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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. I think the mounts are the same or very similar, but the seat itself is wider......
  2. I'd measure the width of the seats, if memory serves, the Cayman's are wider.
  3. Should be 900 grams (31.75 oz.). The system should also have 195 ml of ND 8 oil in it.
  4. There is absolutely no comparison between the WRX engines and one of these, have you ever investigated the specialized tooling required (all must haves), and little wonders like installing the piston wrist pin snap rings in one of these engines? Building a ship in a bottle is child's play by comparison. A lot of people have started one of these rebuilds, only to never finish them or farm the process out to a shop that has done them. Be sure you really know what you are getting into before even thinking about tearing one of these engines apart.
  5. Hate to tell you, but LN and Jake Raby are the only shops to consider, they simply are the best, and $16K is not that bad a price for one of theirs, particularly as factory remans which are no longer available were going nearly $20K for a short block.
  6. It can be done, but you need to proceed with caution as to which years. Reason is that each subsequent year the technology in the cars (DME version, fuel system, use of CAN Bus technology, etc.) changed, and updating an older car to use the newer tech can be both a bear to accomplish, and result in a "Frankenstein" car with limited resale or trade value.
  7. The engines in the 996 is exactly the same as those in the 986...…………...
  8. Jake's books are available from LN Engineering: Flat Six Tech books
  9. Unfortunately, this swap is a bit more complicated as the factory HID lights use control modules and igniters that have to be installed in order for these lights to work, and the car has to be coded with a PIWIS to switch from halogen to factory bi-xenon lights or the system will code on you.
  10. Welcome to RennTech As Porsche never expected, or wanted, field techs to rebuild these engines, they have never published anything on the process, such as proper bearing clearances or even torque specs. There are sources such as Flat Six (Jake Raby) that run classes on proper engine rebuilding techniques, and have published some information on the topic. If you have suffered an IMS failure, one rebuild item that is critical is to get the engine cases and heads ultra sonically cleaned, as IMS failures result in vast amounts of very small metal particles being all through the engine passages, and proper cleaning and removal is critical as just one particle can trash a fresh rebuild. Good luck...…..
  11. Welcome to RennTech I'd say take it back to where you had the service done.
  12. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Wiring is tested using a digital multimeter looking at continuity, resistance, and voltage readings.
  13. Sounds like he checked the sensor wiring, he needed to check the wires from the sensor going to the DME as well as the out put voltages and voltage curves.
  14. Welcome to RennTech Both codes are for the interruption of the sensor signal, which is more often a wiring harness issue rather than a bad sensor. The diagnostic trees for both codes start with checking the wiring harness, not replacing the sensors.
  15. IMHO, no one is going to be able to bring the gateway, and or the DME, back. The dealer had the factory scan and programming tool, the PIWIS; if they could not recover and recode the system, new and very expensive parts are in your future, along with coding them into the car.
  16. The iCarsoft scan tool is not capable of recoding your car's DME to any other configuration. A defective scan tool may be able to damage the DME or other subsystems in the car, but only a few are able to write code to the DME or modules, such as the PIWIS or PST II.
  17. Not necessarily, modules sometimes have to be recoded and they come back online, but not always. Sometimes they are just dead.
  18. In a word, no. It requires a PIWIS system.
  19. Welcome to RennTech I would ask your tech how he determined the AOS is bad, and what does he base his RMS/IMS seal leakage upon. 20 hours is excessive, more like 8-10 hours is realistic to pull the Tip and replace both the AOS and either the RMS or IMS seals. I would also check with another Porsche oriented shop for a second opinion.
  20. I would only use 263 on fasteners I was never going to remove again, 243 would be a better choice.
  21. Welcome to RennTech These types of issues are typically the result of mechanical "plugging" of the SAI ports on the bank in question. During the rebuild, did you have the heads done by a reputable shop, and did you blow out the SAI passages prior to assembly?
  22. You should install the new dryer just before putting the system under vacuum.
  23. I believe you are referring to the dryer assembly as a filter. I would suggest the best path forward would be to change out the dryer for a new one, close up the system, and pull a very high vacuum on the system for 30 min. to 1 hour to get rid of any moisture. Check the system can hold the high level of vacuum without the pump running for 15-30 min.; if it does hold, start the recharging procedures.
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