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Lloyd Six

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  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    Porsche Boxster MY02
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    996 Turbo then a 997
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    Honda S2000
    Nissan 350z
    1967 Mustang

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  1. I have a MY02 2.7 with the glass hood conversion, a couple of weeks back I had the glass break, I came out to my car to find the window frosted, shattered yet intact, this makes me think it wasnt vandalism because if it was it would of been pushed through. An engineer said it was possibly stressed in some way last time I had the hood down and during the night it just gave way and shattered, apparently toughened glass has a tendency to do this? Chatting to some friends the weekend they said they had heard that the Boxster Glass hood types are strongly advised that you do not lower the roof in temperatures lower than 8 degrees???? Have you heard of this? My whole hood cover a glass had to be replaced so I need to know the precautions, I am scared to lower the roof ever again!
  2. Custom built Magnaflow performance exhaust I decided to build a Magnaflow stainless steel high flow exhaust system last week, the initial build was ok but a little too loud and I got the feeling I had lost torque. I had based my idea on the Super Sprint system picture: Went back to the drawing board and decided to add an equaliser between the two boxes, this made a huge difference to the power, it really flies now better than standard by miles, the sound is awesome, a crispy yet deep rumble but at 3500rpm id go as far as saying i Author Lloyd Six Category Boxster (986) - Mods Submitted 09/27/2007 08:18 AM
  3. I decided to build a Magnaflow stainless steel high flow exhaust system last week, the initial build was ok but a little too loud and I got the feeling I had lost torque. I had based my idea on the Super Sprint system picture: Went back to the drawing board and decided to add an equaliser between the two boxes, this made a huge difference to the power, it really flies now better than standard by miles, the sound is awesome, a crispy yet deep rumble but at 3500rpm id go as far as saying it sounds almost Ferrari like B) Here are some pictures: Before: The components: A big jump from 1.75" to 2.25": Almost finished: How good does that look? The pipes are level its more to do with the angle of the photo, I think the boxes sitting the way they do adds to the look:
  4. Hi P.K I sussed out the wiring minutes after putting up the post, id also found a photo of the car when it was on the forecourt brand new (the original buyer had took before he picked it up) the photo pictured the car with a hardtop! I purchased the hood convertion from BAS in UK - http://www.car-hood.co.uk/ I rate the fitting of this pretty easy for anyone who is a bit of a `have a go` type of person. Dont worry about the stories you hear of the glass breaking, it works perfect if fitted properly. Here are some pictures: I'll tell if you do. There is a plug socket under a little hatch on the top of the "b" pillar right behind your left shoulder (U.S.), Couldn’t figure what it was there for at first but... Your Turn, where did you get a glass replacement? Did you keep your original canvas? D.I.Y job (I’m real handy)? How much? Thanks P.K
  5. I have upgraded my plastic window to a BAS glass window convertion. The roof is now all fitted and works (folds) perfectly. The only thing left to do is wire up the heated rear screen, it came with about 18" loom coming down from the glass with a 2 pin plug conector. My question is, is there a plug connector hidden away somewhere for me to simply connect to? It does puzzle me as to why there is a heated rear switch that even illuminates when pressed on a car without heated rear screen tho?
  6. I am an honest man, I shall confess the truth but let me off light, I was very tired!! I had spent 5 hours replacing the top cover, then finished by putting the header rail trim on, turned around to operate roof and it was dead, it had been working all day, I was confused, spent 2 hours checking voltages, disconnecting and reconecting battery, looking for micro switches etc.. eventually I threw the towel in and gave up, sat in car and....... You guessed it, the handbrake was off!!! I was in a mixed state of emotions, didnt know whether to laugh or cry, how embarrassing... after that I went to the pub :lol:
  7. Just fitted a glass convertion roof from BAS, done all the trimming, the roof at the moment is half open, just gone to close it and nothing happens, totally dead, checked levers etc all intact and straight, removed battery lead and put back on still no joy, all fuses ok, found micro switch on passenger side (LH) but nothing happens.... any ideas? This was all fine opening and closing whilst i did the job right up until the last finishing touches, didnt lean on it or pull at any cables... totally confused :(
  8. Just had mine delivered today from these people: http://www.car-hood.co.uk/content.php?nID=2 It is 100% as the genuine Porsche even on the headlining, I went for the glass convertion. Fitting the weekend, may do step by step photos. Lloyd Six
  9. A good read that one but no mention on how to pull the cluster out? Thanks for trying though. Keeps searching.......
  10. I have the 99> spec 986 MY02, I need to remove the speedo cluster to change a bulb, done a search but could not find any replies that actually gave me the info I require. Any one got the know-how? I have tried pulling but got nervous about breaking some thing! Thanks in advance Lloyd Six
  11. I have the 99> spec 986 MY02, I need to remove the speedo cluster to change a bulb, done a search but could not find any replies that actually gave me the info I require. Any one got the know-how? I have tried pulling but got nervous about breaking some thing! Thanks in advance Lloyd Six
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