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About 355bhp

  • Birthday 04/07/1946

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Be-bop jazz, baroque and classical music performed on period instruments, .45 autoloaders, brass HO steam locomotives

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  • From
    La Ciudad de la Nuestra Senora (L.A.), CA
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    '05 Porsche 997 C2S
    '06 Honda Element (my kid's, who's away at school, but I still pay the ins premiums)
  • Future cars
    996 or 997 GT3
  • Former cars
    '74 Alfa Romeo 2000 Spider Veloce
    '68 BMW 1600
    '85 M-B 300CD

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  1. I'd open up your following distance, and even if someone does slide in front of you, filling the gap, the most you're gonna lose is a microsecond or two when you continue to maintain the proper distance. Considering the consequences otherwise, microseconds are cheap.
  2. That was my "problem"; I couldn't keep the thing in the garage! But keep driving it: the harder the better.
  3. Thanks for the link. I'll sign up later today.
  4. What would it do for a normally aspirated '06-'07 C2S with a manual trans?
  5. According to the link, it looks to me like its features are good only for a PDK equipped car, unless it includes Sport Mode mapping.
  6. Everybody thinks I'm nuts, but if the DMV re-instates my license (I have a hearing coming up next Friday 10 Sept), I wanna get another C2S. The cause of the blackouts was actually a mini-stroke, and if I continue to take the prescribed dosages of Dilantin plus 81mg aspirin daily, I'll be OK. I haven't had another episode since the crash 8 July. My question is: what exactly is the Sports Chrono Package, and is it of any real value? In my search for a suitable '06 replacement, nearly every prospect has the option. My late C2S didn't have it, and frankly, I didn't miss it.
  7. It helps too, to assure the car is level, both laterally and longitudinally. Unfortunately, the car's fuel tank is small, and they use lots of the stuff. You'll get a feel of what constitutes a good fill over time.
  8. I'll wait for the evaluations of my neurologist and the DMV, before I decide. Thanks for your opinion.
  9. Lovely videos, but I'm poor and simply cannot afford a 997.2! And I loved wringing out my C2S manually and doing a little tap-dance on the pedals as I heel-toe-double-clutched my way thru a road much like that in the video. By the way, I called my car The Little Green Monster for the wonderful noises it made going up thru a canyon. It's gonna be tough finding a replacement.
  10. Just got a very decent offer from the ins co. Think I'll start looking for an '06 C2S like Phil suggested. I got lotsa time to find the right one.
  11. Hmm, untamed beast. . . I kinda like the sound of that. . .
  12. Just thinking about a turbo myself to replace my poor totaled C2S, but it would have to be an '05 or older to fit my budget. How are they like to drive compared to a normally aspirated C2S? I'd drive one myself, but the DMV won't let me behind the wheel for another 2-3 months.
  13. Still awaiting word from my insurer re payout and settlement. In the meantime, I'm exploring another possibilty suggested by the body shop: installing a "clip" or a complete front end assy from another C2S; providing they can even find a suitable one. Before everyone runs screaming for the exits at the mere mention of the word, does anyone have any real experience with this kind of repair? Thanks.
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