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    996 C2 X51 MY2004
    Cayenne V6 tiptro S MY2005

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  1. It's a 996 my05 with most and bose system (and cd charger)
  2. Yes Tri, thanks for your answer. But Bose speakers are 2 ohms impedance (insread of 4 ohms with most speakers). Will they work with a non-Bose amp ? And what do I do with the CD charger ? Finally, if I buy a new amp, do I just have to connect it to the Avic ? If yes, do I need the wires harnesses provided with your kit ? Thanks again.
  3. Sorry, I don't understand... And what about a kit for porsche with MOST bus ? Did you give up ?
  4. Hi, Trieullionnaire, have you got news for me and 996 with MOST and BOSE owners ? A few months ago, you were talking about some testings on this case. Did you succeed ? On your website, I can see kits only for 986 and 997... Thanks.
  5. I don't think so.... I have 2 problems to solve before trying to install a new head unit : 1) Keeping my Bose speakers 2) Deleting the MOST thing. No solution at this time :(
  6. Hi Whall, I knew that DIY before.... Notice that the guy has got rid of his BOSE amp.... What I what to do is to keep the BOSE system (speakers, amp and CDC), and just connect a double din head unit... Thanks.
  7. Hi everybody, I'm still digging out the web to find a solution for my BOSE + MOST car, before I purchase Trieullionnaire's kit.... I've found this link : http://www.shopwiki.co.uk/detail/d=Autolea.../jumpToFirst=t/ Do you think it's possible to just connecr thos adapter between my Bose amp and the Avic HU ? And what about the Most bus ? Thanks a lot.
  8. Rahlstrom, what did you do with the MOST harness ? At the back of my CDR23, there are the yellow and black harness (discribed in treullionniare DIY), and a third little harness with two orange wire (most bus). The MOST seems to link my BOSE amp and CD charger, so I suppose I can't just get rid of it... Any idea ? Thanks again.
  9. Hi, Here is a link thats shows another way to route the antenna, though it has the same location that described above (close to the alarm sensor) http://www.6speedonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84794
  10. I would like to thank you for all the time you've spent to create these DIY. But I still don't understand something : Rahlstrom, it seems to me that the modifications you suggest to trieullionnaire 's DIY, are about the install (and alternate wiring) of an aftermarket amp.... So, what are the differences of procedures between MOST cars (your DIY) and non-MOST cars (Trieullionnaire's)? With my 996 (MOST), which instructions should I follow , since I have a Bose system ? Thanks again... :rolleyes: Softail.
  11. Hi, Nothing new about Porsche with Most ?
  12. The first pic is the rear of stereo CDR 23. The Most is the two orange wires. The second pic is the Bose amp (you still can notice the Most orange wires).
  13. As I can't post pics by PM, here are two pics of CDR23 rear panel and bose amp. The orange wires are the MOST.
  14. After many searches on forums, the only think I am sure about, is that the speakers are 2 ohms. The best would be to get technical information about the Bose amp.... Loren, maybe...?
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