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About kristian

  • Birthday 06/29/1969

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  • From
    Metairie, LA
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    Porsche 911 carrera 4 convertible 1999

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  1. Hi, I bought a new unit from Crutchfield.com with a wiring harness that was easy to put in. I just connected a few wires with the instructions and put the new unit in. It was the best upgrade I had done on my car. I have front upc input, hd radio, bluetooth and I was able to make the color to match amber in the dash. It is a JVC HDR-60 for $159 shipped with harness. I threw the old unit in the garbage. I had replaced the knobs on it ,but it started to act up on cold mornings I did not want to buy a new faceplate for a radio that did not even play MP3's. That unit really shows the age off your car... Kristian
  2. Hi, I just added some windshield wiper fluid to my car and it came out quite rapidly. I could not see where it was coming from. Any ideas what the problem could be before i start pulling everything apart? Kristian
  3. Hi, I'm about to buy an aftermarket wing for my 1999 carrera 4 conv. I've heard about the warning light problem after you plug the lights on the pop up wing harness. I've seen the question before, but I can't find it on here. Does anybody have the solution for the wing warning light. Thanks Kristian
  4. I just ordered the sealant. Thanks Loren
  5. I have a 6speed 1999 carrera 4. My oil pan is leaking some oil. I'm ready for a oil change too, so I'm thinking of doing both at the same time. Is there a gasket I have to order for the pan or do I just apply silicone around the edges? Kristian
  6. Never mind, I was able to tighten in from the top without opening it. It didn't look like it would work at first. Kristian
  7. Hi, Does anybody have instructions how to remove the plastic cover that is under the wipers. I'm trying to get to the passenger side wiper to tighten it and it looks like I have to take the whole cover off. Kristian
  8. Where is the bolt located? is it from the top? The wiper seems to lag behind and when you push it, it will catch up. Kristian
  9. Hi, My windshield wipers just started acting up. The drivers side seems to work fine, but the passenger side one only goes half way and almost seems like its lagging behind. Has anybody had this problem before? I just wanted to know what the problem could be before I take a closer look at it. Thanks beforehand. Kristian
  10. I had a few of those problems too with my 1999 convertible. I just added the convertible pump fluid last week and now it works perfect. My problems started with the back window not working every time and eventually the top not working at all.I would just check it, since it's an very easy fix and even if the problem might be caused by the battery or something else this time, it will prevent problems in the future. There is nothing worse than having the convertible top not working properly when you are far away from home... It's pretty embarrassing. I had to hold the top with my right hand one time on the way home when it did not shut properly. I changed my top after the seam started separating. It was money well spent. I tried to glue the top and had some clamps on it for a few days but it just was an eyesore. I got a top with glass window and with the heating option. I believe the top was GAHH and I bought it on Ebay a few years ago for about $1300. I've seen them on GAHH site for about $1700. Then I paid a local top expert to put it on for $500. It looks much better than the original even if the window in the back is smaller. I also got my O2 sensors on Ebay for about $100. I would also clean the MAF and check out the airfilter, since they are both very easy to do and can make the engine run bad. Kristian
  11. Hi, I bought a Sachs clutch for about $300 about a year ago. I also replaced the flywheel and RMS at the same time. I did everything myself and saved big $. So far (a year later) everything is working great. Kristian PS.I have a 1999 Carrera 4 (62000 miles when replaced parts)
  12. I got a pair from Ebay for $79 that works great. Replacement took me about 30min on both bulbs. Kristian
  13. Where would I look for leaks? I didn't see any on the garage floor. I guess it would be coming from the back part of the car? KL
  14. This DIY link was the easiest one I've ever done. My fluid tank was totally empty and that's why the top was not working properly. Now it works perfect every time. I feel like a fool for not using my top because of that for 6 months. From now on, I will also check that fluid every year to be on the safe side. Thanks for the link Loren . Kristian
  15. I would just buy carbon mirror covers for about $120 that go right on top of them. KL
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