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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Please repost your request in the Lost Radio Code thread and you will be answered.
  2. Is the tach needle “bouncing” when you spin the engine over? If it isn’t, your CPS is out and the DME is not allowing the fuel pump to turn on.
  3. Your ABS/PSM system monitors relative wheel rotational speeds; if one tire is low on air, its diameter is different enough for the system to see rotational speed difference and trigger the system. Same thing would happen with mismatched tire sizes.
  4. Welcome to RennTech Can it be installed backwards: Answer is yes. Will it work that way: The answer is no.. Duncan's photo above is the correct orientation.
  5. Welcome to RennTech I'm not sure where to even start on this one. You need to get this vehicle scanned by a Porsche specific tool to have any idea what is wrong. Realistically, if you were a customer in my shop, I'd tell you to take it back to whoever sold it to you and get your money back; this thing could be a massive money pit. Not to overstate the obvious, but you should never buy a used Porsche without a complete pre purchase inspection.
  6. I would have to agree with Jager, I would start by hooking up a digital manometer to the oil fill cap and reading the crankcase vacuum, which should be no more than 5 inches of water.
  7. Pretty much. LN's mileage recommendations are somewhat fluid and based upon their experience with the product, so the miles is not a critical issue but rather a "rule of thumb".
  8. Yes. The IMS Solution is the only permanent retrofit for the IMS bearing. It is also the only one that can be moved from one engine to another. I have two Solution cars in my private stable, one single and one dual row, neither has been touched since the install, and never will be. From various PPI's, the Solution is also a desirable option at resale.
  9. Was probably entered wrong by whoever did the install. You need to take that up with LN, I'm sure they can correct any misinformation for you if you have all the original documentation.
  10. No. No Durametric system is capable of coding, that requires the PIWIS.
  11. It is indicating that your seat memory module has a memeory problem itself (EEPROM error). This may be correctable by recoding (requires a PIWIS unit), but if that does not work, you are in the market for a new module.
  12. Not sure what you are referring to as an “AG3” battery, but I will assume you are talking about an AGM or Absorbed Glass Mat battery. AGM batteries require a slightly higher final charge voltage compared to a conventional flooded celll battery, but they do not require hard wiring. In any case, the lighter circuit in the car is wired to accommodate the use of a quality battery maintainer. The Porsche unit is actually a CTEK, which has a special setting specifically for use with AGM batteries to accommodate the higher finish voltage, so it will work fine with an AGM battery.
  13. Basically, ALL trickle chargers will eventually cook and kill the battery, while a battery maintainer can be left on indefinitely and will NEVER harm the battery.
  14. The Porsche version of the CTEK battery maintainer comes with a cig lighter plug end
  15. Porsche’s were designed to use the cigarette lighter as a port to connect a quality battery maintainer (not a trickle charger).
  16. Welcome to RennTech Oil leaks can be a pain to track down, and what often looks like a low are leak is actually coming from much higher up. I would suggest a through engine cleaning as the first step, and then keep and eye on it for a few days to isolate the leak. Cam cover and plug tube leaks are fairly common on these cars, but you don't want to start repairs before properly diagnosing the issue. Good luck.
  17. If you ever get the chance to see a Boxster tub stripped, you will understand why. Because these cars were designed to be mid engine convertibles, Porsche put in some pretty stout front and rear bulkheads for rigidity of the tub; these bulkheads are where the front and rear struts and suspension mount forming a kind of "built in" strut tie on the upper and lower sides in the front, and on the upper in the rear. The only remaining tie point is the lower rear, and adding a bar there has only added very marginally to times on full on track cars on R compound tires driven at their limits, probably because the factory roll bar is adding strength there already, and because of the way the rear transmission mounts form a type of tie bar. Cars on street tires have basically seen no real improvement in lap times from the lower rear bar. Boxsters are pretty stiff just as delivered.
  18. The Boxster is pretty rigid as delivered, assuming everything is in good shape. People have been selling aftermarket strut braces ever since the cars were introduced, with little evidence (other than "seat of the pants" reactions). I would think that good driver DE and sticky tires would add way more than some fancy aftermarket bits.
  19. One of the first things to learn about these cars is that very small performance increased come at very large dollar expenditures. The factory did a more than adequate job of ringing out what the car can deliver, and as mentioned, most aftermarket improvement claims are way more marketing than fact. You will also find that very few people have cracked Porsche's proprietary DME software, so aftermarket tune claims are amongst the most spurious. You would be far better off signing up for some driver education at one of Porsche's events to learn how to get the most out of the car before investing in extensive power adder modification. There are people like Jake Raby who have wrung amazing power out of these engines, but one of his make over's start well north of $20K as his magic is all mechanical rather than tuning or software based.
  20. Welcome to RennTech Silver_TT hit one of the majors right off the mark, as IMS failure means a new engine. There are some additional areas to look at such as the water pump, the AOS, the RMS, etc. These cars come with excellent brakes and suspension, which is why they handle so well, so not much is needed there unless you want to seriously track the car, which will also open up the conversation about oil control, sump baffles, and Accusump emergency oiling systems. Exhaust systems are a can of worms as most aftermarket system do not make any more HP than the factory units (and some actually dyno at less HP), plus they add horrific drone problems at cruising speeds. Probably the best here is the optional factory PSE system, which adds a mellow growl without power loss or drone issues. Good luck with your new ride, and just remember the often quoted rule about new cars: They don't exist without photos........
  21. Could be several things, when was the trans last serviced (fluid and filter change), and have you had the car scanned for codes using a Porsche specific scan tool?
  22. Check your coil packs, one or more is cracked.
  23. No additives are needed or recommended, use a top quality filter and good fluid. A lot of people have tried using all types and brands of fluids, we stay with the factory fill and have not had any issues.
  24. You should only need to disconnect one battery cable, which ever is easiest to get at, it is not necessary to touch the cables together. Just be careful working with the positive cable away from the battery as it is hot and can arc easily. Normally, we suggest disconnecting the main ground as that will have the same effect, but eliminates any chance of an arc.
  25. "Handover" is not possible with the Durametric system, but disconnecting the battery should force the DME into a "relearn" cycle.
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