $500 and if I’m not mistaken I could do more with those? ICarsoft is another I see people use. Wanted to know your thoughts on this. Thank you for your time.
  4. 1999 Porsche Boxster manual just to confirm this is for the factory oem hardtop window seal
  5. Does anyone know what the part number is for the rear window seal that goes around the window?
  6. Ive looked everywhere and couldn't find anything that would go there online. Ill call the dealer tomorrow and see if they can shed some light on it for me. Just weird for it to have something like that and not have anything go there? But as you stated I only saw one and that was on bank 1. Thanks JFP!
  7. Thanks for the responses I figured that was the case with the oil! This is a replacement used I picked about a month ago so don’t know the history on it. I ended up getting some bottle of liquid moly so will use that for now. I’ll pick up some driven on the next round. Regarding the variocam pads both sides are done and have been properly timed. Wasn’t as hard as I made it to be. Bank 1 is sealed just need to seal up Bank 2. Did have a question does Bank 2 have this small heat shield like Bank 1? I didn’t see it and saw there is a small screw hole for something was just curious if it was missing it. Porsche Cylinder Head Heat Shield Genuine Porsche 99610423301 996.104.233.01 996 104 233 01 996-104-233-01 | Pelican Parts WWW.PELICANPARTS.COM Genuine Porsche Cylinder Head Heat Shield $4.00. Call (310)626-8765. May Qualify For FREE SHIPPING. Parts# 996 104 233 01 996-104-233-01... Attached a picture of the screw hole in question.
  8. I was going to use some fine sand paper but had a feeling that would be bad. So wanted to post it on here. I had a feeling that was the case. If I was to put in another set of cams it would probably mess those cams up. I guess i got no choice but to put these back in as is. How long do you think this motor will last with that scoring? How does that happen? To long of an oil change interval?
  9. So I was looking at my camshaft and cylinder head and it appears to have some pretty bad scoring on them. attached pictures is there a way to clean these up? Or am I just putting them back in as is? Unfortunately?!?
  10. that’s exactly what I was referring too. Sorry I still don’t know all the correct terminology for everything. I figured it didn’t have a particular procedure but figured I ask. thanks 🙂
  11. hydraulic lifters / followers the plate those sit on in the cylinder head. It’s held in with Allen’s if I’m not mistaken
  12. I’m thinking of taking off the follower plate is there a particular order I need to remove and reinstall the plate? Figured since I’m there I remove and check for cracks etc I’m pretty sure it’s not a crucial but figured I ask. by the way thanks jp for all your help!
  13. So these followers should be pretty solid when they go back in correct? Not semi firm meaning I can still press on them? That’s pretty much what I need confirmation on?
  14. So the lifters have been sitting through out the night and still unable to press down on them?
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