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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Traction control operates on the basis of different tire rotational speeds, hence my question about air pressure levels, which can trigger the system, as can differences it tire diameters caused by wear or mismatch tires. My suggestion would be to put a Porsche specific scan tool in the car and take it for a ride, watching what the system is doing when the problem occurs. You can also set the diagnostic tool to capture real time data to look at later.
  2. I don’t think it is traction control, more likely stability management (read yaw control). Start by checking your tire pressures to see if one or more is unusallly low.
  3. That oil should not have "gunked up", but is also not a high ZDDP oil.
  4. The condition of the oil could be the result of the oil itself, who's oil did you have in it? 10W-60 is way too heavy for the water cooled engines, you should be using a quality full synthetic 5W-40 with high ZDDP levels.
  5. Actually, Garmin (and other after market GPS systems) have excellent update programs, and the POI Factory has proven hard to beat when it comes to extremely accurate red light and speed camera locations that are updated weekly. We have several customers that run Garmin in dash systems and use the POI Factory, and are very pleased with both systems.
  6. For decades, Porsche has recommended running a dose of Techron in their cars for this exact purpose. We have used it in the shop literally since we opened, it does not harm cats.
  7. Just remember: Murphy was an optimist...…………………...
  8. As Mike noted, you are not the first one to get into this predicament, and you won't be the last. Unfortunately, "fecal matter occurs" when nature sides with the hidden flaw.....
  9. For years, shops like mine have tried to find an alternative method of seeing the IMS bearing cover on 2000-2001 and 2005 engines without having to take the thing apart. We even brought in and evaluated "micro" scientific fiber optic camera probes that were on a few millimeters in diameter and cost more than $55K, none of them managed to get down far enough to see it without getting stuck. We never found a way to see the cover without taking the car apart. I'm afraid you are on a "fool's errand" here. Bite the bullet and pull it apart.
  10. Be careful, there is extremely limited room for something like a bore scope, even a very small one, and it is very easy to get the probe stuck.
  11. Why not just replace the switch instead of trying to reinvent the wheel? Everything you are attempting equates to a temporary Band-Aid that will eventually fail again. Do it right, do it once.....
  12. Get the battery load tested, that is the "acid" test of its condition. Takes about 5 min.
  13. You will be the first to know if it is. As Mike noted, once it comes off the ledge, it will make quite a racket, and could end up wiping out the CPS if it gets caught up in the shutters on the flywheel.
  14. Be happy, most people inquiring about start/stop want to know if it can be turned off...………...
  15. Just above the sump rail on the right side of the engine: RFM is correct on the single cam sensor.
  16. The claims were nonsense then, and still are today...……….
  17. Not sure you understand how this works: The halogens do not move, the HID low beam does when the module is active. The module is usually in the front trunk area: There have been a couple of variations on this unit, but all are pretty much the same. Before replacing this unit, I would suggest "borrowing" a working unit and testing that; you may have a fault in your wiring preventing it from getting the signal from the lights, but getting it from the Durametric.
  18. Hi Mike. Yes, it applies to both factory and aftermarket installations, providing there is a functioning control unit installed. If the control unit is dead, or if the aftermarket install did not include the controller, the lights won't move.
  19. Yes, the HID beam tilts to fill in the high beam.
  20. Porsche stopped publishing their service manuals around 2004 and switched to an online subscription service for those without a PIWIS unit (it is included with the PIWIS), so there are no reliable sources for legitimate PDF files. Part numbers you can get online from sources like board sponsors Sunset Porsche’s parts website. The Durametric system is hands down the best aftermarket diagnostic tool for Porsche.
  21. Welcome to RennTech THere is an inexpensive factory’s update (pressure relief piston, spring, and plug seal) that sells for about $20 US that addresses this exact issue.
  22. P1531: Camshaft actuator bank 1 triggered, no positive action Open circuit in triggering wire Open circuit in B+ supply Actuator faulty Most likely an electrical issue.
  23. The PIWIS system is the Porsche factory diagnostic system and is only available as a leased unit, first year's lease fee is around $20,000. You will see a lot of clones advertised on the web, most are either a scam, or a very old version of the system.
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