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TimAustinW last won the day on January 13 2019

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About TimAustinW

  • Birthday 06/04/1972

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Making video games and Porsches

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  • From
    Dallas, TX
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2007 Porsche Cayman S
    2006 BMW X3 Black
  • Future cars
  • Former cars
    2002 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabrio Seal Grey
    2002 Boxster 986 2.7 Seal Grey

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  1. Hey Guys, Gradually over the last couple of weeks it's become more difficult to raise the top on my 02 Cabrio. I'm thinking it's the micro switch in the handbrake. I'd pull the brake, hit the top button and the red cabrio light would just flash on the instrument cluster but the top wouldn't come up. If I pulled the handbrake tighter then it would go. But now it doesn't matter how tight I pull the brake. Now if I pull the handbrake just so it clicks once the parking brake light comes on and then winks out. So I'm thinking it must be the micro switch. Does anyone have the part number to the hand brake micro switch? Thanks, Tim
  2. Does anyone know if a decklid from a 996 turbo will fit a non turbo Carrera Cabrio?
  3. Just saw a pair of clears list on Ebay for $500 buy it now. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Porsche-986-996-OEM-Clear-Headlamps-Left-Right-/110706347984?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19c69ccfd0
  4. LOL. I actually want to replace my gold steering wheel badge with silver and black to match my custom hood badge. I ordered a silver and black hood badge made for the 356 and it's almost identical in size but might have a bit too much curvature to be a valid replacement. Anyone know where I can get a silver badge? Thanks, Tim
  5. I have a clear set in good shape I pulled off my boxster. They have aftermarket superwhite HID bulbs and ballast installed (all legal). I think I still have the halogen bulbs but will need to check. I have them all bubble wrapped and ready to ship. I was going to list them on EBay for $750. Let me know if ur interested. Tim
  6. Minor problem here but thought I'd ask. On my 02 Boxster the doors would always lock and the red indicator light would light up on the lock button when the car was in motion. This should happen on my '02 996 Cabrio as well right? What might be the cause if it isn't locking automatically? Fuse? Relay?
  7. The order says "replace gasket for coolant plate right front engine" , "replace oil separator bottle and hoses", "replace coolant bottle" then a list of parts like manifold gasket, coolant sensor, tubes, hoses, vacuum reservoir and new coolant. Might be pricey but considering what I've paid in the past for repairs on my boxster without a warranty I'm pretty happy.
  8. So the problem ended up being a cracked coolant tank,a cracked oil filler tube and cracked front plate gasket. Won't be needing a new engine thank God and my carMax extended warranty is covering $1850, more than half the cost of repairs. Meaning that warranty just paid for itself. Woot! They also tracked down a vacuum leak that was causing a stuttery start issue I was having and probably a loss of hp. This left me some cash to get the curb rash on my rear rims fixed, get my paint touched up and a new set if rear Pirelli Pzeros. Ive had a great experience with Autoscope so far. Can't wait to get my 996 back!
  9. So I got my 02 996 Cabrio from Carmax last October. With it I purchased their MaxCare extended warranty to cover me up to 75K miles. Yesterday I had to take my car into the shop because it appears to be leaking coolant that is either mixed with rust or oil. If it's oil then I am potentially looking at a new motor. The guy from the shop said he'd never had an experience where an aftermarket warranty covered the cost of the engine. Which means worst case scenario I am looking at $20K out of pocket for a new engine on a car I still owe $20K on. I want to throw up. He said that the warranty companies are masters of getting out of these claims because they can ultimately pin it on the part that fails. RMS is a seal. Warranties look at seals as a maintenance part and they won't cover it. If that's the cause then all the resulting damage is null. These guys are right. Spend your money on the IMS upgrade and keep it maintained if you're worried about the big stuff. However, An aftermarket warranty might be worth it for all the smaller stuff that can go wrong which can still add up. Things like window regulators, convertible top motor, etc can cost be pricey.
  10. yes there are. I'm hoping my coolant expansion tank is just cracked. Levels look really low in the expansion. That happened on my Boxster. The car is at Autoscope in Dallas. The guy was hopeful that the expansion tank was just cracked and I possibly have a RMS leak and that the two are just mixing on the outside of the car to leave the orange color. Of course he laid down the worst case scenario of needing a new engine for $20K. Awesome when I still owe $20K on the car. F me. Let's hope we don't have to go there and if we do I'm putting in a turbo. I'm hoping the coolant reservoir
  11. Thanks guys. Much appreciated. I'll keep you posted on what I find.
  12. Taking it to Autoscope (Dallas) in the AM. So if it's oil mixed with coolant how worried should I be? What would cause that to happen and what problems will it lead to if unattended to? I'm definitly going to get it repaired but I hope I haven't caused irreversible damage.
  13. I'm going to just take it in. Coolant levels are well below the minimum line.
  14. Anyone have an idea of what's going on here? Is this oil coming from my exhaust? It's only coming from the left/driver's side exhaust tip. A couple of weeks ago I was entering the freeway. When climbing the on ramp I gunned it. When I got to about 3rd gear 5500 RPM the car let out a huge cloud of white smoke from the exhaust. And now a couple weeks later I'm leaking this brownish orange fluid. Think it's related? I don't notice any difference in how it drives. Seems to be running fine. No check engine lights. Regardless I'll be taking it in to the shop to have it looked at. Just wanted to see if anyone instantly recognized the problem.
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