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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. https://sites.google.com/site/mikefocke2/listsofsources
  2. OK, here is the entire fuse system listing for your car: I would take a look at fuse holder E, fuses 1 & 2, which are 30Amp units for the power seat controls. If no fuses are out, I would again suggest having the car scanned to make sure they are actually activated. It should be similar to the one above.
  3. You probably would do better with the OEM units, try Sunset Porsche, a board sponsor.
  4. Welcome to RennTech :welcome: Porsche 16 inch wheels will not fit on cars that came from the factory with cross drilled rotors as they are too large in diameter.
  5. Do you have a relationship with a shop that could get them for you? Can you buy online from and out of state facility?
  6. From the engine control module, which like the dash controller may now require recalibration (PIWIS).
  7. Your post is fine here. A lot of the information handled (and displayed) by your cluster comes over the CAN bus system. Your original radio was also a MOST fiber optic unit. Replacing the radio, the installers could have upset the communications system the car was designed to use, which is probably why you are getting the cluster code. It may also be related to your strange distance readings. If you still have the original radio, I would reinstall it, clear all the codes and see what comes back.
  8. Welcome to RennTech :welcome: You have many questions, but let's start with the majors: If the car is running 220-225F, it is overheating; it should run that hot, even when being beaten. You need to find out why this is happening as heat equals death to the M96/97 engine. I would start by pulling the front fascia and cleaning out around the radiators (they are a collector for everything from leaves to dead birds). I would also seriously consider switching the car to a 160F thermostat, and check under the water pump looking for crusted coolant, a sign the pump is on the way out and it needs to be proactively replaced. Send the Fuchs gear oil back and get the factory lube. Porsche uses a unique fluid that is made to their specs, it is fully synthetic and keeps the gearbox happy, particularly when cold. Never skimp on the oil used in these engines. For your location, I would use either Joe Gibbs DT40 (5W-40) or Castrol Edge with Syntec technology in a 10W-40 weight. Both offer higher film strength, and the Gibbs product has the highest ZDDP level you can find in an oil. Replace the serpentine belt and check all of the pulleys, idlers and the water pump for play or noise.
  9. Most states allow the recycling of these parts, and according to your state statues on the subject: "The Arizona State Legislature states in Statute 13-3728 that it is illegal for a person to purchase or sell a used catalytic converter "unless the purchase or sale is in the ordinary course of business by a commercial motor vehicle parts or repair business in connection with the sale or installation of a new catalytic converter." This law does not apply to automotive recyclers. Violation of the statute is considered a misdemeanor offense." To me, that reads that a private individuals cannot buy or sell them to each other, but an authorized recycler can. Arizona was one of many states that limited who can buy or sell used converters primarily because of converters being stolen and sold for scrap. You still may want to check this yourself, just to be safe.
  10. I would look at used cats from a wrecking yard; they can be had cheaply (even cheaper than aftermarket units) and often come with a limited warrantee.
  11. The list of possible fault for this is extensive, can you provide any additional data or diagnostic scan information as well as the year and model of the vehicle.
  12. Please do not double post, it is against forum rules. Your second post has been removed.
  13. PCV can become full of crud internally over time, requiring that they either be cleaned out or replaced.
  14. Go back to my #2 post above and go down the list, all the possibles are there. Sorry, that was pretty obvious I suppose :) From what I can find, fuel pressure should be 4 BAR (58 psi)? Incorrect main charge signal = MAF? Should I give it and its connector a cleaning? I'm away from the shop at the moment, but I think that fuel pressure is close if not correct. I think they are referring to your charging system, but cleaning the MAF never hurts.
  15. Go back to my #2 post above and go down the list, all the possibles are there.
  16. As you might imagine, daily driver's in PA tend to look like they have been sandblasted, thanks to PennDOT's road care procedures. And being a legendary "pot hole paradise", we also tend to keep suspension component companies in business as well. I recently had a customer sell his 458 Ferrari Spider because he could not find decent roads to drive it on during good weather and simply got tired of trying to avoid pot holes.
  17. Not what I was inferring at all. You seem to be saying that there was a difference between what you thought the car should have gone mileage wise and what the system says. I was asking if the difference between those two was about 5% as the factory sets the speedometer slightly higher than reality (most estimates are in the 4-6% range). Now that I have read your other post, I think you are questioning if the miles shown on the dash odometer in relation to the "total distance" captured in the DME. Going by the total hours run time, and using 27-30 MPH as an average speed (this comes from having read a many cars over the years which seem to fall in this range), your car should have shy of 31K miles on it, so the 32K you see seem about right. As for why the DME shows the total distance at 6215K or 3,800 miles, that I am at a loss to explain. If you think there is something wrong with your 32K display mileage, check the running hours on the air bag module, it should approximate what the DME sees for the car, but is recorded separately, so it is a good double check for someone trying to alter the cars miles.
  18. The 6215 is in kilometers, so it is around 3,800 miles give or take. What did you expect it to be, and is that value around 5% different? Reason I ask is that all speedometers are set around 4-6% high from the factory, which would translate into a trip odometer reading higher than the actual mileage driven. I would also note that a PPI should have included and DME report.
  19. Is the difference between your odometer and the "Total Distance" read around 5% or so? Or does the car's service records indicate that the dash cluster has been worked on?
  20. OK, thanks JFP. I found the Pelican photos too but it is not obvious from the photos alone that the unit can be loosened enough to remove the fan without disconnecting the hoses and removing the whole assembly. If you look at the exploded parts diagram above, you will see that the fan is mounted into a shroud, which is then held in by a couple of fasteners. You do not need to drain and remove the radiators, or the AC heat exchangers, they remain in the car.
  21. Next time, try looking up the parts in the Porsche PET system. Your passenger's side fan is available as a separate part, #99762412802, and retails for a tad under $450.. Thanks JFP; I was aware that the fan can be bought as a separate part but was asking if the replacement of the fan alone can be done without removing the whole unit from the car. Sorry for confusion on the question. You can access the fan and radiator by removing the front fascia and wheel well liner, and then moving a couple other items out of the way. This is from a 996, but yours in not that different:
  22. The outer CV joint can get pretty hot during track days, and cause some excess grease to vent out. The hotter the day, and sticky tires often accelerate this. It isn't really a problem as the amount of grease is typically quite small, but after a lot of track time, it might be a good maintenance item to repack the CV's.
  23. Next time, try looking up the parts in the Porsche PET system. Your passenger's side fan is available as a separate part, #99762412802, and retails for a tad under $450..
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