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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. I think your pricing is way out of line, 2005 GT3 struts retail for $436 each (USD). Without knowing the mileage and history of the car, it would be hard to describe leaking struts as a "weak spot".
  2. I really would not run oil for even 10K, based on UOA's 5-7K is more like it, particularly on engines with known tendency to score the cylinder walls.
  3. Seems the owner's wife has no interest in running the joint, but is asking $3.9 million for the site.
  4. Don't bet on the Tiki Bar, owner recently died and the joint is closed and up for sale.
  5. Hey, "fecal matter occurs", I'm sure you are not the first...………….
  6. Small world. While it is currently closed for Jan and Feb for some renovations, visit the museum when you get the chance, particularly if you have kids, as it is focused on education about the heritage, history, and wildlife of the Chesapeake of southern Maryland, much of which has disappeared over the last fifty years. And there are several excellent seafood restaurants on Solomons Island as well. http://www.calvertmarinemuseum.com
  7. Believe it or not, I pass through your way just about every month. My missus and I are major supporters of the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, MD, and in particular their North American River Otter program. We spend time each month volunteering at the facility, doing food prep for all the creatures in their aquarium section, and playing with our three favorite fur-balls, Chessie - Grace, Chumley, and Calvert:
  8. Well, after more than four decades, you pick up a thing or two, even if it is just the oil absorbed into your forehead. Hazelton is a bit north of us, about an hour or so. We are in an area so small that we don't even have our own post office, we borrow a neighboring communities PO. Eventually, we will be relocating to SC where I have a vacation home. I intend to keep my hand in with a small (read very small) shop at the house in SC were I will be taking in a couple of "projects" from time to time, but not on a full time basis (the Mrs. would have my head if I did).
  9. I am in PA, and owned my shop for many years, but recently have sold the main business to retire (at 72 years, you get tired of oil dripping in your face).
  10. When you do the pressure kit upgrade, just be sure the original piston comes out (they sometimes stick). If it doesn't drop out, slide a small diameter magnetic pick up tool into the shaft and pull it out (it is steel and will stick to the magnet).
  11. I would do two things: Change the oil and filter, switching the car to Joe Gibbs DT40, which is a 5W-40 full synthetic with high levels of ZDDP. Porsche released an oil pressure "upgrade kit" which consists of a new pressure relief plunger, a longer spring, and an end plug seal. The entire kit sells for around $20 and can be installed at any time (you will only lose about 1 cup of oil out of the pump), but this was designed to raise the low RPM pressure a bit. Parts: Piston 997.107.125.01 Spring 996.107.127.53 Gasket 996.107.123.50
  12. I'm a little unsure of what you are referring to, so I will assume it is oil pressure. 1.25 bar is around 18 PSIG, which could be a little low, but without knowing the weight and condition of the oil would be speculation.
  13. Have to agree with Loren, it is a fuel issue. I would suggest leaving a fuel pressure test gauge attached to the car after it is shut down, looking to see if the residual pressure leaks down, which is an indication of one or more injectors leaking.
  14. Seriously doubt it.
  15. ALL factory reman engines carry “AT” in the number sequence to indicate it is a factory reman. Yours many simply be a replacement from another source like a wreck.
  16. The sleeves are an alloy of aluminum, with an coating on the inside. LN's are also an alloy, but completely different construction. Bore diameter is 96 MM or 3.78 inches.
  17. I would pretty much forget trying to install new liners yourself, it requires both special equipment and knowledge. LN Engineering is were most shops send their bare engine cases to have new liners installed.
  18. Not without the year and model as they are not all the same. When you call the dealer, have your VIN handy and they will set you up.
  19. Yes. Relatively cheap dealer item.
  20. Most likely, most of the linkage will be under the bottom body panels, but you should still be able to see it. Usually, the ball and socket do not need to be replaced unless they have become damaged. The components simply snap together. I wouldn't be buying anything until I knew what needed to be replaced, if anything.
  21. You are correct that the 993 has rods, but they still used the snap on ball joint ends, just like the cables on the 996/997 cars, which can pop off, and they added a rubber isolator that could also come loose:
  22. Probably one of the cable connections at the transmission have popped off. A common problem that in many cases can be rectified by popping it back on.
  23. Aluminum cylinder head material is not strong enough to simply cut a valve seat, so a much stronger material insert in pressed into the head to do the job. This is common on all aluminum cylinder heads, regardless of brand. The way it works is the inserts come in a variety of sizes, the machine shop can chose the closest match and then cut them to size and install them (an entirely different procedure involving heating the head casting while chilling the insert), and after the head stabilized to room temp, the shop can machine the valve seat to match the actual valve itself.
  24. Not what I said. The seat will go in just fine, but none of the add on’s (electric seat controls, side air bags, etc.) are going to work with out a new harness, sensors, and some reprogramming. You are the one that needs to decide if the view is really worth the climb, as this is going to require some work and expense.
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