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Everything posted by JFP in PA

  1. Welcome to RennTech Pull the oil filter and look at it, if it is full of metal, you have major problems.
  2. Welcome to RennTech The car is CAN Bus, the audio system is MOST.
  3. Possibly. Pull it and test it.
  4. It is called balancing. If you have been running the car with the tires at 17.4 PSIG (1.2 bar) and 34 PSIG (2.4 bar), I would wager that the front tire flat spots are permanent from the tire breaking up internally from severely low pressure running and overheating. You would have to have the rims checked by a professional rim restoration firm, but they can probably be repaired.
  5. They, and the con rod bolts should both be replaced.
  6. Welcome to RennTech As mentioned elsewhere, Porsche put a lot of time in the design of the existing system, plus the turbo's also dampen even a fully open exhaust note on these engines. It is the nature of running turbos...……..
  7. Depends upon the bulb; LED bulbs have very low internal resistance, which the vehicle will read as a dead bulb. Some have had to add small resistors to the circuit to prevent this.
  8. Common problem. Solution is several traps with peanut butter on the trip lever set around the car. Just remember where you put them........
  9. You need a new mechanic. Adding oil or changing the Tip fluid is a very common process used on several vehicles, so if was too difficult for your wrench, it is time to find a new one. Same applies to the fuel filter. These cars are not that difficult to work on, unless you are lazy or incompetent; then they are a problem.
  10. You should be able to replace individual sensors without any programming.
  11. If replacing the Tip fluid (assuming you replace it with the correct fluid) causes problems, the Tip was already on its way out. Fresh fluid should never hurt anything.
  12. What year is the car? The trans cooler bracket should be removable on the 996:
  13. Bolts 7, 8 , and. 9 hold the case half’s together and should be accessible. At this juncture, I’m afraid I need to ask a question: As Porsche never published this information (as these engines were never supposed to be rebuilt in the field) , exactly what “manual” are you working from?
  14. Is it possible your car has a replacement engine?
  15. These roll pins appeared in several engines, including the 964, 993, and 996 variants, so they should know about them and if they were used in yours.
  16. It is item number #35 in this diagram (inserts into the deck of the engine case) https://nemigaparts.com/cat_spares/pet/porsche/996/21/101050/ Loren may be correct in that not all 3.6L may have used it, which is why the VIN is critical.
  17. Welcome to RennTech Your problem is even bigger: The OEM phones were analog, all North American cellular systems went exclusively digital years ago. The system is a brick, and another example of why not to buy phone or navigation systems from the factory.
  18. Welcome to RennTech No it is not normal, and sounds like either a CV joint or hub bearing is on its way out.
  19. The Pro version does several things that the enthusiast versions do not, such as activation of the cruise control system post delivery. As for coding, two points to remember: First, Durametric is always in a "catch up" mode; Porsche offers no assistance so they have to reverse engineer all of the DME computer codes, so they are nearly constantly adding features as they find out how to access and manipulate them. In recent model years, Porsche has switched DME versions and even suppliers (Bosch to Siemens) on some models, which creates even more things to have to ferret out for Durametric. Secondly, Durametric is a "standalone" system that needs to be manually updated once the code is developed and tested, Porsche meanwhile uses a networked system for the PIWIS; they change the code at the factory and the next time you turn on your PIWIS, it is updated to current automatically.. For probably 90% of DIY end users, the enthusiast version is sufficient, plus is you ever need to go to the Pro version to get one of its unique features, you can update your system to the Pro version for a fee.
  20. The Durametric system is excellent, but cannot do everything that the PIWIS system does. But as for the PIWIS, you cannot purchase a legitimate system, only lease them directly from Porsche. And the first year's lease is $20,000. Any PIWIS units being sold are illegal clones, and could be the older systems which may not fully support later car's such as yours. Also be aware Porsche can actually reach out and kill some clone systems remotely as well. After the earlier debacle with illegitimate PST II systems, the did their homework with the PIWIS, which also now includes their entire library of factory service manuals online as well (Porsche stopped all publications of service manuals around 2005). While the PIWIS is a terrific tool, it is very difficult to justify financially, even for a shop.
  21. I am not a fan of that scan tool as it is know to produce incorrect or even non existent codes at times. I'd suggest getting the vehicle rescanned with a better tool.
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