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    2002 Boxster S

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  1. Hello, I have a 2002 Boxster S that needs the back plastic window replaced (cracked). I saw the eMiata website, but saw some negative comments regarding the quality. I was in contact with a member on her "JUNIINC" last month, but he hasn't logged in for a month and I can't find another way to contact him. Is his version sold anywhere else? Or is there another option? Warm weather is getting close and I want to be ready. :) Thanks in advance.
  2. Can the dealer make these changes by giving them both DME's, or do they need the car present? I have a 2002 Boxster S that I am doing a 3.4L 7.8DME conversion into. I obviously have my original DME and also have a 7.8 DME sitting here that I bought with all of its codes / numbers on a piece of paper. The dealer said that they will help me flash it (as I bought the engine from them), but I would prefer not to have to tow the car to them just to flash it. Or is there a way to allow the car to ignore the immobilizer and get it to the dealer that way? Any help is appreciated, as I will hopefully be to that point in a few weeks that the car will be ready to be driven again! Thanks,
  3. I little expensive at over $1000 though. I am going to make a one piece spacer for the front, but I am still asking if those mounts that I pointed out are what I will swap into my Boxster transmission mount brackets.
  4. Hello, I have looked around for some time, and can't really seem to find a straight answer to this question: How does one tune a modern (7.2 or 7.8 DME) Porsche ROM image? For example, on my Pontiac GTP I use a small box, software on laptop, and OBDII cable to read, write, and real-time log basically everything on my car. I can adjust everything from "timing vs. cylinder volume vs. rpm" to at what throttle percentage my air conditioning turns off. Is there a platform like this for our Porsche vehicles? Obviously, there are companies offering dyno'ed tunes and out-of-the-box tunes, so the DME must have been cracked. Where would one go about finding more information on getting one of these packages? I am decently experienced in this type of tuning, and would prefer to be able to work on my own custom flashes. I am currently putting a VarioCam Plus 3.4L into my 986 Boxster and I would love to be able to dial my MAF in exactly to my hybrid intake, etc. Thanks,
  5. Are these highlighted numbers the mounts to order for lowering the engine for Boxster installs? Thanks,
  6. Do you have the p/n's for these? I can't seem to find them, and looking at the catalog, there are a few choices. I will be swapping the 3.4L into my 986 Boxster and would like to use these mounts for the transmission. Thanks
  7. Hello, I have a 2002 Boxster S with an unusable motor, and I just bought a 2006 Cayman S 3.4L for a good price to swap in. I have a few questions: What would be needed to convert a ECU to 7.8? Is it physically a different computer hardware, or is it simply different programming? If it is different hardware, would it be possible to use the Cayman's ECU in my Boxster? Would the Cayman computer be how I would control the Variocam Plus? Or do you sell a box that can control it? If you make something, does it control the Plus just like the factory computer (rpm, loads, etc.) Is there any incentive to run 7.8, or will getting the proper MAF frequencies and the Plus working give the same results? Sorry for so many questions, but I new to the changes on these engines.
  8. I have that bank open. I have the cams out, and the intake cam was off (looking at timing indent on each cam and comparing it to the different colored links). It was off by approx the degrees off that the Durametric was stating. The pads on the actuator are very worn with grooves in them. The main tensioner arms look good though. So my next question is this: How do I test the solenoid assembly? I have it disconnected from the cams, and tested it putting 12v on it while on a bench. It clicks but no noticeable movement. I get 13 ohms with a meter across the leads. Does this sound like it is bad? Thanks
  9. Hello everyone, Yesterday, driving down the highway, my 2002 Boxster S suddenly shut-off. Put it into neutral, started it, and it started again, only to die a minute later. I roll off the highway into a safe area (luckily). The car wouldn't start again (just cranked), so it was towed home. This morning, I plug in my Durametric and see that I have a code P1397 (Camshaft sensor bank 2). I looked at the "Actual Values" tab on the software, without starting it again and it showed that following: So now I am worried! Did one bank skip a tooth (or broken chain)? I did the IMS upgrade a few months ago, so I don't think that is the problem. Any tips or ideas? Thanks as always,
  10. Great call! It was hard to see, but the top counterweight was hitting the transmission (the arm was bent in slightly). Moved it out and it works great. Really hard to see the area, I don't know if one could reach it with the stock muffler one (I have the Borla). Thanks!
  11. Hello, 2002 Boxster S / 6-speed I just got done putting an Aluminum Flywheel, and new clutch on the car. Test driving it, I can only shift into the "forward" gear positions: R, 1, 3, 5. I can't get it to engage 2, 4, 6. Naturally, I thought it was just the shift cable, but when I disconnect the cable from the transmission, and move the level manually on the transmission, it seems to move naturally in one direction, but not much in the other. So it doesn't seem to be the cable, but the transmission itself. The car runs and sounds great shifting from 1 to 3 to 5, but something is wrong. Any ideas? Is there any adjustment of this arm? Thanks,
  12. Hello those two codes didn't work. Since that info was on the tag that came with it, I decided that I should see what the radio itself gave me. It is as follows: Type 4462 Ser. No. Y5039540 24/99 Gal: 00 Does this help any? Thank you so much, Paul Try 1538 or 1536
  13. Hello, I found this from another forum, I hope that you can help me: 2002 Boxster S CDR-220 Model: BE 4462 Serial: Y5039540 EC: 112 Is all that I have on my tag. Is this enough to come up with it? Thanks in advance, Paul
  14. Well, I am back. Finally weather where I can work on and drive the Boxster. I took off my steering wheel again, and the brown wire was loose, breaking the ground (that wire goes to ground). BUT... That did not fix it. When the horn is pressed (or when one manually connects the two wires with the wheel off), the relay engages but no horn. I did swap another relay, no difference. So, now I have no horn at any time. The horn does go off for the alarm, so the horns themselves do work. Any ideas?
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