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Community Answers
rick3000's post in Multiple Codes, Air Leak vs O2 Sensors was marked as the answer
Hi Everyone,
After 4 1/2 weeks at the dealer I have finally gotten my Boxster back, and it is perfect! I was very lucky that the dealer took a more detective like approach to keep the cost down, versus spending 3 days with in a bay and stripping it down until they found something. It cost about the same as the 75k mile service. Luckily, I had a spare car to use, however if this every happens to anyone else, now you will know what to check. Of all the things it could have been, and testing/replacing/etc the AOS, MAF, intake, throttle, DME, among many other things it was the throttle control valve. I knew it had to be something stupidly simple.
The throttle control valve is only on non e-gas cars (I believe pre-2000), and when you come to a stop it opens to provide the engine air to idle while the butterfly flap is shut. They did not replace it, it had some carbon buildup that was keeping it shut, so when the car idled it would stall from the lack of air. After some compressed air and WD40 and it is as good as new.
They found it yesterday while playing with the throttle, no one thought to check it because no one at any Porsche dealer on the West Coast had ever heard of one getting blocked like this. They also replaced a tank vent line and valve, which is what was causing the hydraulic/gas escaping sound, however that was unrelated to the idle issue. I think it also restored some lost low end torque, because on my way home it was like driving a bullet!
Lastly, when I picked it up the instrument cluster went a little crazy, until we disconnected and reconnected the battery. The mechanics had also never seen anything like this either. Enjoy the picture of the highest milage Boxster ever. I only grabbed a picture after they switched to miles, when it was in km, it was reading 999,999. Which I think may have affected resale value.
Thanks for all of the input everyone! I have had a serious case of PermaGrin all day!