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Tom C

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About Tom C

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  • From
    New Jersey
  • Porsche Club
    PCA (Porsche Club of America)
  • Present cars
    Boxster S
    Lexus RX 300
  • Future cars
    ??????? :)
  • Former cars
    1977 Spitfire
    1979 RX-7

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  1. The silver Boxster is one of my favorites, they just look classy, especially in the right light.
  2. Very good point on the fuel. I fill the tank with non-oxy fuel (usually the last couple of fills are non-oxy) before storing for the winter and also use a stabilizer. Since I store in an heated facility (45 to 50 degrees) I don't do much other than increase the tire pressure to 50 psi to prevent flat spots. I also throw in a couple of dryer fabric sheets for fragrance and some contend it keeps out rodents (an old boat storage trick). The place I store at disconnects the battery since charges are against code. No problems the past 2 winters. Glad to find out about the fabric sheets. I had mice nest on top of my engine last winter next to the oil cooler. They didn't gnaw through any wiring or hoses that I could see. I tried oil of mint but to no avail.
  3. Can you tell me which radio you have? I'm fed up the the tinny sound of the OEM radio. Thanks
  4. Sorry, but that link doesn't work either. I keep getting sites that include furnace repair and mostly that type of thing. Nothing that looks like the photo of the line you posted.
  5. you can now find the write up on www.carboncow.net, I thought there was an updated link mentioned in this (or another?) thread, but I didn't see it. Root around under the automotive links and you'll find it... I can't find it either, must have spent 30 minutes looking for it. A nice site however that I put into my favorites for future reference.
  6. I've always thought I was a little too protective of my Boxster when I used a cover while it was parked in my garage. Yesterday afternoon I realized I was being prudent. My daughter came in and told me she couldn't get into the garage door where my Boxster was parked. I went out and found the greasy chain had broken away from the drive and fallen down on top of the car. Fortunately I had the cover on and there was no damage. If the cover was off, the top would have a lot greasy kid stuff on it. If the top was down, I don't even want to think what would have happed. I'll always keep my car covered and keep an eye on the chain connection. The photo was taken on the right side of the car looking to the rear.
  7. I changed the battery on my key and the remote functions no longer work. The red LED on the key flashes when any of the three functions are pressed but the doors or trunk doors do not operate. The door can be manually unlocked with the key. My question is there a code or some sequence I need to do to get the functions to work? My son has a Mazda 6 and to get the functions to work with the key is a series of steps to activate. I was wondering if there is a similar process for a Boxster or is a trip to my dealer in my near future.
  8. I got my 986 S emblem from Bumper Plugs. Looks great and I've gotten lots of good comments. I used bug and tar remover to remove the glue from the Boxster logo.
  9. I kinda feel like a Martian getting defeated by germs here... but I just fought this same battle for the last 20 minutes only to discover I had mistakenly changed out the wrong bulb. I can only hope your (or others') problems are so easy to solve! Tomorrow, I'm changing out the differential pinion seal on my camaro. I harbor no preconceptions that it will be anywhere near as easy. Ha, I did the same thing several years ago. I spent about an hour trying to figure out what the problem was until I figured it out. Good luck with the new lights. I switched to the Silver Stars too and their great.
  10. Uhm, so what??? You the topic mod.............. :angry: I can't comment on the size, but I replaced my tires a couple of years ago with Sumitomo HTR Z II, I was a little hesitant due to their cost, (inexpensive) but did some research and the majority of the review were all good. A lot of the cost for the major brands seems to be for advertising. I can tell you their sticking power is amazing and they aren't too bad in the rain. They're summer tires so you can use them year round in Houston. They may not be what you need for the straight highways down there, but in western New Jersey where I live with the curvy roads, it's almost like cheating. Good luck and enjoy driving your Boxster.
  11. Great photos. is that the real color of your car or is it retouched? I'd love to have my car repainted and I think I just found the color. Beautiful, what is the color if I may ask?
  12. Tom: Here is the link to that thread: http://www.ppbb.com/boards/ppbbphp/showfla...rue#Post1392675 Here is a photo (that was posted by Boxsterra) of what the heat wrap looks like: Regards, Maurice. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  13. Dan: Sounds like it might be your exhaust heat shields, especially since you state that you only hear it when you rev the engine. You can replace the bolts that hold them in place. Some have removed them and wrapped the areas with exhaust wrap "tape". Regards, Maurice. I have the same nagging problem. When you say remove the heat shield and wrap the areas. Just what do you wrap? I'd love to fix this problem. This is the only ongoing problem I've had with my 02 and I'd love to fix it.
  14. Tool Pants, please disregard my request, I saw in the trail you had already posted the part numbers, thanks.
  15. Tool Pants, don't know if you realize it or not but you've helped me out several times to your replies to other people during the last year. You replied to my respones last year about the clip that holds the light socket in place. I duct taped it and as temperary fixes go it turned out to be temperary. Do you have the part number of the yellow clip that I need or can you please tell me where to find it. If not, I'll try the local Porsche Dealer. Thanks.
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