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About munro86

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    1998 996
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    997 CARRERA
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  1. Hi All, Removing transmission on my 996-last bolt on the bell housing is a triple-square or and XZN bolt. Does anyone know what size it is? Thanks for any help. Jason
  2. Jason: Your first issue sounds like a fraying window regulator cable. As Richard says, there's lots of info on this topic here (it's a very common problem), including a few good DIY posts on how to remove and repair. regards, Maurice. Thanks Everyone!
  3. Hi thanks for any advice. Firstly, about a week ago the drivers window started making a very audible rubbing/scratching sound when raising or lowering. There's no mark on the window,but somethings wrong.The other thing started about two days ago.( With the door closed) about 2 seconds after the window reaches the top, it drops about 3-4 inches then stops. To keep the car secure I can edge it almost to the top and it stays there. Don't know if the problems are related. Any ideas? Cheers, Jason
  4. I 've observed this for a few weeks now. Typically, in the first four gears, I experience this very preceptible miss, but only up to 2000rpm and then the acceleration is smooth. I know the engine management systems are quite complex in these cars, but I can't think what it could be in only a narrow rev range. Any theories/ideas would be appreciated. Cheers, Jason
  5. Congratulations! Are they original engine miles?
  6. Hi -Just curious- are they original miles?
  7. Oil filter housing I think he means
  8. I've had a 'double-beep' fault for sometime and wanted to get an error scan performed by someone other than Porsche. Found a fellow who was a master technician with Porsche for 30 years-so I went to see him. I pull up to his garage hidden amongst old heritage biuldings. To my delight all I could see was Porsche's- a boxter getting a new gearbox, a guards red targa carrera, a 944, two 964's- so I'm thinking this looks good. He, Carlos, immediately diagnosed the double-beep as the bracket on the oddments tray was broken-so he replaced it with a metal one- I then asked him to run a scan- so he pulls out the 'Porsche Diagnostic Tester' . To get to the point- it came up with with what he called 'F21' error, which he immediately said was the clock spring- it was 'broken' he said.( Yet I 've never heard any squeaking when turning as others have reported here)-in addition, and here's the clanger- the airbag warning light doesn't come on( I was completely oblivious to this BTW but he checked in front of me and lo and behold it doesn't come on at all). Carlos speculated that when the airbag originally came on, indicating, he says, a broken clock spring, whomever simply removed the airbag warning light bulb- but very disturbingly Carlos said:" If you were involved in major accident the airbags would not have deployed". "What?" I said incredulously( actually in my mind another two words were attached to what...). Sorry for the length people, but is this feasible? What does the clock spring have to do with the airbags? He's convinced I need a new clock spring, but I just don't know how he can so quickly come to this conclusion. What think ye? :help: Jason
  9. Hi- my first thought was to ask if the dealer replaced the vibration dampeners? If you don't the old one s may squeal. One solution is to use Wurth anti-squeal spray which may provide a temporary fix.
  10. Installed new battery today-no effect. I suppose this doesn't exlcude a circuit board problem with the remote, but how likely is this? The remote has never been dropped,subject to any shock nor has it been wet. I think now I need to have a error scan with the testor, but I know the stealer is going to do me over. :angry:
  11. OK-This is the first time I've actually concentrated on what happens instead of a casual observation :rolleyes: 1. Locked the car with the key. 2.BOTHthe windscreen LED and dash LED blinked rapidly simultaneously for about ten seconds. 3. Dash LED then stopped. 4. Windscreen LED continued but at a slower interval. Checked the car again after 10 minutes and no change i.e. windscreen LED only. Well in an earlier post I stated the dash LED was flashing. This was true, so I don't know what to make of this now. Checked those fuses. Intact. Jason
  12. Very astute Richard- On one occasion there was the double-beep you refer to, but only once. The LEDon the dash single flashes constantly like you say. The windscreen one I'm not sure-I will have tp observe more closely. For the time being do you think the car alarm is still actually effectively working?. I'm never more than a few yards from the car and never take it to "no go" zones of which there are a few in Sydney(Australia). Thanks again Richard. Jason P.S. Only have one remote key.
  13. Thank you everyone for your replies. I can lock the car with the key, but no blinking of the indicators occurs. One thing I did notice on approaching the car form behind today was the red light near the radio was flashing and also the red light under the windscreen was as well. Also, the the interior is very dry-no ingress of water. I'll also check those other fuse references-Thank you all. Very much appreciated- thanks for taking the time. Jason
  14. Thanks RFM- Good question. The alarm and central locking are on the same fuse -RowC-3 which is not blown. Things like the blinkers,the red indicator under the windscreen are not active it appears. Not sure what to do from here. Jason
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