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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Welcome to RennTech Porsche stopped publishing anything in print with the 2005 model year, switching to an online subscription system for technical information.
  2. If memory serves, the dash cluster send a signal over that wire to "kick off" the alternator charging; you may have a cluster issue, which would explain the temp effect.
  3. Welcome to RennTech Easy: Spend huge amounts of $ (Upwards of $20K) with a leading engine builder like Jake Raby. Swapping factory engines from different years can be a bit of a nightmare with these cars as each model year brings lots of electronic and mechanical changes, all of which will have to be retrofitted to a car that wasn't designed to handle them. While the engine purchase could be cheaper, the labor cost to make it work, plus the "Frankenstein" factor when reselling or trading the car comes into play as well. Proceed cautiously, educate yourself about which engine's are a direct swap, and which ones require considerable work.
  4. Does the voltage gauge have a red warning light located in it? That would be the same indicator.
  5. OK, try this: If you turn the key on without actually starting the motor, and there is no battery light on the dash, the alternator has a bad ignitor and is bad. It would not be the first time I saw a defective alternator right out of the box. Fortunately, there's a definitive test for this as well: 1) disconnect the ignitor wire from the alternator and ground the wire 2) turn the key to on... ALT light in the cluster should come on If it does... the cluster and wiring are OK and the alternator is defective. If it doesn't... there's an issue with the cluster and/or the wiring to the alternator, preventing the alternator from exciting and thus delivering current. You could also take the new alternator to an auto parts store that has a test rig and check it there. Good luck.
  6. P1539 indicates "no active position" on the VarioCam system on bank 2; often an "open circuit" problem (wiring).
  7. Welcome to RennTech No, as long as you follow the rest of LN Engineerings instructions to the letter.
  8. Mice and rats can get just about anywhere in the harness, you simply have to get a good light and start tracing wires. I'd start with the engine bay and any wires under the vehicle first as they are the most accessible to the rodents.
  9. I would start looking at the wiring harness for rodent damage or just age cracking of the insulation on the wires.
  10. Welcome to RennTech The answer to your questions is yes, Porsche would have put a reman 2.5L engine back in the car, that is their policy. As for the IMS bearing, it would have been whatever was being used at the time of the engine reman, and 2000-2001 was a transitional period where they were moving from the dual row to the single row. For the good news, you can read the engine number off the sump rail and decode what engine it is, the IMS bearing is another issue, and may require visual inspection (pulling everything apart to see which one it is). There are no other proven ways to determine which bearing is in an engine from that period., you simply have to go look.
  11. OK, let's start with the obvious: Your link above to a supposed IMS Solution failure does not lead anywhere. Correction: OK, now I got the link to work, but the bearing in that post is NOT LN permanent fix, it was a single row bearing. The permanent fix is the IMS Solution, which contains no balls or rollers, it is a solid bearing. And if you read the entire thread, there was some question about the engine that was retrofitted that should not have been, per the prequalification process, and the shop involved had been subsequently banned from the site due to questionable motivations in the post as he (Porsche-Land) was trying to use this failure to get his competing roller bearing kit into wholesale distribution by disparaging LN . Secondly, ALL IMS retrofits are subject to prequalification's done by the installers prior to the actual retrofit, so not all engines will qualify or be retrofitted. This came about because engines that were already in the early phases of IMS failure, which were full of circulating metal filings were still retrofit, only to promptly suffer IMS failure due to the abrasive grit running through the engine which destroyed the new bearings. In reality, no bearing of any design would have survived in these conditions, so they created a prequalification checklist to prevent this from happening again. We have had to reject engines on more than one occasion as they did not meet these tests, and while the owners were not happy, that decision was in their and our best interest's. Spending all the time and money to do a retrofit only to have it die is obviously not going to please the owner, and we really didn't need the fall out hitting the shop's reputation either, so we strictly adhered to this qualification process. As for LN's projected service intervals, the following is from their IMS website ( http://imsretrofit.com/ims-101/ ): "LN Engineering currently offers a Dual Row IMS Retrofit as well as the Single Row Pro IMS Retrofit, where the engine does not have to be disassembled to replace the factory sealed ball-bearing, both with a 6 year/75,000 mile service interval. IMS Solution LLC’s oil fed plain bearing arrangement similar in functionality to the intermediate shaft bearing used in the past aircooled models and most recently in the GT2, GT3, and Turbo models based off the GT1 aka Mezger engine, eliminates the ball-bearing design completely and is a permanent fix."
  12. He was probably a service writer, not a technician, so he drew a blank. The codes you have above from your Durametric tell the story; just take that data with you and the tech will be able to get the necessary coding done in short order. Good luck.
  13. No, you need the PIWIS. Tell them what you have done, and what problems you are having, they can take it from there.
  14. It almost looks like the DME has still not adapted to the throttle body change.
  15. Welcome to RennTech You need to use a PIWIS and code the new cluster to the car, otherwise you are going to be looking fault codes forever...……...
  16. There is only one permanent IMS Solution (never needs to be replaced), which is to replace the ball bearing assembly with LN Engineering's IMS Solution, an oil fed solid bearing that will out live your engine, Their ceramic hybrid bearings are now rated for 75K miles.
  17. Actually, that data comes directly from Porsche as part of the class action lawsuit on the subject a couple of years back, and failures have continued since the court closed the book on the subject with the settlement. Amongst the shops involved in retrofits, those numbers are widely accepted as representative of the failure rates, even though they do not include the post settlement failures. There are reasons why after trying three different bearing designs, Porsche spent the money and engineered the IMS out of the 9A1 engine starting in 2009.
  18. Sorry, but that is complete nonsense. We have seen IMS failures with less than 10K miles, and more than 100K miles. Basically, if you have a single row engine, you are at a 10-12% risk of losing the engine; if you have a dual row engine, the risk level is lower, perhaps 2-3%. The risk is there, is real, and the decision of replacing the bearing is typically based on how risk tolerant you are. We have seen people trade in or sell otherwise fine cars because they were concerned; and we even had one customer that lost an engine in one car, got a factory reman and then traded the car in on a later model (still with the single row IMS), only to have that engine fail after about 6 months. He no longer drives Porsches. Don't over react to the issue, but don't sweep it under the rug and say you are past some imaginary mileage and it can't happen to you; you are only deluding yourself. I can assure you that with the factory bearing, it can still happen...
  19. Several, with mixed results. Because of the heat and exposure to both liquid and oil vapors, plus vacuum and pressure swings, many crap out fairly quickly. There are reasons why the factory did not use a hose......
  20. I would suggest two options: Go to board sponsor Sumset Porsche’s online parts system which has full parts diagrams, or give them a call with your VIN and they will whip up a full list of all the parts involved.
  21. Hey, we are just a bunch of cheap skates as well!
  22. The nozzles often get plugged up, we use welding tip cleaning wire to poke them open again. 5 min. job.
  23. No, it does not drain the converter, where the lion's share of the fluid is.
  24. As mentioned multiple times previously, Techron does not cause any problems. For years, it was the only fuel additive Porsche recommended for keeping the fuel system clean and up to snuff. It is also the only fuel system cleaner that is commonly used as an additive in first line gasoline. Techron will remove carbon, and can result in finding a lot of carbon in the oil when used on cars that have not been properly maintained for years, which is why many people use it just before chainging oil. If the system is in good shape, that is not normally necessary. And Techron has no adverse effect on the cats, never has, never will.
  25. Take a close look at the tires to see if one looks more worn that another, sometimes small differences it diameter trigger these reactions.
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