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    Houston, TX
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    996 C2 Cab

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  1. Hey everyone, For the past few months, my convertible top on my MY02 has been inoperable because the side flap that folds up and down when the top is doing its thing has been stuck in the open position. The parts catalog officially calls the part "Folding top flap" OEM-99655526303A07. While I was trying to force the part down so that I could get my top down all the way, I seem to have broken a piece of plastic underneath that attaches to a metallic rod holding a long spring. Well without further arguments of how unthoughtful that was on my part, I'm trying to get an idea of how to replace this thing. Does anyone have a clue?
  2. I recently did my second brake job in years and realized that you could probably get away with buying no more than 2 brake wear sensors (as long as you didn't drive more than maybe 500 miles after the brake wear light first came on. Both times I did the job, I only had to replace one that triggered the wear light. I'm also sure that you don't have to replace the vibration dampers. Same with the repair kits. Not buying these items will save you about $250 for the pad replacement, so you may want to just take a peek in to the calipers to see if you really have to buy these items... but you probably want to get them replaced if you drive your car *extra* aggressively. In all, I could have gotten away with just replacing the pads for the front and rear Mintex pads for about $70 dollars for my daily driver that doesn't get many chances to get driven hard.
  3. I wanted to close out the issue by posting the resolution I found. Without having the tech tear apart the engine again, I decided to try a bottle of Techron with a fresh tank of gas. For $13 bucks, I finally resolved the misfiring issue that had been plaguing me for months! It's been a month, and no misfires.
  4. Great explanation. Thanks. Is this a problem on the 996's?
  5. Isn't there a dedicated P code for bad O2 sensor? I've been having CEL issues for the past 3 months which led to new plugs, packs, and replacement of lifters. During the entire time, we never saw a code for O2 sensors. So my question is if you think replacing a $150 dollar part would be a wise? I don't know if the P car oxygen sensors are known to go bad without throwing out error codes... Thanks for your help everyone.
  6. A loose tank would cause the cylinders to misfire on one bank only? Not doubting your experience, but I'm not sure how it's mechanically relevant?
  7. It's the strangest problem that car owners on other auto forums I found through a Google search seem to have, but never received any good answers for. Every time my 2002 C2 cab hits about the 1/2 mark on the fuel gauge, I get a CEL for P300, P304, P305, P306. Any ideas on what might cause this?
  8. yup. I'm pretty good at removing the door panel now, as I can take one off in less than 3 minutes. In regards to that second article, I read it previously to see if a part of the latch cable was hitting the window. So yes, I've studied both. :) Any more clues?
  9. they're not felt, but the rubber pads in the brackets are correctly installed. I just poked around other threads, but I didn't find anything on adjusting the cables on the window regulator. So, how do you adjust the cables? is there an adjustment screw that tightens the cables? I didn't know the bowden cables on the window regulator assembly needed adjustments!
  10. After getting my driver side window regulator replaced on my 2002 C2 cab, I've noticed that the window rattles back and forth inside the door shell causing yet another rattling noise in my car. This back and forth play doesn't exist in my passenger side window, which makes me think it has to do with how the window was reinstalled. So far, I've tried making vertical adjustments using the adjustment screws, tightening the brackets that hold the windows in, and tightening all the bolts to the regulator. It almost looks like there should be an additional guide rail that the window should be sitting on that's missing. However, I've checked the parts catalogue and saw that no such thing exists for the 996. Does anyone have any further guidance on this for me? Thanks
  11. the tech did check that before letting the car go. perhaps i should mention that the lifters were replaced before these misfires started showing up. we cleared the code a few days ago, and now it seems to be running without codes showing up. should I just take this as one of those cases were the car just "fixes" itself?
  12. so sorry, 2002 C2 Cab. The codes that keep coming up are P300, P304, P305, and P306.
  13. I forgot to mention that the common suspects like O2 sensors were checked as well, even though there were no other codes indicating a faulty sensor.
  14. My car has taken a trip to the stealership 3 times now for misfires, and the techs can't seem to figure this one out! The entire bank is misfiring sporadically without giving clues as to what's causing it. We've already replaced the coil packs, changed plugs, checked wires, and cycled through several tanks of fresh gas. However, still getting the misfires. Now, is it the appropriate time to ask everyone about some other theories?
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