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About deepraver

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    Going fast in style and comfort....

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  • From
    St Petersburg, FL
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    2004 Porsche 955 - Cayenne TT
    1996 Camaro SS #231
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    No idea
  • Former cars
    1970 Chevy Kingswood Stationwagon

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  1. It works just fine for everything else 2004 and also has 2005 data.. I checked. I can reset my service, run diagnostics, see all the ODB codes, etc. Has anyone ever run into this problem before. It's OK to say "I have no idea"... just looking to see if anyone has every had to diagnose this problem and what steps to take.
  2. I don't have access to a PIWIS. Is there really no way to diagnose this with a PST2? Going to the dealer is not an option I'm willing to undertake. Our local dealership is the worst.
  3. I stated above that I have access to a PST2 (predecessor to the PIWIS), will that not work? The PST2 is updated to 2005. My CTT is a 2004.
  4. Sounds like a mullet... LOL. Anyway.. A/C is blowing ice cold up front, hot out of the back seat console, both vents and both rear pillars. Yes I checked the front/back temp settings and I am now running it with back off and just the front set to normal and its fine. I'm in St. Petersburg, FL so its still hot here. What should I look for? DIY or see my mechanic? I do have access to a PST2, just have not had an opportunity to hook it up yet. Just wondering if anyone knows right off the top of their head or what order to start diagnostics... Thanks in advance! Andrew
  5. Part #? Where? I may be needing one... :"(
  6. No recent tire change and plenty of tread... I just had it doing it pretty band and it was even rough driving going straight. I turn the PSM off and no issue.
  7. PSM light is showing on very mild/slow turns, both in right and left directions. It causes a weird driving condition when its flickering, loss of power, feels like sputtering. All seems fine if if I turn PSM off. Any suggestions? Is this a bad sensor(s)? If so, where is it? I had a a P2189 Lean Bank 2 at Idle, and I replaced the MAF, checked the fuel pumps (all good) and (mechanic) smoked the system. Found leak when smoked cold at a variable timing cam gasket (replaced). No leak now except tiny amount from left turbo. That code seems gone now and nothing else seems to be relevant to PSM.
  8. So here we are.. I replaced the transfer case control module to the newer version (PorschePartsHub.com 369.33 shipped) an easy DIY. You do have to remove the passenger seat to get a the front screw that holds it in. 90% of the problem seemed to disappear. The thumps became infrequent and less harsh, but still remained. So I went with replacing the motor. I had my mechanic do it because I was having health issues and it ran me 439.64 for the motor from World Pac and the normal labor charge... The thump is still there. Any other ideas?
  9. Thank you for responding! Yeah, if you read this below from the Suncoast site it says the motor is overheating after long distances... my thump is happening cold and not going away or getting worse with miles driven so I would agree the motor is not at issue... When are you planning on doing this? I definitely am interested if your noise goes away and was the same.. from cold on... PTM Transfer Gear Servo Motor Update Display in instrument cluster: "All-wheel drive system defective" - For fault code 2033, 2039, 2041, or 2042 in transfer gear control unit. When the transfer unit is diagnosed as being defective, this parts kit updates to the latest version as recommended by Porsche in a technical service manual. In effected vehicles, the servo motor overheats while in "Low Range" driving program after driving long distances due to a fault in the transfer gear control unit. To complete this update, a new control unit for the center differential lock and new servo motor are required. This upgrade is for 2003 to 2009 Cayenne, Cayenne S, Cayenne GTS, Cayenne Turbo, and Cayenne Turbo S models.
  10. From a slow (typical) start from a light or other stop the '04 Cayenne in a few feet (1-2 car lengths) I get a loud thump from the undercarriage. This is the only time it does it. Nothing is obvious underneath.. Any ideas?
  11. Basically all of the plastic lines on the inside of your engine compartment exposed to heat will crack at some point so when you see them, replace them. As for when the coolant pipes go you can count on that coolant having dripped into your starter and run down the back to the transmission main seal. You will be replacing both in the next year unless you got all the coolant out of those at the time of pipe replacement. Your cadran shaft will go so when you drop the tranny, might want to look at that. When it fails its like a hammer to the chest around 70mph.. scary.. feels like the tranny has fallen out and it will keep doing this on hard accelerations.. makes you think its a tranny mount, but its the shaft.. Your battery under your driver's seat will go at some point.. the horn maybe.. the back of a seat may pop off.. good luck gluing the parts back on.. a couple of hooks at the base will break on you.
  12. I got one of these and it worked... http://www.ebay.com/itm/OBD-Porsche-Piwis-Cable-OBD2-Diagnostic-tools-OBDII-/190872625453?pt=Motors_Automotive_Tools&hash=item2c70e5212d&vxp=mtr I believe its a Durametric knock-off..
  13. I have Porsche OEM 20" Sport Techno rims that are black powder-coated with 275/40 ZR 20" tires on my 2004 Cayenne Turbo with no problems at all.. 45 is taller, but there is room around mine so I doubt it would be an issue... Porsche does have an official guide.. http://www.porsche.com/usa/accessoriesandservices/porscheservice/documentsanddownloads/
  14. Mobil 1 is undoubtedly good oil, but with Mobil 1 I used to have to add a quart every two to three gas fill-ups. I've been using Liqui-Moly 0w-40 (which aint cheap) for a couple years now and now I might add a quart between oil changes. The oil doesn't burn and there is no noticeable additional engine wear or heat buildup. It might actually run cooler. Keeping oil in the car is priority no matter who you are or where you drive. I'm in Florida and it's nice to have the protection in place rather than have it burning out part the rings or wherever Mobil 1 evaporates off to. I'm in Florida and I can highly recommend it.
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