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rahlstrom last won the day on January 29 2019

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About rahlstrom

  • Birthday January 4

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  • From
    Herndon, VA, United States
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2009 911 4S
  • Former cars
    2011 Panamera
    2005 Boxster S
    2003 Boxster S

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  1. I sold the manuals on eBay so I can not help you out anymore. Sorry.

  2. Hello Rahlstrom, I have a 2003 Boxster with the Bose upgrade but the amp I has the following numbers 996.645.332.00. Do you have the wiring diagram for this amp in your Porsche worksop manual? This is the Bose amp with the rear sub. If you do have this could you email it to me please. My email is ktyshing@bigpond.net.au.

    Thanks Kevin

  3. The insurance adjuster said the salvage yard was paying them $8K for the car! I know it's worth more but I'm SURE my wife would send me packing if I had two Porsche Boxsters in the driveway. All's well that ends well.
  4. Thanks everyone. I'll contact the dealer and see if they will fax me a copy of the options sheet. Check out my other post with some pictures of my totaled 966!
  5. Well, the 986 I bought April 2008 and spent countless hours on installing electronics, mods and paint restoration was totaled in a flash flood 2 weeks ago. This forum was tremendously helpful with all the work I did. I was having a few beers after a softball game at a local sports bar. The folks at the restaurant announced that the back parking lot was filling up fast from an overflowing creek with all the damned rain we've been having in the mid-atlantic region. By the time I got outside there was a river flowing through my car and mini cooper on my fender! I waded out when it was up to my trunk lid to try to rescue my laptop from the trunk... too late. By the time I made it back to higher ground it was over the roof! My insurance company (State Farm) was really good and with the receipts I produced on the work put into the car, they gave me $28K. I really would have preferred to get my car back but such is life. I'm happy to report that I've already found and purchased a 2005 Boxster S with 6,300 miles on it and now begin the process of installing items to make it just right for me again. I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of the mess the flood made of the car. Check out the "expensive German fishbowl" that used to be the front trunk.
  6. I just bought a 2005 Boxster S as a replacement for my totaled 986 (flash flood). On my 2003, the options sticker was on the inside of the front hood. There is no sticker like that on my 2005. I've looked everywhere and can't find it. There is also nothing in my service manual. I've search the forum and can't find anything either. Any ideas where they hid it on an '05? Thanks.
  7. Nothing special. Believe it or not, I just pulled apart one of those pool "splash balls" that has a foam core. I would imagine that anything pliable enough that effectively fills the cavity would work fine.
  8. I finally got around to pulling out the dash again and I installed foam insulation behind the mic and in the gauge cluster cavity behind the mic. What a difference! It still sounds like a speaker phone to callers on the other end but the clarity is much better. It made hands free calling usable where before, no one could understand me.
  9. The old amp will not work with the Alpine stereo. The Alpine PDX-5 is what I used to upgrade the factory amp and it sounds great. The phone prep cable only carries power and a signal wire that goes back to the stereo. It's only useful for power, unless you actually buy the Porsche phone module to plug into the harness. I would suggest the Alpine bluetooth adapter instead.
  10. Only unswitched (continuous) power is available on the factory radio harness. The switched power is available on the "phone prep" connector as noted in the DIY: "Note that only un-switched power is available in the factory radio harness. I used the phone prep cable in the console to get switched power for both the radio and as you’ll see, power for the bluetooth module. Note that the wiring diagram on the previous page lists the fuse locations that will now correspond to your radio and bluetooth module if you install one. The picture to the left shows what the phone prep cable looks like and where to find it...". The AVIC has two power connections, one for switched and one for unswitched. If you use unswitched power for both the radio power connections it will stay on and drain your battery.
  11. Sure thing Ody. Good luck with the job. I'm still very happy with my install and the sound.
  12. I was asked by a member about the wiring for the PCM module when performing the AVIC upgrade I posted in a separate DIY. I scanned the PCM and Bose wiring schematics from my set of Boxster shop manuals and am placing them here for anyone that needs them. PCM_Bose_Wiring_Diagram.pdf
  13. Follow trieullionares DIY for removing the climate control module but if you want it in the lowest slot, simply use the two screws you took out when removing the unit to screw it in the lower slot and then buy a new face plate at your Porsche dealer, part # 996 552 339 00.
  14. The wiring harness provided by trieullionnare will not work for a MOST bus install and your Bose amp will not work with the AVIC D3 or any non-Porsche radio. If you still choose to upgrade the head unit you are basically going to have to replace both the head and amp and then pick off signals for the new head unit from the factory wiring and re-use the speaker wiring in the front trunk to connect to the amp (all the signals and pins are on the chart in my DIY). So basically, follow trieullionnare's DIY for the physical prep and install and mine for the wiring. If you buy a kit from him you will need to modify the harness with the black connector to match the pin locations for the unswitched power, ground, speed and reverse signals and modify the harness that connects to the yellow factory harness connector for the amp remote signal. You will also need to run switched power to the radio and if you do it the way I did, it is available from the phone prep connector. From there you will run RCA cables from the head unit to the new amp and connect the amp speaker outputs to the old amp harness using the wiring chart in the DIY. It's all very complicated so I understand the confusion. Feel free to email me with any further questions or I can give you a call to discuss the DIY. Just send me a private message with a number if you would like a call.
  15. I taped over the end of the MOST but connector and left it in place. If you are moving to a new head unit, unfortunately you will need to replace all the other components using the MOST bus. The reason is that the MOST but carries the pre-amp signals digitally to the amplifier. I didn't have the CD changer but did have to remove my factory AMP. You are dealing with a Porsche proprietary system that is virtually impossible to make work with a non Porsche head unit. My DIY is most useful for the harness wiring as this is different than the pinnouts described by treullionniare for a non MOST bus harness.
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