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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Then give them a call, it may be part of the wiring harness that only comes with that section of the harness.
  2. Welcome to RennTech Have you tried looking the car up on board sponsor Sunset Porsche's parts website? They have the entire Porsche parts system diagrams on line.
  3. Yes, egas is electronic throttle; and there are no such things as stupid questions
  4. Your car is an e-gas model.
  5. Let's start with the obvious: If you blew a head gasket, you are the very first one to ever do that. The multi layer steel head gaskets in these engines are stronger than the block or heads, and never fail, ever.
  6. Which is interesting as Porsche never printed them in the first place...………….
  7. Welcome to RennTech When the converter is properly inserted into the front pump housing, it engages muplitple shafts and should turn easily and smoothly, and the pin should insert easily as well. When the pin did not fit properly, it was an indication that the torque convert had not been properly engaged with what it should be. Because the system internals operate on hydraulic pressure, turning the out put shaft or shifting gears really does not do anything, so being able to realign the converter is more a matter of coincidence than correcting the problem. If the car were in my shop, I would pull the trans back out, and make sure the converter is properly aligned. If you start one of these cars with the converter out of alignment, you are going to do some serious damage to a very expensive converter and transmission. There is only one way the converter is correctly installed, but may ways that leave it on the edge of creating a major nightmare.
  8. All these parts have been superseded with upgraded pieces: Piston 997.107.125.01 Spring 996.107.127.53 Gasket 996.107.123.50 So for less than $20 at retail, you get better low RPM oil pressure. The new piston also has a bevel on its upper edge as well, and the spring is slightly longer
  9. Could just be a coincidence, the only thing I can think out that could crap out during an oil change is the by pass valve in the bottom of the filter cannister, these are very prone to failure but the fix is simple: Buy a new cannister as the valve only comes with it.
  10. I would start by checking the car with a proven mechanical pressure test gauge to make sure it is low pressure and not a failing oil pressure sensor. If the oil pressure is good, you should replace the pressure sensor, and I would also replace the oil pump pressure regulator piston and spring with the updated version Porsche released a couple of years back to address low oil pressure issues. All in, the pump pressure regulator parts will cost about $20 (US), and it is very worth while update.
  11. Welcome to RennTech I stand by what I told you over on Pelican, you are attempting to replace an electronically sophisticated engine with an earlier version that miss matches on everything from the fuel system to the VarioCam systems to the DME version. Can it be done? Yes, with enough money, time, duct tape and welding equipment, anything is possible. The end result will be a time and money pit with significantly reduced resale/trade value as only one person knows how it all works. You will be infinitely better off getting a better matched engine.
  12. The DME and sensors are very capable of making adjustments within their design bounds for most modifications; if you have gone extreme, you may need to look at the tune vs. the A/F ratio, timing curve, etc.
  13. The DME uses the CPS signal to control the fuel and ignitions systems, no CPS signal, no fuel pressure. You need to check the CPS at the connection near the bell housing.
  14. Welcome to RennTech I would start looking at the crank position sensor; when it fails (usually when the engine is warm), the DME thinks the engine has stopped turning and shuts off the fuel. Some have noted that when the CPS cuts out, the tach needle does not bounce when cranking the engine over.
  15. Again, I said: "No, as long as you follow the rest of LN Engineering's instructions to the letter. "; and stated that "my personal preference was to remove them all". Your choice is yours.
  16. Pelican has a long reputation for doing this, which is why some don't do business with them.
  17. LN wrote up the 3 and 5 chain instructions, available online, which should be followed. My personal preference on three chains is to pull all the tensioners.
  18. Be very circumspect about what they call "genuine" or "original equipment", we have seen more than one example of cheap aftermarket stuff being substituted and called "OEM". Get the real thing from a dealer; not cheap, but replacing ain't fun either...………..
  19. Good luck with that.
  20. Welcome to RennTech Couple of "possibles", bad ignition and/or headlight switches.
  21. Be sure to close the garage door...………….
  22. Welcome to RennTech Check your crank position sensor, if it intermittently stops working when warm, the DME thinks the engine is not turning and shuts everything off.
  23. Chassis (C-codes) category covers functions that are, generally, outside of the passenger compartment. These functions typically include mechanical systems such as brakes, steering and suspension.
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