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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. I am also not sure what is going on here. We use the Durametric for service resets just about every day and it works. Are you sure the system is not a clone and that it is communicating with the car?
  2. Couple of them; if you have a battery maintainer, plug it in to the cig lighter and wait an hour or so until the battery builds up some juice, the trunk will then open. On the driver's kick panel there is a fuse panel with an indicated power lug; attach another battery there and the trunk will open (for more on this, check your owner's manual).
  3. It could be the fuel system bleeding down pressure while it is sitting for longer periods. Try hooking up a fuel pressure test gauge to the fuel rail and see if the pressure is bleeding off while it sits.
  4. Using this tool: Larger problem is how you bend the electrodes to open or close the gap on four electrode plugs............
  5. I'm not sure why you are asking this question, but the changes in the Tip were mostly problem fixes and/or updated parts. I've driven several of all of the variants and they really don't seem all that different. They are also not easily interchangeable for various reasons.
  6. Welcome to RennTech :welcome:
  7. Welcome to RennTech :welcome: Try this link: http://www.renntech.org/forums/tutorials/article/45-replacing-the-gasfuel-door-actuator/
  8. The fob section of the key can be replaced without having to cut a new key shaft, you just move it to the new fob. The fob, however, will require coding the car if the "pill" cannot be move to the new fob or does not work. If coding is required, you need a PIWIS unit.
  9. I'm afraid I cannot help you with that one, but I would suggest contacting the local Porsche Club chapter, which I believe is the Music City chapter: http://www.musikstadtpca.org/ They should be able to provide you with some suggestions based upon local user's experiences.
  10. Even when the engine is otherwise immaculate clean inside, the rather tiny oil passages in this system can become blocked by small bits of loose plastic from sealant squeeze out or other plastic bits in the engine. These are not easy to remove without dropping the engine and taking at least some of it apart.
  11. If the car has had a recent battery change, you may still need to check to see how the coding looks, we have seen several 987 lose the seat heater coding when the battery was changed. Both the Durametric (Pro) and Porsche's factory tool can reset them back to "on" if they switched off.
  12. OK, here is the entire fuse system listing for your car: I would take a look at fuse holder E, fuses 1 & 2, which are 30Amp units for the power seat controls. If no fuses are out, I would again suggest having the car scanned to make sure they are actually activated.
  13. Welcome to RennTech :welcome: Have they ever worked? I have seen multiple cars that needed to have the system coded before they actually functioned.
  14. By far, most of the Tip's fluid is in the torque converter, which you cannot drain by draining the pan. At most, you will get out 4-5 L from the pan. This is one of several reasons we recommend changing the fluid in the Tip more frequently. I also removed your double posting on this topic; please do not double post, it is against forum rules.
  15. At this time, the PIWIS is the only system that can access the PDK system for this service. While the gear box oil can simply be drained, the clutch oil (which is a totally different type of oil) requires the use of the PIWIS to change correctly. The clutch oil needs to be changed twice for every time the gear box oil is changed, and considering that a new clutch package for one of these costs $5K alone at the parts counter, I would be changing it more often than the spec. Yes, there is a filter (from what I've read, it should retail for around $150), and I have seen dealer quotes ranging from $450 to $900 to do the service, depending upon filter change. From the manual: PDK transmission oil - approx. 3.12 quarts / 2.95 liters ATF transmission oil Mobilube PTX Formula A (SAE 75W-90) GL 4.5 - change at 120K miles or 12 years PDK clutch oil - approx. 5.49 quarts / 5.2 liters Pentosin Gear Oil FFL 3 - change at 60 K miles or 6 years The following procedure is from the 2009 Technik Service information book: Oil filling The correct hydraulic oil level is important for operating the transmission without running into problems. The following preconditions must be met in order to check or correct the oil level: • Engine must be idling • Vehicle must be horizontal in both longitudinal and transverse axis • Hydraulic oil temperature between 86° F. and 104° F. (30° C and 40° C) • Selector-lever position “P” • Clutch cooling volume flow must be switched off (using PIWIS Tester in Oil fill mode) • Retain the described states for approx. 1 minute to allow the oil to settle • Open screw plug on oil overflow bore and collect emerging oil until only drops of oil are emerging • Once there is no more oil emerging, top up the clutch fluid until oil emerges at the oil overflow bore • To avoid damaging the clutches, the procedure must be completed within 5 minutes (PIWIS Tester exits Oil fill mode automatically after 5 minutes) The correct oil level is also important to avoid damaging the gear wheels in the transmission. There is also an overflow bore for this, which is located on the opposite side. The oil level can be checked in the usual way here.
