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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Porsche unfortunately does not sell a lot of internal components for the rack and a new one retails north of $2700: And there never was a manual rack for this car.
  2. The only one that I am familiar with is from the factory service manuals, but that cannot be reproduced here as it is copyrighted intellectual property.
  3. Problem is pretty straight forward, the center latch on the convertible top trips a microswitch when latched, allowing the windows to finish their path upwards into their seals for a weather tight configuration. When the latch is released prior to putting the top down, the windows drop several inches in order to let the top cycle into its down position. But now the windows have no signal as the top is retracted, which means when the hard top is put on, or if the driver wanted the windows all the way up with the top down, this would leave the side windows down several inches. Add the cheap red clip, the windows get the signal to go into the full up position, where they remain until the inside or outside door handle is pulled, retracting them slightly to allow them to clear the top seals (as if a top is in place). Again, a simple solution to an otherwise complicated problem.....
  4. Has to do with the hard top option; when the hard top is in place, nothing is pushing down the microswitch, hence the red clip so the windows go all the way up with the hard top on. Simple fix for a complicated problem...……..
  5. Yes, we are talking about the front diff, as it sits under the fuel tank.. How hard is obviously related to how well you are equipped and your mechanical expertise.
  6. Item #17 in diagram: On 4 wheel drive cars, the front axle may be in the way.
  7. I would put a mechanical pressure gauge on it before doing anything else; you need to know what the actual pressure is before doing anything else.
  8. Anyone could have hooked up anything to this circuit; people do the damnedest things to electrical systems. Without looking at it, it is impossible to know.
  9. Welcome to RennTech For a first timer. I would recommend disconnecting the battery.
  10. Take the system up to at least 18 PISG, that is where it normally runs, so if anything is gong to fail at that pressure, might as well be in the shop.
  11. Welcome to RennTech The windows are operating as designed. To make them go all the way up, the microswitch above the rear view mirror needs to be depressed and held. Porsche made a cheap plastic clip for this purpose, which your dealer can get for you.
  12. Welcome to RennTech Start by posting in the correct forum thread; Lost Radio Code - post your request here
  13. Welcome to RennTech ECU Doctors
  14. Basically, yes. Something is pulling a drain on the system somewhere between the fuse block and the spoiler, trick now is finding it.
  15. OK, D7 has been used for hazard warning lights and/or the spoiler, but at some point someone may have cut into it to add something. In general, the spoiler or hazards should not be drawing current when not in operation, as you showed when you disconnected the plugs. You need to trace the circuit and look further.
  16. Welcome to RennTech Year and model of the vehicle please
  17. Just make sure the converter us fully seated into the gearbox before reinstalling it. If it is all the way in, it should spin freely with the gear box in place; if it binds, it is not all the way in.
  18. If you scan the car with a Porsche specific tool, it can tell you what triggered the last ten alarm trips.
  19. It is air bound, you should have pulled a vacuum on the system to get the air out and then (still under vacuum) refilled the system.
  20. Welcome to RennTech Just be aware that your system operates at 18 PISG at 210F, conditions that blowing into it can never replicate.
  21. Long before I would be spraying deodorant all over an engine, I would add Uview UV oil dye to the oil and trace it with a black light; works like a charm but does not smell as nice.....
  22. Just don't expect it to deal with many Porsche codes, which most generic OBD II scanners cannot even see...………..
  23. Without a good look, it is almost impossible to say where it is coming from. A good start would be to clean off the engine and then monitor it for leaks...…..
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