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About SA321

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  • From
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    2003 C4S
    2009 955T
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    Novabus RTS-06

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  1. o, tappets. got it. so what could go wrong with them so that they can start making knocking noise? I am now going to ask a very stupid question. Idle RPM is 560-600 so 10 piston movements/second. so how could it be a scored cilinder if the knocking sound that I have (and most other people with similar problem) is at much lower rate 120-180/minute or thereabouts. what could it possibly be? my knocking is in the area of cyl 5-6 (i have 4.8 Turbo)
  2. are there cam followers on Turbo? what is the sound they produce?
  3. i dont know how to solve your problem but on a normal car what you describe could be achieved by removing fuse for gear selector.
  4. check fuses, dont know on your car but on Cayenne gen 2 it is fuse #29 in the right box - "Transmission control unit".
  5. are you sure it is camera problem? If you connect another video source is it displaid on PCM (make sure trunk is closed when testing)? if you see nothing with another video source you have wires broken somewhere. alternatively connect your flip out camera to 12 v and see if it shows imagen if connected to a tv. p.s. control module has nothing to do with video signal. all it does it opens and closes the camera.
  6. i buy tires from http://www.mytyres.co.uk/ for both 996 and my Cayenne. in fact i try to go to Porsche dealers as little as possible. Battery, tyres, oil are a total ripoff at Porsche but then again probably only 30% of Porsche drivers can find where the battery is in the car and of those 30% half will be scared to mess up some electroncs.
  7. switch in gear lever is playing up?
  8. "cost to Porsche" this is a funny phrase. Cost to Porsche of getting maps from Navtec is probably USD50 at most. But wait couple of years when they will sell you updated maps at usd 500-600. They will also sell you Touareg and Audi parts at twice the price calling them Porsche. Dont want to ruin your purchase. It is a great car and fun to drive but I would not beilive 50% of what Porsche dealers say. Then again it goes for all car dealers
  9. unless bearings went bad the only thing that can break in alternator is a voltage regulator. $40 on ebay. 1-1.5 hours to take it out. I thought Porsche maintainer is a CTEK maintainer (old versions) with Porshe sticker on it.
  10. you can buy FM modulation for IPOD/IPhones for 1/10th of the Porsche price. they all sound rather average.
  11. check if your pumps are working. search for the thread. it is possible to diagnose by taking out fuses for each pump
  12. Hello everyone, the other day I was trying to swap voltage regulator on the back of alternator and noticed that wires coming from the alternator were covered in oil. It seems to come from resonance tube or whatever the big rubber connector to intake distirbutor is called (between intake and throttle). Hose clamps were positioned so that their bolts were on the bottom so oil sweats and drops from there. Not much (certainly not leaking) but wanted to check if it could be a sign of oncoming problem. thanks in advance 2003 996 c4s
  13. cool, so we can expect tons of old PIWIS testers on Ebay :)
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