  16. Because a PPI is your last chance to avoid a problem, the shop choice should always be that of the buyer, not the seller.
  17. The canister and some of the valves are, but the purge line runs to the engine bay as well: 1 - Mass air flow sensor, right 2 - Fuel injector, cylinder 1, bank 1 3 - Fuel injector, cylinder 2, bank 1 4 - Fuel injector, cylinder 3, bank 1 5 - Fuel injector, cylinder 4, bank 1 6 - DME control module 7 - Electric fuel pump, right 8 - EVAP canister 9 - Fuel tank 10 - Electric fuel pump, left 11 - Driver's door lock with switch for fuel pump supply 12 - Current distributor with cutoff relay under driver's seat 13 - KESSY control module 14 - E-box in radiator tank with fuse and relay carrier 15 - Pedal sensor 16 - Fuel injector, cylinder 8, bank 2 17 - Fuel injector, cylinder 7, bank 2 18 - Fuel injector, cylinder 6, bank 2 19 - Fuel injector, cylinder 5, bank 2 20 - Tank vent valve 21 - Mass air flow sensor, left 22 - Positive crankcase ventilation heater 23 - Throttle adjusting unit
  18. Try blowing out the pruge line (they plug up over time), test the valve for correct electrical fucntion and that it is clear as well. Also check any flex connections (rubber hose sections). Replacing the EVAP cannister is not a normal occurance, but it can occasionally happen.
  19. Welcome to RennTech :welcome: Is the replacement cluster a new one or out of another car?
  20. You should do a clutch job, assuming the flywheel is in good shape, you are going to spend in the $500-600 for a new disc, pressure plate, throw-out bearing, and pilot bearing. If the flywheel fails the "twist test", add another $1K for parts. All of the clutch and flywheel bolts need to be replaced (they are single use), so add in another $35-50. RMS is going to set you back around $25. Throw in labor at 4-6 hours at your indies rate. Now comes the "big one"; this is the ideal time to replace the IMS, which also may be leaking again. LN's single row pro IMS bearing kit will set you back $800 and add 1-2 hours on the labor. All in (clutch, no flywheel, RMS IMS) you should be out the door in the $2-3K range. One thing to check with your Indy on: Does he have the "faultless" IMS tool? It is absolutely necessary to do the IMS Pro dual row replacement for the OEM single row IMS.
  21. I have read about this problem (http://rennlist.com/forums/997-forum/853486-pdk-failure.html) so it is not unknown. This bulletin covers a wide variety of possible issues with the PDK and how to address them; sometimes with software, other times by replacement: "PAG has a very detailed and specific procedure to follow to troubleshoot certain PDK problems (it's 18 pages long with many braches of "if / then" logic - it's called "PDK Transmission Diagnosis: Symptoms and Repair procedure (35/09)). These problems are in categories such as "leaks", "temp sensor", "electrical faults", and "software errors". Some of the problems & solutions result in the dealer service department being able to fix them, some result in the requirement of a new PDK unit." One of the potential issues with the PDK is its complexity, which makes it very difficult to work on as it requires both special tooling and knowledge. As the result, the dealers are limited to some diagnostics tests and software updates, and gearbox replacement if that does not work.
