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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. No, we use anti seize compound on these fasteners before torquing them. Because they are rather small, and adjacent to coolant, there is strong possibility of corrosion over time, which will result in snapped bolts on the next pump swap. A little precaution now can prevent hours of grief at a later date.........
  2. Sorry to hear of your predicament. The PDK is ultra complex internally, with even the dealer techs limited to what they can do to repair them. These internals require very specialized fixtures and tooling, which is beyond even the dealer’s capabilities. Good luck with your next steps.......
  3. I sincerely hope that day never comes. But you have shown why those of us that fix these things for a living regularly tell people to stop trying to cheap out with aftermarket components; your Gates pump is a poster child for why we say what we do, and why we depend upon factory parts.
  4. No such system exists. Just about every OEM has areas of “proprietary code” which require a dedicated system to pull codes and conduct diagnostics. Porsche is one of the worst in this respect, with several major systems “off limits” to many diagnostic systems. As far as the Durametric seeming expensive, the next step up in Porsche diagnostic systems, the current version of the PIWIS system, starts at $20,000 a year.
  5. Clear all remaining codes and go drive it like you stole it...…………….
  6. We only apply the "blue wrench" when hanging on a 40 inch breaker bar won't budge them, in order to prevent removing the threads with the sensor; usually they pop loose with enough grunt.
  7. They do take a heat set after years of thermal cycling, which is why anti seize is needed. I don't remove the wheels, but I am working on a lift. If you don't have the car on ramps, it MUST be on jack stands, not jacks...…………..
  8. I can be done on jack stands. One of the beauties of the 986 is that these are exposed from underneath: You are going to need a sensor socket (about $10 on Amazon) that is open on the side to allow the pigtail to hang out while doing this, and you are going to need some anti seize for the sensor threads:
  9. These hydraulic tensioners should be torqued to spec (59 ft. lbs.); if they still leak, they need to be removed and have the crush washer replaced, then retorqued. Removing them requires locking the engine at TDC and locking the cams to prevent them from jumping time.
  10. I would not write the MAF off just yet, and Sunset is well known for quick shipping and great customer service.
  11. Bank1 is the passenger's side on the Boxster.
  12. You can talk to anyone, just tell them your are from RennTech.
  13. Your part number is correct except for the M14 at the end, which tells me it is a Pelican number. Don't buy it from them, they a known for swapping out non OEM for the real thing. Get it from board sponsor Sunset Porsche.
  14. OK, let's start with the obvious: P0133 and P1275 both indicate that the O2 sensor ahead of the three way cat on bank 1 has aged out and needs replacing. I would get that done, clear all the codes and see if anything returns. Some of the other codes (P1126) indicate mixture issues and a possible vacuum leak, but with the O2 sensor out of wack may just be ghost codes.
  15. I would be remiss if I did not say I would be circumspect about buying sensors off fleabay. Half the time they are on there is because they are in no better condition than what you already have. The sensor is held in by one bolt and is on the side of the bellhousing.
  16. Welcome to RennTech There are only two versions of the Durametric system, Enthusiast and Pro, with the main difference is that the Enthusiast version is limited to three cars (three VIN's), while the Pro is unlimited. Otherwise they are very much the same with the Pro having some activations that the other version does not. Of all the scan tools on the market, the Durametric is the most capable in dealing with Porsches.
  17. I would wager you have an AOS on the way out; have them hook up a digital manometer to the oil fill cap, you should not have more than 5 inches of water vacuum fully warmed up. If it is higher, or surges, you are in the market for an AOS.
  18. You need more information before replacing the airbag control unit, it may have just lost its connection to the system. You would be better off having the car scanned with a PIWIS to see if it is a coding issue or a real device problem.
  19. Welcome to RennTech You can get more sound, but I seriously doubt you will see any power advantage, regardless of what the adverts say,,,,,,,, It will cost a ton of money to get ANY substantial HP out of the car.
  20. I doubt it is real. If you were leaking that much fuel, you would see or smell it. If the car was running that rich, it would run odd and stink. I think your trip computer is off.
  21. Welcome to RennTech It always helps to provide the car’s model and the symptoms of your problems.
  22. Check your crank position sensor; hard starting when warm is a classic sign of CPS problems.
  23. Does that purge valve stay closed (hold vacuum or pressure)? You check the fuel pressure by attaching a fuel pressure test gauge to the test port on the fuel rail, and then check your pressures running and shut off. Can you use your OBD device to read fuel trims?
  24. I'd start by checking the fuel pressure, then looking at the EVAP purge valve (they can often be cleared with a quick blast of compressed air). I would also look at the fuel trims. I have no idea why they list the MAF, it is not even mentioned in the factory OBD II manual for the car decision tree for diagnosing the codes. Once of the biggest issues with a generic OBD II scanner is they often list fixes that may have worked on a Ford Fiesta, but totally do not pertain to your Porsche. For example, while they do point out valid possibles, I have no idea how replacing a brake booster is going to help an overly rich A/F mixture issue...………..
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