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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Welcome to RennTech The M96/97 engines are famous for start up noises, primarily caused by the hydraulic chain tensioners bleeding down while sitting (Porsche updated these a couple of times to try and help with this). Eventually, they will need to be changed, but in the meanwhile switching to an oil with higher film strength can help reduce the issue.
  2. Welcome to RennTech Your dealer is more than a little out of line price wise for that electric motor, it should retail for around $250. You could also get one out of a wreck as well.
  3. It sounds like you may have igniter problems, particularly if the Lits are used.
  4. Most likely the SIA system, which is probably either dirty or the pump itself is on the way out.
  5. This set has been kicking around for years. While better than nothing, it does not contain any of the more than 100 corrected or ammended pages that have been publihished over the years, so some of the information is out of date or just wrong.
  6. The V6 Cayenne has an AOS built into the valve cover itself, much like the 3.2L Audi engines. It has a diaphragm in it which can fail. I believe Porsche does not sell these parts anymore (955.110.765.00 Valve crankcase bleeding), only an new valve cover with it built in for around $360. I understand that there are aftermarket rebuild kits for these now. UPDATE: I stand corrected, part is still available for around $260 from board sponsor Sunset Porsche. PCV Valve - Porsche (955-110-765-00)
  7. Probably the most useful in that context would be the factory OBDII manual, which is now out of print, but used copies come up for sale online from time to time.
  8. Welcome to RennTech Sounds like a classic ignition switch problem.
  9. Welcome to RennTech Borescope the bad cylinder looking for wall scuffing.
  10. As Duncan noted, the coils are the correct ones, so the problem lies elsewhere, possibly not having fully seated the connectors, which is a common problem.
  11. Welcome to RennTech Your system may have misplaced its marbles with the battery replacement, and that may require a reset with either a PST II or PIWIS system.
  12. It would probably just spin over as the DME would not see the engine turning and shut off the fuel and ignition systems.
  13. Did you change it but with a stripped bolt? Reason I ask is if the CPS is left loose, the sensor can back away from the flywheel enough to not see the trigger teeth and the car will act like it has another dead sensor…...
  14. We would do it by using a vacuum filling system which completely eliminates all of the "burping" nonsense.
  15. Welcome to RennTech TSBs are copyrighted material (by Porsche) and not available here (or anywhere but Porsche).
  16. Welcome to RennTech More than likely, the grey fluid is the give away. You had a lot of metal debris in the old fluid, so you probably have something more serious going on inside.
  17. Sometimes it is just the simple things. Glad you got it sorted.
  18. That tool is up there with hen's teeth. Only Porsche ever made them and a new one will set you back north of $600, but it is a work of art and an absolute pleasure to use. Just be sure to find one with the correct adaptor if you are using the PTFE design seal as it sets to a different installed depth than the Viton seals.
  19. More likely you need to reset your windows. It is in the owner's manual.
  20. Welcome to RennTech Unfortunately, Porsche never published any of this information, so only serious M96/97 rebuilders like Jake Raby have developed their own specs, which they probably will not share. Jake does, however, periodically offer an excellent class on rebuilding these engines where you could pick up the information you need,
  21. Probably two separate sources; the orange may be excess sealant breaking loose, the darker material is from the chain tensioner wear pads. Not unusual, but I would keep an eye on things like start up noise and cam deviation values. Eventually, the wear pads will have to be replaced.
  22. Welcome to RennTech Without a photo, anything would be a guess...………..
  23. You need someone with a PIWIS, which may limit you to a dealer.
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