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    2006 Trailblazer SS

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  1. The question refers to any 996, my particular year model is a 2002
  2. Is anyone aware of anything behind the dash with a 5v bus?
  3. That's correct. I don't know about you but I've got a lot more than 6 CDs on my iPod... :P
  4. I've had both 99-01 and 02-04 Carreras... The 02-04 model wins hands down. They went through and fixed all the problems. It's the little things, makes so much of a difference - SO much nicer. I'd never go back.
  5. Do you have an aftermarket shifter?
  6. Nobody should have to live without a swivel joint and a 1" extension. Makes life SO much easier, and only cost like $20
  7. I needed some wiring diagrams and various manuals and Keith definitely took care of me! If you ever need any kind of shop manuals or wiring diagrams you should certainly shoot him a PM on here! Thanks again
  8. Amen! If you're gonna race, stress, push, and abuse it; be prepared to pay to play.
  9. :cheers: You're a dying breed, sir, and I applaud your ethics.
  10. No, CD changer does not have the built-in ability to display track info. You can try calling Becker directly, but I assure you, they will be far less than helpful. I have quite a bit of experience in the venture that you're pursuing. Let me know if you have any more questions.
  11. Just slip your fingers around the back side of the panels and pull laterally towards the side of the car. You might have to put some muscle in it, they aren't gonna break dont worry.
  12. Male, under 25, Texas, '02 911. No wrecks. I pay $2500/yr for full coverage, comprehensive, uninsured, towing, etc etc
  13. Where's a good place to get wiring diagrams?
  14. Thanks Loren What am I looking for? High resistance in wires? Melted wires? Popped light bulbs? I really don't know anymore.
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