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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Isn't 996-355-755-59 the part number for an ABS relay?
  2. You need to tread carefully when modifying the ports on these heads. Cleaning up and port matching is always useful, but beyond that is the realm that requires considerable experience, expertise, and some significant equipment, like a cylinder head flow bench. When most people think of head porting, they envision enlarging the ports and runners, and then buffing them to a mirror like finish; only problem is that bigger is not always better in this area, and quite often the best final runner finish is somewhat textured. Unfortunately, the only way to determine what is optimum is to basically ruin a set or two of heads testing various configurations and then verifying the actual flow improvement on the flow bench at various cam lifts to determine what is going to allow the heads to move the most air. Along the way, this process will also identify when the modifications have gone "over center" and the flow performance starts to drop off, which would require welding up the heads and starting over. Once the desired combination is identified, its technical specs are then fed to a CNC machine so that the profile can be reproduced accurately on customer's heads whenever it is needed. I know Len's shop has done a lot of work in this area on air cooled engines, so I would suspect he also has some background with the water cooled as well.
  3. Try this: http://www.planet-9.com/reviews/electronics/p384-durametric-tutorial-part-2-advanced-functions.html
  4. I seriously doubt it is IMS related, but to prove it, remove your oil filter and look for ferrous metal in large quantities. No metal, not IMS related......
  5. I would still load test the alternator, it would not be the first time I have seen a defective replacement right out of the box, and it needs to be eliminated as a possible factor.
  6. The wire to the alternator is a 12V power. The voltage drop I referred to comes from corrosion inside the primary wires, not necessarily the terminal ends, which is why you need to run a voltage drop test across the leads to find it. It may not affect starting, but can appear as the resistance grows with heat in the engine bay, You may also be encountering diode drop out in the alternator itself, or a voltage regulator issue, either of which could be seen on an alternator load test.
  7. Have you done a voltage drop test across the primary battery cables? These cars are well known for having internal corrosion in the primary cables that leads to no end of electrical gremlins.
  8. We have never seen any change in how the vehicle operates, regardless of what data is, or isn't entered into the system, so the conclusion is that it does not seem to matter, making it a data store more than anything else.
  9. All this system is trying to do is to record the battery install information for later retrieval during diagnostics. It does not do anything, it just keeps the information with the vehicle as the owner typically is often vague about such minutia when asked.
  10. There is a simple twist test that the flywheel needs to pass to be consider OK to reinstall. If it fails this test, it cannot be repaired, it must be replaced. As for replacements, stay with the dual mass design, it is the only torsional and harmonic dampening device in the rotating mass, changing it for a single mass unit can result in noise, poor drivability, and ultimately to fatal engine damage, regardless of what your read online.
  11. Unfortunately, most cooling system additives are band aide solutions in search of a problem, and do little (if anything) to solve cooling system issues long term.
  12. Welcome to RennTech. Most likely a communications error in the airbag system. Could be a ghost code, or one or more of the system wiring connectors is either loose or corroded.
  13. True, but by far the biggest issue of running pure water is corrosion, not freezing.
  14. I would remain circumspect about replacing the fuel pump; the crank position senor failure causes the fuel pump to shut off when nothing is wrong other than the CPS is bad.
  15. Water is a better heat transfer medium that coolant or coolant/water mixtures; unfortunately it is also much more corrosive.
  16. This is a common problem with all factory nav systems; you are at the mercy of the factory when it comes to updates, which is what typically makes after market system more attractive over time. Some aftermarket systems even give you a lifetime of free updates via your laptop.
  17. You did nothing wrong. Draining the radiator leaves a lot of coolant in the engine, heater, etc., so the amount of coolant you got out is about average. As you have eliminated the possibility for air pockets, the problem has to be mechanical (water pump, thermostat, blockage in the system, etc.).
  18. A perfect clutch is just that, perfect and without noises or vibrations. I am beginning to wonder if you may have a dual mass flywheel on the way out........
  19. You need to be careful here. Porsche like to use "single use" barbed connections on the fuel lines, which require cutting the flexible hose off to remove. Once you have done that, the hose section will be shorter, and may no longer reach where the fitting needs to be, or keeps too much tension on the connector, leading to its failure and a sudden large fuel leak in a hot engine bay. You would be better off replacing the entire flex line section with a new one.
  20. There are several sensors that can prevent the AC compressor from running; low pressure, high pressure, high temperature, dead compressor clutch. First thing I would look at is by passing the system and try triggering the compressor using a safe voltage probe such as the Power Probe tool. If the clutch engages and the system cools, the problem lies in the sensors, if it doesn't engage, you have a compressor issue. Very few people field repair compressors anymore, cheaper and quick to replace it.
  21. How big a compressor is based upon what you are going to use it for. For your purposes, one of the 110V "pancake" compressors should do fine: This unit is $60 on Amazon.
  22. We see a fair number of "knock off" coils, most of which cannot hold a candle to the OEM units and end up having to be replaced prematurely. They are cheap for a reason, and not a good one.
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