  22. I've got a 2002 996, only 26 K miles. It has a small oil leak, probably from the rms, but it's been trouble free for 8 years. From what i have read over the years on this forum, a small amount on the floor is no big deal, I understand this happens a lot. Any opinions on this ? BTW, I check my oil frequently, is there any need to worry about a tiny amount ? The car isn't a 1980s Honda where you can ignore maintenance, nor is it an (insert any year) Jaguar where the engine's life blood leaking out is acceptable - it's a Porsche. If you have had 8 trouble free years, bite the bullet and have the oil leak addressed. Outside of the RMS, which would have likely leaked prior to now, the M96 doesn't normally leak oil. But that is also a good thing as it means wherever the leak is coming from can hopefully be easily addressed. If the engine does have to be dropped to fix the leak, consider replacing the air/oil separator and, if it hasn't been done (recently), the IMS bearing with an LN engineering bearing, and also the clutch. No sense in paying the labor in dropping the engine twice. Ok thanks, now when I say a bit, I mean a just bit of oil, ( about the size of a quarter, and just now and then) after running it all day, and a day later, after it sits. The car still has only 26,205 miles on it now. When it had 14,551 miles, 9 years ago, it was leaking then, and under warranty, so I took it in to where I bought it, Orlando Porsche (anyone got comments on them ? ) The invoice from them ( 9 years ago, at 14,551 miles ) says, and I quote : "Verified problem, 34351900 Transmission removed &reinstalled. 194 WP . 999-217-150-09 3 hex head screws 6 X 20 . 996-105-024-01 shaft housing. 6 qts 0/40 mobil 1. 15211950 Bearing cov F Intermed shaft removed & rein. 194 wp . ??? Then it says at the bottom of the invoice : " 14553 R&R trans found oil leak from Inter. Shaft Flan removed chain tensioners to rear chain, replace flange and bolts, added oil ck. ok " Unquote. That's it, can anyone decipher this ? Is this the rms problem ? I'm not that much of a tech guy, just oil changes, filters, and drive belts, so can anyone tell me if this could still be the issue, and how about those other quotes below about a little oil is to be expected with a 911 ? See below Yes, when I mentioned this a few years ago, several 996 owners on this site, said not to worry, and so did the service manager at Orlando Porsche ! He said , and I quote : Hey it's a Porsche, they all drop a bit of oil now and then, don't worry about it " Unquote. And other owners on here also said , a small amount is nothing ? So I'm really confused now :cursing: I'll get it checked out, and I do maintain it well, but should I worry that much based on what others on here, and what the Orlando Porsche dealer said ? Thanks guys :thankyou: Your car has the IMS flange seal update during that service. When they do this, they do not replace the IMS bearing, only the flange for the bearing that bolts to the rear of the engine case: This was a fairly common practice at the time to address leaking oil. As I know nothing about the dealer, I cannot comment on them. While many owners are content to drive cars that leak oil, I for one am not. Very little oil in the wrong place, like on the clutch disc or the dual mass flywheel elastomer, and you are in for major headaches. Oil leaks also tend to grow with time, which does not help. Even if the car is driving well, we consider oil leak in the bell housing area a major "deduct" item when doing a PPI for a prospective buyer, so it can also impact resale values as well. We see cars like yours daily, and even with a lot of miles on them, many are bone dry underneath. The car should not be leaking, but it is not going to be cheap to fix either.
  23. Was the engine actually disassembled to determine it had a bad head gasket? Reasons I ask is that I have never before heard of these head gaskets failing.
  24. I've got a 2002 996, only 26 K miles. It has a small oil leak, probably from the rms, but it's been trouble free for 8 years. From what i have read over the years on this forum, a small amount on the floor is no big deal, I understand this happens a lot. Any opinions on this ? BTW, I check my oil frequently, is there any need to worry about a tiny amount ? No oil leaks are good news, and some are definitely worse than others. An oil leak from say a cam cover could be tolerated for a period of time without major consequences (we often have to point them out to otherwise oblivious customers), an oil leak in the bell housing area is an entirely different subject. Two things can leak in the bell housing: Your RMS and your IMS. Neither will get better with time, and both are potentially shortening the life of your clutch and dual mass flywheel. Add in that an IMS leak could be an early sign of its pending demise, particularly if the leak is from the center bolt rather than the flange seals. With a clutch disc and pressure plate retailing for around $500, and the flywheel nearly $1K, a leaking $20 RMS seal can get very expensive, particularly if you have to add in shop labor to replace them.
  25. It is the EVAP system and probably a vent valve problem on the EVAP. You will not be able to clear the code and pass an I/M readiness test until the fault is located and repaired.
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