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About monkeydust

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    2000 Porsche 911 Cabriolet

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  1. I had the building super help me take my hard top off yesterday. He apparently didn't have a good grip on my hood and dropped the thing on the carbrio lid (I think that is what it is called. It is the metal panel that raises up on hinges and lowers back down after the soft top is stowed). So, that pointy piece of the hard top made a 1/2" scratch and a minor dent that is in a very visible area of the car. So, my question is should I try to take this panel off and hammer it out myself? If so, how hard is that in terms of removing it and hammering it out? I've never done anything like that before so I'm not sure how much it would cost. Otherwise, I suppose I'd have to take it to a body shop to have them take care of it. Thanks!
  2. What a coincidence. Mine just went out on me yesterday and I'm taking it in to get it replaced on Monday. Got the battery disconnected on my car right now since I wasn't able to remove the key in the proper spot so the car electrical system was still engaged. Gonna cost me $600. :(
  3. LOL, I did the same thing accidentally like 20 minutes after I got my car. I had to take it back to the dealership to have them fix it. Took them about 15 minutes to figure out how to do it. :P
  4. Yeah, my socks no longer get stuck to my car! :o Well, the reason that I don't think the scratches were really there is because like I said, it was repainted back in January. So, I wasn't sure if just a normal turtle wax would get rid of the scratches or if I need to buy an orbital buffer. I live in a condo so I really don't have a convenient power source to plug one into.
  5. Ok, so I had a little accident yesterday. I washed my car and then used a couple of microfibre towels to dry it. Well, after I was done (it was dusk so I couldn't see that clearly), I noticed some white swirls on my windshield. I look at my towels and I notice one of them has a Bounce drier sheet stuck to it. Yeah, I dried my car with a scratchy fragrant fabric softener stuck to my towel. So, looking at my car in the light, I see all these tiny scratches all over it. This is only a couple of months after I had the majority of my car painted. What's my best bet to get these micro-scratches out of my car? I guess on the bright side, my car smells good! B)
  6. Ok, so the numbers on the LCD are basically blank areas where the light shines though and then the rest is black? That would explain the problem I had. All the LCD substance had been rubbed off somehow in a splotch in the middle of my odometer display as you can see here. Anyways, I looked at that site some more. Apparently the instrument panel is the easy one. To change the lights on the AC, radio, and all buttons/knobs, there is a lot more work with soldering involved.
  7. I was told that summer tires like my P-Zero's become too hard in cold weather and could easily skid on cold roads.
  8. Well, I'm surprised that you can change the color of the LCD screens like that. I must not understand how those things work because I thought the color was actually part of the LCD itself.
  9. Interesting. It sounds like if he can see the numbers but they are dim, then something like this might work (wouldn't have worked in my case though). I couldn't find the online instructions they mention on the site though.
  10. Well, I was trying to find some photos I took of my dash when I took it apart but couldn't find them. Anyways, when I bought my car earlier in the year, I had a big splotch over my odometer LCD. I took my dash out and took it apart to see if it could be fixed. Upon closer inspection, the odometer LCD was attached to the circuit board via a ribbon cable that was soldered on which meant I couldn't just part it out and replace the LCD. Because of this, I don't think you'll be able to fix yours. But, I'm no expert on the matter. I can only relay my own experience with it. I ended up having the Porsche dealership replace my dash which cost me about $1800.
  11. I hooked up my iPod to my Becker a few weeks ago and had the same problem. I went to Fry's and bought one of those noise suppression units from the car stereo department (they had several to choose from that were about $20 each). It's typically a black box with a red, black, and possibly one other wire coming out of it. I connected the red and black wires from my iPod cable power to the noise suppression box and then connected the red and black wires on the box to the power and ground wires going into my radio. Completely solved my problem. They are also known as a "Ground Loop Isolator". A lot of them have RCA plugs on them which was not what I needed. But, Fry's had one with just the ground and power wires that did the trick for me. This one looks somewhat similar to the one I bought.
  12. Ya know, I'm pretty surprised that there hasn't been people telling me to touch it up instead of painting it. My father who has been in the automobile business for 30 years plus told me that I'd decrease the value by 3k if I had it painted. He said that some dealers use a device to measure paint thickness and would lessen the value if it was proven not to be the original paint job. Searching on Google for more information on this, I can only find a post that I made a while back over on another forum. So, is my father correct or not on this? If I have before and after pictures as another poster in here suggested, will this nullify any price decrease? Would the only reason for this be that it could mean the car had been wrecked and that was the reason for the paint job? I just want to make sure before I do this. After spending $3700 getting dents fixed and half the car painted, I don't want to be out $6700 because of repainting it. Ok, after reading this thread, I'm somewhat concerned if repainting the hood and two front quarter panels is the right way to go. Although, I will be getting a door and rear quarter panel painted regardless because of the dents.
  13. True, but I imagine its only adding about half of my cost onto the resale value (whenever I decide to resale it - prob not for years). Well, after the repaint my two front quarter panels, hood, driver rear quarter panel, passenger door, there's not much left of the original to match with! But, these guys are professionals with many years of experience behind them. I'm sure they'll do a great job. Plus, black isn't too hard to match up well.
  14. Ok, got the quote on getting the front two quarter panels and the hood painted. They said it would be $900. So, I'm gonna get that done. The car will pretty much be in perfect condition after I get all this work done. But, it will be costing me about $3700. :(
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