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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Hey JFP. I changed my oil yesterday. My drain plug uses a T50 Torx. Is this unusual? Careful inspection does reveal that the teeth are indeed squished a little to one side, the side engaged when removing the plug! Factory or aftermarket plug? You need to remember that certain Allan key sizes approximate some Torx bit sizes, but not perfectly. Continued use of the wrong type of bit will wear and elongate the device, particularly the very soft OEM plugs.
  2. There is a reason for that, your dead or near dead battery is absorbing the current so fast, the alarm never sees it and goes off. You are going to have to live with the alarm sound until the power level in the battery builds up, or resort to using the manual emergency cable to release the front hood so you can either charge up (yes, the alarm will sound unless you disconnect the battery) or replace the battery entirely. And when you install a new battery, the alarm may sound yet again, but will respond to being reset by the remote.
  3. LUK is one of the largest OEM flywheel supplier's in the world, and is also one of Porsches OEM suppliers. I would not be surprised to find out it bears the same part number as the Porsche factory part.
  4. While debate rages on concerning the use of single mass vs. dual mass flywheels on these engines, even though Porsche released a tech brief to their dealers some time ago advising against their use, the jury remains still out on the significance adding a dampening unit on the other end of the crank. While it cannot hurt, I'm not sure anyone has demonstrated to what level it helps
  5. Any time, glad you got it sorted. We have seen more than our share of failed or failing CPS in these cars, and it is one sensor that can act up, or even fail totally, shutting off an otherwise perfectly running engine, or prevent one from starting, all without throwing a code.
  6. I just read that, and still have no idea why that did it that way, other than to show how to remove an IMS bearing without using the now accepted tools. Once the cams are released and the heads are off, there is no load on the IMS shaft, so pulling the bearing is not required before splitting the cases. I would remove the flange cover first, however.
  7. I do not have any pictures of the tool on a 3.6L engine, but perhaps someone else reading the thread does. I'm not sure why they did it that way, do you have a link to their disassembly?
  8. Nothing really new there, and EPS (the producer of the video) are promoters of the European roller bearing replacement system.
  9. No, that requires a PST II or PIWIS depending upon the model of the vehicle.
  10. http://www.renntech.org/forums/topic/35926-diy-adjusting-the-foot-brake/
  11. Common response of these cars to very low battery voltages is for the alarm to sound when auxiliary power is applied. If you have access to a battery maintainer with a lighter plug, hook it up to the car and let it run for a bit until the battery builds up enough to allow you to open the hood and pull the battery out.
  12. First, welcome to RennTech :welcome: Perhaps it is just me, but I would not allow it to continue to leak. While the water will not get into the car's interior, continuous leaks can lead to other issues like rust or the water getting into electrical connections and causing all sorts of problems. Another consideration is freezing; while you may not be subject to the temperature extremes we get here (it is 3 F this morning), if you keep adding water to a system with a leak, eventually it could freeze and split multiple components, which gets expensive. Take the car to someone that knows what they are doing and get it fixed properly. As mentioned above, often these leaks are just a disconnected or short hose, which can be remedied for very little money. The missing nozzle should not have any impact on the leakage, but it will put a dent in you wallet as they are not cheap.
  13. 80K is a better than average life for the clutch, so it may be approaching its time.
  14. any updates on this? Tool is actually a VW item and looks like this: About $54 from Samstag Tools Thanks JFP, just purchased. Do you know if they make or sell a floor jack pad for 2011-14 cayenne ? I don't think I can use my jack at the spare tire jack point.Any other points under car where I can jack using floor jack while doing brake at a time? Also any special tools to loosen the pads before removing the caliper? obviously there is no more room to use piston spreader with new design of caliper. I don't really know about the jack pad, but "search" is always your best friend. The pads do not need an tool to loosen them, they usually just pop out. Thanks again JFP, I wanted to know since the new caliper design does not offer room to use a piston spreader from top would I just have to try and get a flat head screw driver in there to try and loosen the pad away from the caliper in order to pull off caliper? This was my main concern. Ive read others have said that the two tripe square bolts facing outside needed to be loosen in order for pads to get loose, but also read that this is incorrect> Can you further elaborate if you have any more info on this subject? Thanks!! If memory serves, there was a detailed write up on the procedure's on Rennlist some time back. Once the calipers are up on those pins, you use an angled brake pad spreader to push the pistons back and remove the pads:
  15. I'd keep a close eye on it for a while, you could still have an underlying intermittent thermostat issue.
  16. Any changes in pedal effort is reason for concern. How many miles on the clutch?
  17. Ambient temperatures should have no impact on how the sensor performs.
  18. any updates on this? Tool is actually a VW item and looks like this: About $54 from Samstag Tools Thanks JFP, just purchased. Do you know if they make or sell a floor jack pad for 2011-14 cayenne ? I don't think I can use my jack at the spare tire jack point.Any other points under car where I can jack using floor jack while doing brake at a time? Also any special tools to loosen the pads before removing the caliper? obviously there is no more room to use piston spreader with new design of caliper. I don't really know about the jack pad, but "search" is always your best friend. The pads do not need an tool to loosen them, they usually just pop out.
  19. Unfortunately, no as I am away from my shop at the moment. The latch micro switch operates both windows at the same time. If only one window is moving, it is not the latch switch.
  20. First, welcome to RennTech :welcome: The one that controls the window drop is in the top latch assembly above the rear view mirror.
  21. Ddo cars still have drum brakes? I assumed they were only fitted to low spec, non performance models. Sure do, most small or inexpensive cars, and many trucks, still use rear drum brakes. And just about every car with rear discs (including most Porsches) uses an internal drum brake assembly for the emergency brake.
  22. And what is really neat about this cheap tool is that it will work on any drum brake system, regardless of manufacture.
  23. any updates on this? Tool is actually a VW item and looks like this: About $54 from Samstag Tools
  24. What you need is a cheap brake tool that makes removing or reinstalling drum brake springs a snap: Less than $10 on Amazon : http://www.amazon.com/OTC-4590-Brake-Spring-Plier/dp/B00063V40G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1424553458&sr=8-1&keywords=drum+brake+tool
  25. The 996 does not have a clutch accumulator, which is just above the clutch slave on the turbo (black ball like device in photo):
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